Oprah's ego out of control.

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Norm Smith Medallist
Nov 9, 2004
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Some people seriously need to get a reality check and be aware their sxxx does indeed stink. Rock up during trading hours like evey other human being next time Oprah.
Predictably the ever nutty Tom has his two bobs worth to throw in as well :eek:
Just get a load of this from the Entertainment Tonight Website.

June 24, 2005

Oprah's Paris Put-Off

It wasn't quite a 'Pretty Woman' snub, but executives at the legendary Hermès label are still scrambling to apologize to millionaire OPRAH WINFREY after she was reportedly turned away from their Paris store on June 14. And now Oprah's pals are speaking out!

TOM CRUISE told PAT O'BRIEN Thursday night that he was "just shocked" by the incident.

"I know that those kinds of people are not the majority," he said. "For that happen to Oprah, we all love Oprah. Oprah is such a great woman. I'm sorry that happened. I'll call her tomorrow."

The high-end designer boutique publicly apologized this week for denying the TV queen, her friend GAYLE KING and others entry to the Rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore store when they arrived 15 minutes after its regular closing time at 6:30 p.m.

On that particular night, "a private public relations event was being prepared inside," the statement said. But Oprah's friend Gayle tells "The Insider" that there's more to the story.

"I was there, I saw it," Gayle says. "It was really, really bad. People were in the store and they were shopping. Oprah was at the door and she was not allowed into the store. Oprah describes it herself as one of the most humiliating moments of her life."

A power player worth at least $225 million, Oprah is known for her deep pockets and generosity with gifts.

"This is someone who has bought 12 Birkin bags, none of them for herself," Gayle says. "All of the Birkin bags she has bought in the past have been gifts for friends. She had a 13th on order, which has now been cancelled."

In its apology, the luxury leather and designer goods merchant said, "Hermès regrets not having been able to welcome Madame Oprah Winfrey and the people accompanying her to give them all the attention and service that Hermès is committed to giving each of its clients in the world."

Gayle promises that Oprah will talk personally about the incident when her daytime talk show begins shooting in the fall.

"No one will tell this story better than Oprah," she says. "I'm sorry she's not taping now!"

How pathetic.... :(
Oprah Winfrey does not have a single talent whatsoever. Think about it. She goes on TV and just talks to famous people, asking soft (probably given to her by their publicist) questions. She is not funny, attractive, clever, insightful.

She makes a fortune purely and simply from the stupidity of the American population, who watch her in awe, as if it takes talent for your producer to arrange makeovers for working mothers, or to ask some bozo actor "so tell us about your latest movie", or just throw gifts at a bunch of screaming imbeciles crammed into the studio audience.

She tries to portray herself as a friend to millions of Americans, like they can all relate to being denied entry to some snobby Paris boutique :rolleyes: . She is a first class tool.
manmountain said:
She tries to portray herself as a friend to millions of Americans, like they can all relate to being denied entry to some snobby Paris boutique :rolleyes: . She is a first class tool.

Could not agree more. Speaking of tools, what about that Dr Phil git who appears on her show occassionaily.

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If Oprah was Australian she would never get away with the way she behaves in this country. She would be laughed off tv. We don't tolerate wan kers in this country. Oprah, i cannot stand her.
Also, anyone seen her without makeup, BUTT UGLY!!!
Two huge Yanks ask at the Eiffel tower why they can't go to the third level, the french lady in perfect English tells them its too windy; so the yanks have a stand up argument about why, when will it be open, why the french woman can't speak English for 15 minutes, whilst the line waiting is a mile long. They were also African Americans. Then their was the 70+ wasp yank woman in the Louve standing screaming at the top of her voice in the Louve Restaurant etc; and that was my last trip to Paris. The French and Hermes have got it right F... em.

Oprah should stick to giving Nike's to Children in Africa who are starving and infected with Aids with no medicine what so ever
JUBJUB said:
I read this morning.Even now I still can't work out why the store apoligised to her.It was a private event.I'll bet if some local yokel rocked up and was denied entry,it wouldn't even rate a line in a newspaper.

Myer stores have after hour trading sometimes for certain customers.

DJ's do it all the time, they send out invitations at least 2 times a year
On the ET website they had this bit of footage of Oprahs 'best friend' Gayle (Who was there when Oprah was 'snubbed') describing the situation as being like something out of the movie 'Crash' (the recent one dealing with racial tensions in Los Angeles). I guess it was inevitable someone on Oprahs side was gonna pull out the race card.
Qsaint said:
Oprah should stick to giving Nike's to Children in Africa who are starving and infected with Aids with no medicine what so ever

God i hate how Oprah tries and paint herself as some Mother Theresa in cornrows, when she goes to the 'homeland' South Africa and puts on those Xmas parties. Those people need sanitation, fresh water, medicine, birth control and school books, not Nike Air Jordan XXXIXXXs, Tickle Me Elmo's and hugs from Beyonce. I remeber seeing coverage of one of those parties on the news a year or so back and the report made great pains to ensure that the point that the kids all called Oprah 'Mother Oprah' was not lost. Its a sick, sick ego trip masquerading as philanthropy plain and simple and Itd be a joke if it wasnt so offensive.
UNIT said:
God i hate how Oprah tries and paint herself as some Mother Theresa in cornrows, when she goes to the 'homeland' South Africa and puts on those Xmas parties. Those people need sanitation, fresh water, medicine, birth control and school books, not Nike Air Jordan XXXIXXXs, Tickle Me Elmo's and hugs from Beyonce. I remeber seeing coverage of one of those parties on the news a year or so back and the report made great pains to ensure that the point that the kids all called Oprah 'Mother Oprah' was not lost. Its a sick, sick ego trip masquerading as philanthropy plain and simple and Itd be a joke if it wasnt so offensive.

Thats the free nike's that her sponsors give her, who pay for her trip etc etc.
Qsaint said:
Thats the free nike's that her sponsors give her, who pay for her trip etc etc.

As far as i know its the same with those nauseating 'Oprahs favourite things episodes'. These people are acting as if Oprah is paying for the Ipods and fancy cell phones, all off her own back. Bullsxxx.

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I read this in the papers over here today, and it mentioned that Oprah or somebody with her reckon that it was because she was black... :rolleyes:

Regardless i hate this kind of stuff - the store has no need to apologise, and if Oprah watchers boycott the store, it just proves what a b*tch she is.
I love it how they make it out to be a racist thing only because its in France. If it was in America and the guy didnt know who she was it would just be a funny thing for E News to pick up on, but because its in France and it was a private party apparently its RACIST?

I dont get it.
UNIT said:
On the ET website they had this bit of footage of Oprahs 'best friend' Gayle (Who was there when Oprah was 'snubbed') describing the situation as being like something out of the movie 'Crash' (the recent one dealing with racial tensions in Los Angeles). I guess it was inevitable someone on Oprahs side was gonna pull out the race card.

Of course it was race motivated. They let us whites into stores late all the time.....oh wait I was rejected last week in America. Those racist pricks hate us Aussies. Where is my interview???

Is France considered a racist (to blacks) country?
JUBJUB said:
Even now I still can't work out why the store apoligised to her.

Because they know the ridiculous amount of power she has and they're afraid of the $ consequences. For some reason which I just can not understand, American women think of Oprah as some sort of God and if she tells them not to use this company's stores, then they won't. :rolleyes:
Borgsta said:
Is France considered a racist (to blacks) country?

Thats the Joke, France has a very large Black population and is recognised as one of the least racist countries on the planet. Just ask all the US Jazz stars who went there
Qsaint said:
Thats the Joke, France has a very large Black population and is recognised as one of the least racist countries on the planet. Just ask all the US Jazz stars who went there

I thought that was the case, judging purely from the soccer team, but usually thats fairly representative of the situation at large.
There has been a lot of Anti-French Hysteria (eg Freedom Fries V French Fries etc ) in the US media over the reluctance for France to be involved in the Iraq conflict that eveyone is champing at the bit to throw some mud at France (... & Germany). A CNN Poll over the recent EU Budget farce orchestrated by Blair blamed France for all the failings ...

And now its a racist thing perhaps with Ophrah. .. The modern age Horst Hessel...

Although I'm generally opposed to the harpooning of whales, Oprah is one pile of blubber who would be a hell of a lot better off with a 5 foot, razor sharp spear jammed somewhere between all those folds.- she's a ******ed posterchild for everything which is shallow, arrogant. self righteous and stupid about modern day America.

Interestingly enough, most yanks I've spoken to cringe at the very sight of her.

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Oprah's ego out of control.

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