Nic Naitanui urges public to ‘grow together’ after mother paints son’s skin for Book Week parade

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There's a difference between Sam Newman doing it to send up Nicky Winmar and a kid doing it to dress up as his footy hero.

Seriously, using make-up to make yourself look darker doesn't automatically make it "blackface"

Be careful here. There are about 2-3 million young white women in this country with spray tans who may be racist! How can we tell?
The collective delusion of a mass of people bullying a woman due to their cultural appropriation of an American taboo, that didn't even specifically resemble that taboo, is amazing.

People are nuts, but their self-aggrandising morality play makes them feel good so I guess that's cool. This is the new Victorian era, except with less reliable trains.

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The collective delusion of a mass of people bullying a woman due to their cultural appropriation of an American taboo, that didn't even specifically resemble that taboo, is amazing.

People are nuts.

The media love shit like this, it's just sensationalist rubbish they can spew an uneducated opinion on. Far easier to point at this as an example of racism, far less easy to do your job as a journo and run with stories of real racism such as the plight of indigenous people with 3rd world living standards or Sudanese migrants suffering discrimination from public institutions.
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The collective delusion of a mass of people bullying a woman due to their cultural appropriation of an American taboo, that didn't even specifically resemble that taboo, is amazing.

People are nuts, but their self-aggrandising morality play makes them feel good so I guess that's cool. This is the new Victorian era, except with less reliable trains.

Tell it to Nicnat, he started it.
Seriously, using make-up to make yourself look darker doesn't automatically make it "blackface"
Painting your skin darker to portray yourself as a black person is basically the definition of blackface.

Be careful here. There are about 2-3 million young white women in this country with spray tans who may be racist! How can we tell?
Good God.
The media love shit like this, it's just sensationalist rubbish they can speed an uneducated opinion on. Far easier to point at this as an example of racism, far less easy to do your job as a journo and run with stories of real racism such as the plight of indigenous people with 3rd world living standards or Sudanese migrants suffering discrimination from public institutions.

This is a good point even though I don't share your reason for bringing it up.

Take for example when our national broadcaster ran stories of child abuse in indigenous communities. This was dictated to the ABC by the sitting government (Howard), and became a "national crisis"to the point the army was sent in to remove indigenous people from their land.

As time passed, the allegations of child abuse were proven false. And in fact, it was proven that they were fabricated by the government to remove those people from their land for the purpose of mining speculation.

And yet nothing from the mainstream and public media...

That's some genuinely racist capitalist bullshit that was more or less forgotten by most Australians.
This thread has devolved into a melt, that's about 20 pages too long.

-Nic Nat did the right thing, was classy in his response and his offer of explanation to the mother and son should be applauded (as opposed to the demonising that has been directed at young kids in the past)
-The mother is an idiot in putting her own son in that situation, knowing FULL WELL the consequences
-Don't mistake your hate of bloggers like Constance Hall et al, with your new found dislike of Nic Nat. The two aren't mutually exclusive

The outraged minority will always be outraged, it's important to see the difference between people who are willing to make an appreciable difference like Nic Nat, and those that are social media crusaders who make a crust from page views

Nic Nat has been the recipient of real and down right disgusting racism on this forum, facebook comments (Re: The West Australian/Perth now etc.) and at Derbys. For him to extend a pretty sizable olive branch all the while having been at the pointy end of the conversation all his life shows the real class and good will of the bloke.
I find it disgusting that as a nation we are at the point that we are so americanised now that we have to find examples of their racist past to become all up in arms about.

Blackface has no history in this country as a form of racism. It is not tied to the indigenous people of this country in any way. In this instance we have a child whose idle is a big man of fijian heritage (where guess what, blackface also has no history or relevance to racism) and only wants to dress up as close as his can to his idle and here we have thousands of privileged (mostly) white people all up in arms about how it offends black people.

You want to get upset with anyone? Get upset with the social media blogger dickhead. Not the kid or the mum who in reality just wants her kid to feel special.

(so people know im a mainly white person with a grandmother who is a full blooded aboriginal), the mother of my children is 1/4 american indian and my wife now is fijian and of indian heritage)

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I'm just completely dumbfounded that he "won the parade". By being in black face in a school. As a footy player during book week.

Wtf kind of school is this?
This was my thought exactly! And to be fair, the costume wasnt really even that good. Must have had some very poor costumes at the school!
I don't understand how this is an issue. The kid simply want to be like the football player he idolizes.

I am aware of most of the history behind 'blackface', particularly that of the 20th century in the south-eastern states of the USA. How a set of laws based on a particular character aimed to make a mockery of the minority. Life for African-Americans (especially in the 1940's and 1950's) was very hard, and you did not have to be there to think it. The thirteenth amendment to the US constitution had evolved over time yet was believed to have not completely worked the way it was expected by many to. While slavery of African-Americans was removed, equal treatment (despite segregation) did not seem to be the case, with the facilities they received having been of poor condition and them being forced to sit at the very back when it came to public transportation.
Australia has its fair share of racial mistreatment (whether it is 'Blackface' or something else), having been formed by a British colony which included wiping out an entire race of Indigenous land-owners. Over time, this mistreatment had slowly began to die out as the growing country began welcoming different nationalities, thus to this day helping us become the multicultural place on Earth it is today.
It should be the norm for all people to approve and accept people of different race. The next stage is approving of different beliefs and religions. Why should one moron have the power to spark another debate about something that should not be a problem anymore IN AUSTRALIA? Political correctness is an issue as it is either one or a few people (who honestly don't need to be offended) complaining about something without a proper understanding. It can lead to not only Australia but many places becoming too soft and thin-skinned?

The mother's actions of posting it on social media will always be controversial, but her intentions were to inform us that she meant no harm (though I suppose there are always going to be different types of idiots on social media who make mountains out of molehills. So posting on social media was probably not a good idea). She is not aiming to ridicule black communities nor does she seem to try and seek attention. Her kid is obviously a big fan of Naitinui and wants to show his appreciation (and apparently win a school contest as well). It would be different if the child was acting stupid in front of classmates, dressed like that. That is when I would show concern.

How Nic Naitanui dealt with the issue only makes me love him even more? Not just a great football player but a great person in general.

I love people of all races who mean no harm to anybody else. I show a great amount of respect to indigenous communities and other nationalities (whether it is Samoa, Fiji, Indonesia, etc.). I don't judge people for who they are, but for what they do.
I just think this family looks to have done nothing wrong for people to get offended.
You're against people voicing their being pissed off at racism?
Actually not.. But hey, whatever rocks your boat.

Racist, bigot, ***phobe, etc. are all names for Satan in the new leftist religion. They think that if they just lump up into a large herd of group-think and collectively call you a racist, then it must br true. Their religion is validated!
Neither the child or Nic Nat have been alive long enough to know black face?
Taking offense on the behalf of others is just laughable, and why all these silly themed rounds the AFL comes up with no one takes seriously either.
This women knew it was going to offend people but did it anyway.

She knew it was racist but did it anyway.

That tells you all you need to know about this rocket scientist before the usual types try and defend her.

No she didn't.

Sounds like she did what her child asked for and maybe wondered if it would be taken the wrong way.

Obviously the kid loves Naitanui and would love to be just like him. How is that racist?

A kid dresses up as his hero?

People need to stop automatically thinking the worst of a situation.
And I just looked up the definition of racism from the Oxford dictionary.
If someone could please post it as I don't know how to do this.

Anyhow, I'm sick of the term racism being bandied about any time something like this occurs.
I'd like a link to be established between what the young fella did, and the definition of racism.

Convince me it was racist.

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Nic Naitanui urges public to ‘grow together’ after mother paints son’s skin for Book Week parade

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