No ASADA appeal; files sent to WADA. WADA deadline about May 11th

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It's pretty funny. Everyone, everyone, has said that an Asada appeal would be a waste of time.

1. Because they don't have any new evidence nor capacity to compel witnesses and

2. Because it would just be appealed to CAS anyway irrespective of the result.

So Asada don't appeal and the Duffel Coat Wearers are all over the HTB claiming victory and gloating.

I used to feel sorry for you. I guess I do now but for very different reasons.
We will let the law handle that, we wont hamper and appeal the process all the way either.
Perhaps the court of law actually offers a fair process... unlike the AFL / ASADA political sham. Proved to be the case... the darkest day in Aust sport... yet not nearly enough evidence to even prove...

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If WADA decides not to appeal then I will accept the decision.
Yeh this is it for me, if they don't appeal, I'll accept that ASADA don't have enough of a case to convict. Will never accept them as innocent, as that will never be proven, but I'll accept them as not guilty based on the case provided.
Perhaps the court of law actually offers a fair process... unlike the AFL / ASADA political sham. Proved to be the case... the darkest day in Aust sport... yet not nearly enough evidence to even prove...

Then I presume you are looking forward to WADA and in turn CAS taking a look and putting an end to this once and for all
Circumstances are different this time. We'll see if the horse makes it to the finish line.
They sure are.

Essendon players don't gift wrap a guilty plea to ASADA. Even with a guilty plea WADA didn't intervene, I'm sure they will with a not guilty verdict.
I don't think this is a surprise.

I think McD is conceding that under the appeals process he doesn't have a case.

ASADA cannot subpoena witnesses to generate new evidence under oath, WADA can but will they ($$$)? If WADA don't appeal there is lots of egg on ASADA faces.

Fundamentally is there evidence of specific players getting "Thymosin" in the range of dates correlating with the first batch of TB4? if not then why appeal just to get further down the chain and be stopped.

I still don't understand why individuals and club doctor are not sanctioned under the failure to keep records clauses of the code not a huge penalty still an easy win.
Looking desperate now mate!!! I cannot believe that Dank got found guilty of charges relating to Carlton FC... I wont a full inquiry into that club. Open up CFC just like essendon was and I bet you have the same quality controls in place at the same time... probably worse in fact as the club is a basket case basically.

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Then I presume you are looking forward to WADA and in turn CAS taking a look and putting an end to this once and for all
Yeah I am actually. So tell me... why would WADA possibly have a stronger case than McD did? smokes and mirrors mate to justify the whole political saga... yet nothing close to any evidence to prove performance enhancing drugs.
I was hoping for an ASADA appeal, because I like the word ASADA because it sounds a bit like something to put on a Taco.

WADA always sounds a bit like a backward, pre-lingual child trying to get an important message across and failing.

Thanks for your time. Back to the intense and informed stuff now.
I should mention here - I have no doubt at all that ASADA and WADA have and are having all sorts of chattsies and so forth. No doubt this is a 'joint' decision to some extent, and its not impossible that the two parties have already agreed that any appeal will be at CAS and lead by WADA.

Or not. I don't really know.

Anyhoo... fun for all waiting to see whether WADA springs. Over the top. Like a cheetah on a lonely faun. Leaping over something - that would be probably something like a log or a sleeping Hippopotamus.
21 days from today we shall know.
I was hoping for an ASADA appeal, because I like the word ASADA because it sounds a bit like something to put on a Taco.

WADA always sounds a bit like a backward, pre-lingual child trying to get an important message across and failing.

Thanks for your time. Back to the intense and informed stuff now.
Probably the most sensible thing I've read on here.
Yeah I am actually. So tell me... why would WADA possibly have a stronger case than McD did? smokes and mirrors mate to justify the whole political saga... yet nothing close to any evidence to prove performance enhancing drugs.

WADA have the power to summon witnesses - alvi, dank and charters will need to appear to start with.
essendon will have to show what was injected - "we don't know what it was, but we do know it wasn't TB4" won't cut it.
WADA have the power to summon witnesses - alvi, dank and charters will need to appear to start with.
essendon will have to show what was injected - "we don't know what it was, but we do know it wasn't TB4" won't cut it.
incorrect on both counts buddy.
Another 21 days you guys can live in hope. Maybe you guys should wait 28 days

Yeah look out for WADA... they must have that smoking gun that ASADA didnt have. Game over mate... ASADA's case was non-existent... and WADA will take on this evidence, so good luck with that. BOOM!

CAS will set the bar of comfortable satisfaction much lower as they often do. That Chinese Shipment that the Tribunal couldn't find to be comfortably satisfied was TB4 is a alot more likely to find comfortable satisfaction at the CAS. That's all it'll take. WADA appeal about 40 cases a year on average and CAS have certainly overturn quite a few "home town decisions" in the past.

They'll appeal alot more of Danks judgement too. A few of those were blatantly wrong, especially the not guilty on attemting to adminsiter TB4 to the players. We know he injected the players with whateverrt was in that chinese shipment. Also, after Bomber's interview on 3aw we know hexarelin was on the club's premises despite Dank being cleared of that.

It's possible (not necessarily so though) a CAS decision could be embarrassing for the AFL Tribunal.

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No ASADA appeal; files sent to WADA. WADA deadline about May 11th

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