NFNL Div 3 2019

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B Power from sth Morang gets three weeks for a hip and shoulder no free kick on the day
Also paper puts photos of the bump in the paper
But laurimar have new policy if any of there players get injured they will report to the league weak as piss from them and the league
How's it compare to this one from a Kilmore v Sth Morang game earlier this season? Free kick only, no yellow card or report. (Photo courtesy of North Central Review) image.jpeg
B Power from sth Morang gets three weeks for a hip and shoulder no free kick on the day
Also paper puts photos of the bump in the paper
But laurimar have new policy if any of there players get injured they will report to the league weak as piss from them and the league
Scared Morang will challenge them come finals so doing anything they can to stop them. Would hate to be knocked out by them a second time around.

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Dont stress boys, inconsistencies in local level Australian Rules will happen, especially when they are also prevelant at the highest level of the new hybrid game we all watch on the TV .... called "AFL Football."

I had an U14 lad up home the other week arrive late as his opponent kicked ball into Yarrambat's F50, purely all body.
Umpire paid down the field as per the rules, shot on goal (no drama's it was correct) then the bloke 60 yards away run in and issues a yellow.
Spoke with opposition post match, they too miffed at it all, player wasn't hurt, and the action was all through the torso not high.

The lad had already received a card earlier in the season for same offence, meaning he was to be suspended.
We'd been working on his technique as he's new to the game from interstate.
Waiting waiting on the Monday for something from the league, nothing arrives, when I wanted to dispute it or at the least seek some form of feedback from the umpires etc more for the education of the lad (and our club) .... nothing.

Thursday/Friday we receive information that player is suspended and all lodgements are to have been received by 5pm the Monday after the game.
Bit bloody hard when you don't actually receive notification.

I love helping and trying to improve junior players, coaches, volunteers, clubs etc but my first hands on taste this year with a new league has been at times a bit disenchanting.
Given we donate our time purely for the love, attend workshops to not only represent (but learn) as opposed to doing it for an actual living it's any wonder the game is on the slide at grassroots level.
This isn't a go at the NFNL as from the stuff Ive attended they're havign a pretty good go and do it a bit better from where we have come across from, it just seems even at league level they too are a bit hamstrung as to getting it done with the resources at their disposal.
Given each AFL club is responsible for growing the game within their respective NGA catchments, are our AFL Vic Hubs getting all they tools they need from above?

Also, having been (in the past) used to having it within a week, I'm still awaiting feedback from Rep Programs so I can sit with players, parents and their coaches re: their area's of improvement. Gunna make it tough when we're running out of weeks to actually put a plan in place ha ha.

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B Power from sth Morang gets three weeks for a hip and shoulder no free kick on the day
Also paper puts photos of the bump in the paper
But laurimar have new policy if any of there players get injured they will report to the league weak as piss from them and the league

Pretty poor policy by Laurimar, bloody give ups. Leave it up the umpires to protect the players, that is their job and I think they do a pretty good job of it. Even worse by the league to pull out a video and find a report from nothing, again the umpire would be in the best view of the incident to make a decision on a report, a card, a free kick or in this case play on.
Pretty poor policy by Laurimar, bloody give ups. Leave it up the umpires to protect the players, that is their job and I think they do a pretty good job of it. Even worse by the league to pull out a video and find a report from nothing, again the umpire would be in the best view of the incident to make a decision on a report, a card, a free kick or in this case play on.

Get ur facts straight, as mentioned reported by NFNL Match Review Panel. How are Laurimar at fault?

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Get ur facts straight, as mentioned reported by NFNL Match Review Panel. How are Laurimar at fault?

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I think you only need to go to McDougall's comments in NFNL podcast 3 weeks ago (post the Nth Heid vs MacLeod game) and he clearly made the statement "we never look at match video unless referred to us by umpires or participating clubs". I pretty sure the umpires didnt have a flashback midweek, days after the match. And dont think Morang put in their own player. So you dont need to be a rocket scientist to work it out.
In saying that, Laurimar are entitled to put a player in if they think it was an appalling act. But seriously, was it? I took a good look at it - and I agree with 10571Z it was a fraction late - but it was a hip and shoulder, one foot planted on ground and no Laurimar player remonstrated. Umpires didnt blink. If they start giving out weeks instead of free kicks for late hip & shoulders, we may as well take the F out of NFNL. I feel for this kid having 3 weeks against his name for that. Hope Morang appeal it.
I think you only need to go to McDougall's comments in NFNL podcast 3 weeks ago (post the Nth Heid vs MacLeod game) and he clearly made the statement "we never look at match video unless referred to us by umpires or participating clubs". I pretty sure the umpires didnt have a flashback midweek, days after the match. And dont think Morang put in their own player. So you dont need to be a rocket scientist to work it out.
In saying that, Laurimar are entitled to put a player in if they think it was an appalling act. But seriously, was it? I took a good look at it - and I agree with 10571Z it was a fraction late - but it was a hip and shoulder, one foot planted on ground and no Laurimar player remonstrated. Umpires didnt blink. If they start giving out weeks instead of free kicks for late hip & shoulders, we may as well take the F out of NFNL. I feel for this kid having 3 weeks against his name for that. Hope Morang appeal it.
They would have determined it out of play. It’s like Mark Yeats his in the 1989 grand final. You can’t just blindside a player and take them out.
B Power from sth Morang gets three weeks for a hip and shoulder no free kick on the day
Also paper puts photos of the bump in the paper
But laurimar have new policy if any of there players get injured they will report to the league weak as piss from them and the league
Bury your head in shame Screenshot_20190703-131329_Google.jpeg Screenshot_20190703-130726_Google.jpeg Screenshot_20190703-131137_Google.jpeg Screenshot_20190703-133419_Google.jpeg Screenshot_20190703-133823_Google.jpeg Screenshot_20190703-133950_Google.jpeg

On SM-G960F using mobile app
B Power from sth Morang gets three weeks for a hip and shoulder no free kick on the day
Also paper puts photos of the bump in the paper
But laurimar have new policy if any of there players get injured they will report to the league weak as piss from them and the league
New policy? So are you part of the club and know that they have this ‘new policy’
that’s hilarious coming from someone who supports a club like Morang, great track record they have, so again, do you know it’s a new ‘club policy’ or you just stirring the pot which would be typical from a club like South Morang, if that club looked after the outstanding juniors they’ve had for the last 15+ years then this conversation wouldn’t be happening cause they’d most likely be in Div 1, that clubs always been shit and have bigger issues than an oppositions so called ‘new policy’
LOL where are all your great juniors from the previous 4 years. Kicking goals at other clubs. I wish I have the almanac and see your rabble club in the next 10 years you will be that club known as should've could've couldn't do it
New policy? So are you part of the club and know that they have this ‘new policy’

that’s hilarious coming from someone who supports a club like Morang, great track record they have, so again, do you know it’s a new ‘club policy’ or you just stirring the pot which would be typical from a club like South Morang, if that club looked after the outstanding juniors they’ve had for the last 15+ years then this conversation wouldn’t be happening cause they’d most likely be in Div 1, that clubs always been s**t and have bigger issues than an oppositions so called ‘new policy’

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LOL where are all your great juniors from the previous 4 years. Kicking goals at other clubs. I wish I have the almanac and see your rabble club in the next 10 years you will be that club known as should've could've couldn't do it

On SM-G960F using mobile app

Drop some of those names please, I got no idea.
Also if u have that almanac look up South Morang , the club u describe has existed for many years 🤣🤣

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LOL where are all your great juniors from the previous 4 years. Kicking goals at other clubs. I wish I have the almanac and see your rabble club in the next 10 years you will be that club known as should've could've couldn't do it

On SM-G960F using mobile app
Mate you really have no clue do you, the original juniors at Laurimar are still only 17-18 as they started in 2011 in under 10’s and their seniors are made up of about 7-8 of those 18 year olds and they had another 3 17 year olds playing on Saturday so they’re already on the right track, (time will tell though) SM been around what, 60+ years? and still can’t get it right so to say another club will be “should’ve could’ve couldn’t do it” coming from you is laughable, I’d put my money on Laurimar though mate 👍
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Mate you really have no clue do you, the original juniors at Laurimar are still only 17-18 as they started in 2011 in under 10’s and their seniors are made up of about 7-8 of those 18 year olds and they had another 3 17 year olds playing on Saturday so they’re already on the right track, (time will tell though) SM been around what, 60+ years? and still can’t get it right so to say another club will be “should’ve could’ve couldn’t do it” coming from you is laughable, I’d put my money on Laurimar though mate

On SM-G960F using mobile app
Good rebuttal mate, that’s about the intellect I’d expect, see ya 👍

Thomas McMahon won’t be at laurimar for long, these young guys will live the fate of all of Morangs young guns -poached to higher divisions. If you blokes don’t win it this year good luck with the retention
They would have determined it out of play. It’s like Mark Yeats his in the 1989 grand final. You can’t just blindside a player and take them out.
It makes me wonder why the NFNL aren't like other leagues I've been involved with, where if you receive a red or yellow card you are not replaced. It can stop the situation where you can select a thug in your side for a grand final, have him take out the opposition's best player, then he gets replaced by a better player once he's red carded.
Geez I have missed a bit, everyone gone a bit serious..!!

Now to even more serious matters!!

Can Mernda make the top 4??

The way I see it will have to knock off one of either Kilmore, Laurimar or Panton Hill and hope sth don’t beat any of them..

And win the games they should ..!!

And then they will be finals bound ..!!!

Any thoughts ??

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Get ur facts straight, as mentioned reported by NFNL Match Review Panel. How are Laurimar at fault?

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I didn’t say that Laurimar had anything to do with the bloke getting 3 weeks in this particular case. Just that, as mentioned, Laurimar have a new policy where they will be reporting to the league to review what happened if any player is injured and that I think that they are a bunch of give ups for doing so.
Good rebuttal mate, that’s about the intellect I’d expect from
Thomas McMahon won’t be at laurimar for long, these young guys will live the fate of all of Morangs young guns -poached to higher divisions. If you blokes don’t win it this year good luck with the retention
He’s a great kid and I couldn’t imagine the club holding any of the young guns back from playing a higher standard, the thing they have in their favour is that the juniors have only just started playing senior football at 17 to 19 and they are sitting on top, no doubt they’ll lose players to higher standards and good on them for doing so but the number of juniors coming through haven’t even really started, you’ll be surprised at how much a new club can learn from the existing clubs
I didn’t say that Laurimar had anything to do with the bloke getting 3 weeks in this particular case. Just that, as mentioned, Laurimar have a new policy where they will be reporting to the league to review what happened if any player is injured and that I think that they are a bunch of give ups for doing so.

I’m unaware of this new “policy” u speak of , obviously u have u finger closer to the pulse there?
Anyway if anyone is injured is there any issue with the MRP review, if nothing wrong then no problems i would have thought?

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Geez I have missed a bit, everyone gone a bit serious..!!

Now to even more serious matters!!

Can Mernda make the top 4??

The way I see it will have to knock off one of either Kilmore, Laurimar or Panton Hill and hope sth don’t beat any of them..

And win the games they should ..!!

And then they will be finals bound ..!!!

Any thoughts ??

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I reckon five or six more wins is going to have to be the benchmark for one of the three clubs fighting it out for 4th. Morang with the half-game makes it interesting and it'll be most intriguing to see what happens when Lalor and Old Eltham host them given they struggled to beat/get a result against both of them at home.

West have Reservoir and Old Eltham coming up but that last month is pretty brutal for them. Need to bank these next two to give themselves a fighting shot at it. Reckon Old Eltham would fancy themselves at home against West given they matched up well against them for long stages last time.

As for us... who knows? We cannot afford to give Hill a big start like we did last time.

And as we found out the hard way in 2016 (and to an extent 2018), % is crucial...
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