Mega Thread Nick Daicos - Can he be the GOAT? Part 2

How’s the fawning over this bloke by Collingwood sycophants.

It’s actually slightly disturbing.

The bloke could murder someone and you’d be defending him and calling for his innocence.

You're the epitome of a Melbourne Supporter. You have no emotional attachment to the football club and see your players of temporary employees of a business. I guess it makes it easier when you abandon the club for Thredbo in August.
You're the epitome of a Melbourne Supporter. You have no emotional attachment to the football club and see your players of temporary employees of a business. I guess it makes it easier when you abandon the club for Thredbo in August.
Why would I be emotionally connected to a football club? I have absolutely no control over what happens or what eventuates in a period between when a game starts or finishes. If you’re emotionally invested in a football club then I dare say your priorities are skewed and your life lacks some serious meaning.

It’s like the Carlton nuffies abusing the players after round one. You lot would eat your own at the drop of a hat.
Or a hit out :cool:.

My Porche has never towed a caravan either.
Still doesn't make stop it from being awesome.
Hitouts aren't a relevant stat for mids/half-backs.

Using your Porsche analogy, although it doesn't have to tow a caravan (i.e. do everything), it still needs to be able to drive on a somewhat bumpy road. Contested marks are a relevant stat for midfielders (not the most important obviously, but still relevant), and I'd argue that Daicos is the single worst player in the AFL when it comes to an aerial contest.
I'm agreeing with you. Ablett Jr was the most recent example but Matthews, Carey, Ablett x2 and others I'm sure will always be better than the little seagull.
If I recall, some neutrals tried to paint Ablett jr as a seagull for getting a lot of 1-2 handball receives too.
Judd over Ablett for mine. Judd had to reinvent himself after the OP and completely changed how he played and won a second Brownlow
Judd is a champion but 5 Leigh Matthews trophies and 3 AFLCA MVPs for Ablett Jr is remarkable
I'm agreeing with you. Ablett Jr was the most recent example but Matthews, Carey, Ablett x2 and others I'm sure will always be better than the little seagull.
Thread title mentions the Greatest of all time.

Carey and Ablett aren’t in the conversation.
You need a very specific type of player to tag him. Just like tagging Cripps.

Cripps you need a huge muscly dope who's only goal is to wrestle him and prevent getting near the ball at speed. Daicos you need someone who's extremely nimble and also has a huge tank because he doesn't get caught in the scrap of a contest, he just pounces on loose balls.

Few teams have either type to effectively tag either player.

Part of what made Dusty so great was you realistically needed someone who could adequately play on ball and also be able to go 1 out against him in the forward line. Michael Hibberd was about the closest anyone got at the time, he was pretty much the impossible match up for any team to stop at his best.

There's a lot of very good kids around at the moment, but to me Rankine and Reid are the two with the potential to hit similar heights to what Nick will hit, as those 3 are all brilliant and have that something extra athletically that can make them so hard to stop. Rankine and Reid obviously need to get their kms up to be involved as much as Nick is.
lol imagine not thinking Carey or Ablett aren't part of the GOAT conversation, I mean, I'm not old, I was a kid watching them, but they were unstoppable and freakish. 2 of the greatest forwards to have ever played, and yes I have them ahead of Lockett and Dunstall, those guys were 1 dimensional lead up forwards with big frames and a top tier set shot.

Carey and Ablett were on another level, I have Carey ahead of Ablett, we'll never see the like again.

Now modern era, Ablett Jnr takes the cake.

Prior era's, it was easier to dominate because it wasn't a professional sport, the players weren't full time, they were tradies that played footy on the weekend, so it was easier for Matthews to dominate and get such stupid numbers.

Zero chance Matthews gets those numbers these days, you look at his highlights, he's just an average footballer and his opposition are laughable amateurs. You stick a modern defender on him, he would barely touch it.
Weekly reminder that Nick Daicos still hasn't taken a contested mark.

The way he plays and his physical profile he may never take one.

I never seen Leo Messi win a contested header, and his the GOAT.

Last night only three mids took a CM, and on Thursday only two mid took a CM. The team that is premiership favourite had one contested mark from the midfield.

I don't think you realise how unimportant contested marks by midfielders are.
Did the internet even exist that long ago? Stop living in the past boomer ;)

It did... And in fact, I remember saying after his second season that Jnr will be the best player in the AFL... and getting laughed at by none other than Geelong supporters too, who at the time thought it was a ridiculous statement.

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Mega Thread Nick Daicos - Can he be the GOAT? Part 2

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