New Footy game

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I know the hard work put into the thread, but speaking for many, would there be a chance of creating a post with all the features, and all details? It may take alot to do as there is so much, but I can get confused going back through all the pages :p

We're compiling a full feature list at the moment. Once it's done I'll post it, or a link to it up here.
Why does Richmond have excellent off-field potential?

Because the team has an extremely large supporter base, and if they were able to become successful would then in turn become a large membership base. That would then in turn attrach a large amount of sponsorship. That would then in turn....etc etc.

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A Quick Update...

As I mentioned we're putting the finishing touches on the final list of features that have made the cut for version 1. This project is growing and quickly gaining momentum to the point where future versions are likely, so keep the suggestions coming.

In the mean time, you might have noticed that a lot of my posts related to the game have moved from "I" to "we". These guys have been doing a lot of work and deserve a mention, and some thanks...

Some of you may know TeeBee who has been around these boards for a while. He's a talented graphic deisgner, and a good bloke who has been leading the User Interface side of this project for a while now. He's already done some fantastic design work - some of which will surface soon - as well as giving tremendous help with the planning and structuring of the project that goes on behind the scenes.

Waspy, whose artwork you might have seen on some logos posted on Bigfooty a while back, has been sensational with his thoughts and ideas, enthusiasm and atrwork as well as his work with player ratings - thanks mate!

Thanks also to Rumblah, Davey_Magic and SouthSwans who have been doing some work on player ratings.

We still have room for a few more people with some spare time and knowledge who want to become a part of something big, and more importantly just love their footy. PM me if you feel like you have some skills to offer, or want to help with some research and player ratings.

I'm a bit of a latecomer to this thread so please forgive me if some of what I post is a bit repetitive but I hope I can offer something constructive as I'd love to see an AFL game in this style reach its full potential as both TAR and FF (although good efforts by amateurs) have substantial flaws in certain areas.
I've played thousands of hours of sports/text management sims from both Europe and the US and I concur that the CM/FM and Eastside style has much going for it but I would like to suggest that in relation AFL, Front Office Football would be the game to most closely follow.
Firstly, the drafting system used is terrific, late pick superstars and early pick busts are well hidden provoke a nice emotional response when developed or discovered, sometimes over multiple seasons.
Secondly the trading model works very effectively, early draft picks and star players are appropriately valued and the AI is not easilied manipulated into obviously unbalanced trades.
Thirdly and perhaps most importantly the key to both these systems and the structure of the game as a whole is the player attribute and scouting system wherein a large number of player attributes (about 80 from memory including game situational and personality) are distilled down into a few observable measures for both actual and potential rating.
These ratings are presented to you through the 'eyes' of your scouts and coaches and hence the real value for a specific player attribute is never revealed but only filtered by the scouting/coaching system. As each team has different scouts and coaches they value players differently, from the very slightly in the case of veterens and established stars to significantly for fringe players and youngsters. This creates a terrific realistic edge to the gameplay.
Finally if I could also suggest that the game be realistically playable in both general manager mode (where you employ a head coach) and as a head coach/GM that calls the shots on game day.
I hope this is achievable because my knowledge of game design is minimal and I don't want to set you too great a task.

Many thanks again for your effort.

Edit: Sorry forgot to add also the salary cap management in FOF is well handled too and applies equally to AFL
I'm a bit of a latecomer to this thread so please forgive me if some of what I post is a bit repetitive but I hope I can offer something constructive as I'd love to see an AFL game in this style reach its full potential as both TAR and FF (although good efforts by amateurs) have substantial flaws in certain areas.
I've played thousands of hours of sports/text management sims from both Europe and the US and I concur that the CM/FM and Eastside style has much going for it but I would like to suggest that in relation AFL, Front Office Football would be the game to most closely follow.
Firstly, the drafting system used is terrific, late pick superstars and early pick busts are well hidden provoke a nice emotional response when developed or discovered, sometimes over multiple seasons.
Secondly the trading model works very effectively, early draft picks and star players are appropriately valued and the AI is not easilied manipulated into obviously unbalanced trades.
Thirdly and perhaps most importantly the key to both these systems and the structure of the game as a whole is the player attribute and scouting system wherein a large number of player attributes (about 80 from memory including game situational and personality) are distilled down into a few observable measures for both actual and potential rating.
These ratings are presented to you through the 'eyes' of your scouts and coaches and hence the real value for a specific player attribute is never revealed but only filtered by the scouting/coaching system. As each team has different scouts and coaches they value players differently, from the very slightly in the case of veterens and established stars to significantly for fringe players and youngsters. This creates a terrific realistic edge to the gameplay.
Finally if I could also suggest that the game be realistically playable in both general manager mode (where you employ a head coach) and as a head coach/GM that calls the shots on game day.
I hope this is achievable because my knowledge of game design is minimal and I don't want to set you too great a task.

Many thanks again for your effort.

Edit: Sorry forgot to add also the salary cap management in FOF is well handled too and applies equally to AFL

G'day Adoyle,

Thanks for the comments mate, and sorry for the slow reply. It's been a busy couple of weeks.

I agree that the drafting and trading model is extremely important. There's plenty of time and focus going into it, and I can guaruntee you it'll be the most detailed and realistic system ever seen in an AFL management game. We have some very good ideas on implementations for scouting out, then developing players which i think will make for a great gaming experience.

The plan for future versions is for the game to be playable in a number of different modes, as has been requested by many people. General Manager mode will be one of them. This version will be playable only in Coach mode.
You'll be in charge of the footy department, hire staff, train and develop players, work with scouts & make draft selections - and of course match day coaching will be prominent.
We're aiming to stay as close to reality as possible. (without infringing AFL copyright or trademarks)

G'day guys,

Development is progressing nicely, and things are really starting to take shape. We're looking to start kicking things along a little quicker, which means finding some more people who are interested in doing a little work on the project.
What we're looking for is people with a lot of time on their hands, plenty of enthusiasm and who naturally love their footy.
If you're keen and think you have something to offer, from help with player ratings and testing to specialist skills which you think might be useful send me a PM with some details.

One thing that I really hope that you guys can get right with this game is playability. FF FX sounds like the best game in the world with all of it's amazing features...but it just gets tedious, takes too long, the match-day is crap and you have to either play all of it the super-quick way or the super-long way. TAR could use some new features and more stats, but it is so user-friendly and flexible in terms of how much time you want to put into it.

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WOW! I just came across this thread! Yeeha something more developed than TAR!!


im at work at the moment so im going to go away and think of a few suggestions which could be good for this new version of the game.

well done Ad76. if you need any help designing the visual side of things please let me know. - no charge

Been a while so the game must be coming along nicely now I would imagine...

Great question! They have a website but last official update was September 7th. on main page and some general chat on the forum - but no new screenshots or features yet.

I have fingers crossed that development is still going well
Great question! They have a website but last official update was September 7th. on main page and some general chat on the forum - but no new screenshots or features yet.

I have fingers crossed that development is still going well

Oh really? Whats the web address? Wouldn't mind checking it out...

Adam is still working hard on the game, so don't worry about it.

Thanks Damian!

Yep, i can assure you that even though there hasnt been much in the way of updates to show, development is still moving forward and the project is very much alive.

Travis, who has been doing the graphic design work recently started a new job, and I've had a busy few months at work with a release of the product that I work on. As a result, a lot of my time spent recently has been on AI and other aspects that cant be shown in screenshots.

It's a giant project, and we've raised the bar on what I originally had planned both graphically, and in depth and complexity. Since all of the actual development is done only by me, it makes progress a little slow at times - especially since life outside of this and work is still going on - but I can assure you that things are still moving forward, and that the result that you see will go beyond anything that you'd hoped to see when i first started this thread.

Keep tabs on the website, and particularly the forum there for the most up to date information, as I dont check back to bigfooty as often.

Does anyone know how much will the game be? or is it for free?

pssst (shh so ad76 doesnt see this lol) someone pm me if the game will eventually be available for torrent, limewire etc? and if there will be crack files for the game (this is of course if the game isnt for free)
Does anyone know how much will the game be? or is it for free?

pssst (shh so ad76 doesnt see this lol) someone pm me if the game will eventually be available for torrent, limewire etc? and if there will be crack files for the game (this is of course if the game isnt for free)

The price isn't a great lot (It's in this thread somewhere if you search) and I think Ad has said that he's only charging to cover the costs of making it so why not buy it?

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New Footy game

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