Non-Lions Footy Discussion

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What sort of punishment would be appropriate for Martin? I don't remember what punishments were given for those who did commit assault, I sort of see threats as slightly less serious than that. With the current discussion on domestic violence what sort of line do Richmond/AFL need to take?

He has been a very bad boy has Dusty for a number of years, he has had quite a few second chances. This one, if the media reports are correct - "standing over a woman threatening to stab her in the eye with a chop stick and holding it up and threatening her, then punching the wall beside her head", is very serious in its own right but on his previous record over the last 3 or 4 years needs more appropriate action. Having worked in Domestic Violence threatening behaviour is as severe as actual hitting, its just one has physical scars and the other mental scars but both are serious and long lasting. The standard has been set with the fan from Fremantle - barred for life. Dusty may not have actually hit her but to me that doesn't matter, he was out of control and if it wasn't for his mate he probably would have. I'd suggest 8 games and counselling would be at the light end of appropriate. To miss just the pre-season which a lot of established players do for 2 of the games is just saying violence against women is acceptable. The AFL will be piss weak if they don't fix this issue and now. Was interesting to see the AFL spokesperson had no comment in the article I read.
A very fit and muscular man standing over a much smaller person and threatening to stab them in the eye with a chopstick would be quite traumatic for the victim before we even put gender in the picture. Throw in years of gender imbalance and tacit acceptance of this sort of behaviour as "not that serious" and the AFL's attempts to be progressive in regards to respect for women and they have to punish him hard to be taken seriously.

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I find it disgusting what he did. In all honestly all she was doing was trying to give him a heads up to pull his head in. My cousin has been running into Dusty at 3 - 4am during the off season in clubs that he shouldn't be in. He has been denying photo's with people as he is openly telling people he is breaking his club enforced curfew and he will get busted if photo's appear. He seriously needs a reality check!
Richmond great Kevin Bartlett wants him gone for the full season. The NRL have shown where charges of any sort are proven or a player admits violence against women its a year out. Big decision for the AFL they must suggest to Richmond no more slaps on the wrist.
Richmond great Kevin Bartlett wants him gone for the full season. The NRL have shown where charges of any sort are proven or a player admits violence against women its a year out. Big decision for the AFL they must suggest to Richmond no more slaps on the wrist.

I agree he should get smashed. Those saying that 'acting in a threatening manner means nothing' haven't had a physically imposing drunk towering over them from a power position. The real threat of violence is in itself a violent act.

What I can't see is how Dustin Martin could get through a year away from football without doing something similar or worse. That is not sympathising, just an observation. An extended absence could quite possibly derail his career.

Also, we dodged a bullet when we didn't chase him harder a couple years back. Has Fev Mark 2 all over him, perhaps with a worse outcome.
Richmond great Kevin Bartlett wants him gone for the full season. The NRL have shown where charges of any sort are proven or a player admits violence against women its a year out. Big decision for the AFL they must suggest to Richmond no more slaps on the wrist.

Didn't hear all that KB said, but heard the main part replayed on the way home this arvo.......KB did not hold back, and good on him. Being a great of the Richmond FC, they can't help but listen to what he said.

..also Harford had Bianca Chatfield (netball great) on his show, and wow, she didn't hold back either. Don't know if possible to get a link to her spray, but very interesting listening, because some of what she said relates to all clubs in general. I thought of us.

Her bit on the Martin situation would've been around 3.15pm -3.35 today.

The AFL will have to step in on this one, there has been too much outrage to ignore it. After the namby pamby apology from Martin and insipid response from Richmond yesterday, they have changed their stance this afternoon and will now investigate further.

...what a pathetic creep Martin is.
What sort of punishment would be appropriate for Martin? I don't remember what punishments were given for those who did commit assault, I sort of see threats as slightly less serious than that. With the current discussion on domestic violence what sort of line do Richmond/AFL need to take?
I'm no big city lawyer, but I thought that was assault. I don't know why more hasn't been made of it, to be honest.
(1) A person who strikes, touches, or moves, or otherwise applies force of any kind to, the person of another, either directly or indirectly, without the other person's consent, or with the other person's consent if the consent is obtained by fraud, or who by any bodily act or gesture attempts or threatens to apply force of any kind to the person of another without the other person's consent, under such circumstances that the person making the attempt or threat has actually or apparently a present ability to effect the person's purpose, is said to assault that other person, and the act is called an assault.
If the women ain't pressing charges then it can't be as bad as it seems. The media is going to obviously hammer him because DV is such a big issue right now. And also because of his history he makes a perfect poster boy. Seeing as the women has accepted the apology I don't see any need for further punishment. I am in serious doubt that what the media said happened actually happened or was as intimidating as its being portrayed. Not saying what Dustin did was a good thing but I'd invite everyone to take a step back and think properly before having some pretty knee jerk reactions. The media SENSATIONALISE everything, especially if it suits there current agenda. dustin has apologised, now the women has accepted it. If it was as bad as the media are claiming do you really think an apology is all she'd be after? It seems to me that the victim has moved along with her life. It's the media and supporters all up in arms. I don't think he deserves a ban. this is very different from what Albert proud did.
I'm no big city lawyer, but I thought that was assault. I don't know why more hasn't been made of it, to be honest.
Yeah I read a bit on the main board later that showed the criminal definition of violence and threats like this definitely fall under it.
Still I am curious to how the afl/richmond sanction him. There seems to be many people calling for much harsher punishments than they have in other scenarios. How long was heath Scotland in trouble for?
Worth noting that this incident does not fall within the typical definition/s of domestic violence. I've seen a lot of people drawing a connection between Martin's actions and the growing campaign around domestic violence. To me, there is a big difference between what this woman faced and someone who has to live in fear every day because of the constant threat of abuse that the perpetrator brings. I'm not trying to minimise what Martin did but, in my mind, it is different to domestic violence and so drawing that connection seems a bit artificial.
If the women ain't pressing charges then it can't be as bad as it seems. The media is going to obviously hammer him because DV is such a big issue right now. And also because of his history he makes a perfect poster boy. Seeing as the women has accepted the apology I don't see any need for further punishment. I am in serious doubt that what the media said happened actually happened or was as intimidating as its being portrayed. Not saying what Dustin did was a good thing but I'd invite everyone to take a step back and think properly before having some pretty knee jerk reactions. The media SENSATIONALISE everything, especially if it suits there current agenda. dustin has apologised, now the women has accepted it. If it was as bad as the media are claiming do you really think an apology is all she'd be after? It seems to me that the victim has moved along with her life. It's the media and supporters all up in arms. I don't think he deserves a ban. this is very different from what Albert proud did.

What an incredibly sad post, no wonder we have a domestic violence problem in Australia.

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Worth noting that this incident does not fall within the typical definition/s of domestic violence. I've seen a lot of people drawing a connection between Martin's actions and the growing campaign around domestic violence. To me, there is a big difference between what this woman faced and someone who has to live in fear every day because of the constant threat of abuse that the perpetrator brings. I'm not trying to minimise what Martin did but, in my mind, it is different to domestic violence and so drawing that connection seems a bit artificial.

correct its not domestic violence as they were unknown to each other - this is drunken violence against a woman. Domestic violence or Drunken violence against a woman is still totally unacceptable. Someone has to say it's wrong.
correct its not domestic violence as they were unknown to each other - this is drunken violence against a woman. Domestic violence or Drunken violence against a woman is still totally unacceptable. Someone has to say it's wrong.
I did say I wasn't trying to minimise what Martin did. It just needs to be seen in the correct context.

FWIW, I don't know that the "drunk" part makes any difference. It is not somehow worse because he'd been drinking.

I think most people accept it is wrong. Anyone who doesn't has warped morality.
This wasn't a domestic violence incident mate. See what I mean about knee jerk reactions. Read POBT post above mine. He put it excellently.
No, but I think Clarkythelion is quite reasonably concerned at posts that might minimise the incident. An attempt by a man to intimidate and imply the threat of physical violence against woman may in this case not be 'domestic violence' if we're being semantic, but clearly speaks to at least similar cultural and psychological issues. Imagine the effect of that altercation if she's someone who has previously experienced sustained domestic violence, or if someone who has been in an abusive relationship was in the restaurant and saw it unfold.

Overall, I think suggesting that there should be no further punishment was miles from the mark.
No, but I think Clarkythelion is quite reasonably concerned at posts that might minimise the incident. An attempt by a man to intimidate and imply the threat of physical violence against woman may in this case not be 'domestic violence' if we're being semantic, but clearly speaks to at least similar cultural and psychological issues. Imagine the effect of that altercation if she's someone who has previously experienced sustained domestic violence, or if someone who has been in an abusive relationship was in the restaurant and saw it unfold.

Overall, I think suggesting that there should be no further punishment was miles from the mark.
I am by no means endorsing what Dustin did. All I think is the claims that it was somehow a DV incident are miles off. I also think that the media have sensationalised the hell out of it (first to get on the DV bandwagon when this isn't a DV issue at all). Also the women is happy to accept an apology. Now she hasn't pressed the matter further. I think she would of been able to press assault chargers one of the lawyers around here could correct me on that one. a couple of things that irk me about the reactions around here and the calling for massive bans is ridiculous. Dustin through the court of law has not been charged with a crime. The matter between himself and the women has been resolved with an apology. Now if the women didn't think that was sufficient for what he did im sure charges would of been laid etc. from what the media has claimed he did seems pretty extreme I know. But the media love to as I've said before sensationalise issues if it fits into what they want to spin. Right now Dustin is the perfect poster boy, history of drug use, shady character etc. If no one thinks the media hasn't exaggerated what happened then I'd be shocked. Just like the lewy Taylor thing, what recently has come out is so much more tame and more of a case of wrong place wrong time rather than actually going out and smashing shit. (I admit and apologise for jumping the gun on that one). The trial by media and public is getting insane. If it was really as bad as the media are claiming the women is stupid for not trying to take it further. But she hasn't, she's moved on and I think the media and footy public should too. And any more punishment for dusty is trial by media which I think is absolutely ridiculous.
This wasn't a domestic violence incident mate. See what I mean about knee jerk reactions. Read POBT post above mine. He put it excellently.
It wasn't- people just confuse domestic violence with violence against women in general. That shouldn't minimise the seriousness of what Martin apparently did in any way, and you're flirting with doing that.
I am by no means endorsing what Dustin did. All I think is the claims that it was somehow a DV incident are miles off. I also think that the media have sensationalised the hell out of it (first to get on the DV bandwagon when this isn't a DV issue at all). Also the women is happy to accept an apology. Now she hasn't pressed the matter further. I think she would of been able to press assault chargers one of the lawyers around here could correct me on that one. a couple of things that irk me about the reactions around here and the calling for massive bans is ridiculous. Dustin through the court of law has not been charged with a crime. The matter between himself and the women has been resolved with an apology. Now if the women didn't think that was sufficient for what he did im sure charges would of been laid etc. from what the media has claimed he did seems pretty extreme I know. But the media love to as I've said before sensationalise issues if it fits into what they want to spin. Right now Dustin is the perfect poster boy, history of drug use, shady character etc. If no one thinks the media hasn't exaggerated what happened then I'd be shocked. Just like the lewy Taylor thing, what recently has come out is so much more tame and more of a case of wrong place wrong time rather than actually going out and smashing shit. (I admit and apologise for jumping the gun on that one). The trial by media and public is getting insane. If it was really as bad as the media are claiming the women is stupid for not trying to take it further. But she hasn't, she's moved on and I think the media and footy public should too. And any more punishment for dusty is trial by media which I think is absolutely ridiculous.
Trial by media? Dustin Martin (one the most recognisable footballers in Melbourne) was stupid enough to threaten a woman he didn't know in a restaurant in Melbourne. What the **** do you think is going to happen? He's ****ed, and you'd have to be absolutely clueless to think the AFL is going to be allowed to to let this slide because he issued an insincere apology clearly generated by his management/the club (I'm pretty sure he said he doesn't even remember what happened).
correct its not domestic violence as they were unknown to each other - this is drunken violence against a woman. Domestic violence or Drunken violence against a woman is still totally unacceptable. Someone has to say it's wrong.

And Leemas is also correct in saying that the two issues are absolute worlds apart in terms of their impact on the victim. The media agenda is quite clearly to turn this into a 'violence against women' issue when it is absolutely not the case. This is a drunken idiot getting aggressive and violent at the nearest person who said something to him.
People are actually capable of not being mortally offended and psychologically damaged by incidents like these you know? and the fact that she accepted his apology and hasnt pressed charges shows that there is a significant media beat up factor at work here.
Kick him up the arse, fine him, give him a small ban and make him do some sort of educational course, any more than that is madness IMO
I make no comment about the specific incident because I don't have the facts. However in terms of the link between Domestic Violence and attitudes to women, I would encourage all male posters to look at White Ribbon is about men supporting men to change the general attitude towards women. Speaking out against negative attitudes towards women and violence against women in general is a recognised strategy to reduce domestic violence.

Generally this board has been very strong against Domestic violence, this is another opportunity to have a think about what you can do about it in your non-Bigfooty life.
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