Mod. Notice Now Taking Moderator Applications

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Do you want to help out the board, do you think you have something to offer or new ideas?

Send the 4 of us a pm with a quick paragraph about why you would be a good mod, you dont need a clean infraction history by any means but those of you on your 15th account are probably shit outta luck.

The board lives and dies on those that step up to help, so whilst its easy to piss and moan from the cheap seats without people willing to help out the board doesnt run and things like player sponsorships which have been a great experience for all all involved in the past don't happen.

tugga Muddiemoose NaturalDisaster
Do you want to help out the board, do you think you have something to offer or new ideas?

Send the 4 of us a pm with a quick paragraph about why you would be a good mod, you dont need a clean infraction history by any means but those of you on your 15th account are probably s**t outta luck.

The board lives and dies on those that step up to help, so whilst its easy to piss and moan from the cheap seats without people willing to help out the board doesnt run and things like player sponsorships which have been a great experience for all all involved in the past don't happen.

tugga Muddiemoose NaturalDisaster

Do you need to do a course?

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This is a prime example of the state of this board, every thread is ruined by the same dickheads all the good posters have been driven off by the same dickheads.

We didnt get player sponsorships this year for the first time in over 10 years because no one cared enough.

If no one is willing to help out then might as well just shut it down, you can piss and moan about boys clubs all you want but look at your own behaviours over the journey some of you have 20-30 cards and cry about boys clubs being the reason you can't mod....

😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂

At least then we won’t ever see the campaigner .
Good times, good memories.

Remember when you cried to Chief about me? And he slapped you back to earth? That was delicious.
The time when I was making you look like a dill , so you bought out the ban hammer which got removed , oh yea I remember that .

You were sooooo respected as a mod.
Great story, you should have included a dragon in this one :)

Werent you a mod once?
I would apply to be a mod, but I'm spending enough time administrating another forum :p

I see too many things I'd like to change but I only "report" a small subset of them to the moderators for action... I'd be tempted to do too much "organization" of the threads and their content etc which would just take up time I don't want to allocate. I spend enough time when I'm supposed to be working reading this forum :O ... I'm happy just reading, posting and GIF'ing :D
This is a prime example of the state of this board, every thread is ruined by the same dickheads all the good posters have been driven off by the same dickheads.

We didnt get player sponsorships this year for the first time in over 10 years because no one cared enough.

If no one is willing to help out then might as well just shut it down, you can piss and moan about boys clubs all you want but look at your own behaviours over the journey some of you have 20-30 cards and cry about boys clubs being the reason you can't mod....

This. The discussions on the team playing football is pretty much gone.
I'd apply except I don't think I could grow the small moustache ;):tearsofjoy:

And you wouldnt get in being one of the biggest dickheads on the site and all.
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