OT: you know you are from Adelaide when...

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Feb 3, 2004
in a happy place
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panthers, ukraine & broncos
Got this in an email today (thanks Kristie), and I know it's a little old, but would be interesting to see how much of each of these is true for each of us on BF.

You know you're an Adelaidian when...

1. You have been to Heaven nightclub at least once and you were under 18.
yes and no

2. You have been to Glenelg and got extremely sunburnt
yes and no

3. Gone to the Grand sunburnt!
yes but no again

4. You have walked around Victor Harbour drunk
allergic to alcohol so that counts me out on these ones!

5. You have walked down Rundle Mall .... Drunk!
again, no

6. You know what fritz is

7. You call people Minda's
actually used to call my school shoes minda's

8. You have been to a movie marathon at Marion megaplex

9. You go out to the same place EVERY Saturday night

10. You have the same friends from high school
don't have any friends from my high school days!:eek:

11. You cant go out without seeing someone you know... even if you have never been to that particular place before (even though you rarely venture from your old favourite)

12. You really miss the old sizzler cheese bread
loved that bread!

13. You like ugg boots not moccies
never owned a pair

14. You have a very strong opinion on Lleyton Hewitt

15. You have been to one of the following lookouts (stirling, mt lofty, penfolds rd, sunnyside rd, eagle on the hill, sky)

16. You know who stormy summers is

17. You love cold rock ice cream and if you dont you love cibos instead
never had either....

18. You know what fruchocs are!
I live for fruchocs!

19. You pour Farmer's Union Iced Coffee on your breakfast cereal.

20. You proudly admit your love of the Fritz Sandwich.
damn straight

21. You're so caring and sharing that you have the urge to adopt other state's cities as you own. (Come 'ere Broken Hill, let's hug.)
:D we can't help it if they want to be a part of our great state

21. You will never forgive Melbourne for stealing our Grand Prix. Never.
amongst a few other things....

22. You know how 'dance', 'pool', 'castle' and 'graph' are SUPPOSED to be pronounced.

23. You get offended when people from Western Australia call SA part of the "East Coast".
why would I talk to people from WA? kidding PC

24. You insist on calling AMII Stadium, "Footy Park".

25. You say a Pie Floater tastes great just to maintain your street cred.
nope, never eaten one, probably because I have never been drunk!

26. You consider Coopers to be a food group.
nope, but I know others that do

27. While half of our state is uninhabitable, you know that it's still the greatest.

28. You think the 'Tiser has no journalistic integrity whatsoever.... and yet you still read it every day.
yes and no on this one

29. Don't believe the rumours. I live in South Australia and have never been murdered.

30. You vote for Mike Rann in every state election, mainly because you can't remember the other guy's name.
this is a good one, but I ain't answering that question

31. You know there's more than one way to have a good time in Hindley Street.

32. The Superjesus is your favourite band.
nope although I do have the cd

33. One word: Haighs
three words: nothing like it :p

34. No thanks, I shop at Big Star.

35. The Barossa is for Lovers.
Barossa is the rellies area for me

36. You know that Victor Harbor is the only place to be for Schoolies.
It is now, wasn't when I was at school

37. France imports our wine. How 'bout them apples?

38. You forgave the Chappell’s for the 1981 Underarm Incident purely out of South Australian patriotism.
they were just exploiting a rule...

39. Where else would you find places with names like 'Bruce', "Gluepot' and 'Iron Knob'?
where's Bruce? That's the best place name ever!

40. So which is it? Crows or Port?
I think I'll go with Crows on this one

41. How many of the other states have a peninsula shaped like a leg?
None, although there is a country

42. You know the people out on the Torrens are either tourists or rowers. No one else would go near that water.
very true

43. You think the Festival Centre is a wonder of modern architecture.

44. Despite all our faults, at least South Australia wasn't built by convicts.

45. You can leave work at 5:15pm and miss "peak hour traffic"
unless going past Marion on a Thursday!

46. You can have a good old laugh at the fact that Adelaide’s second name is "city of churches"
should be city of pubs!

47. Your not scared by aboriginals walking around in speedos and gumboots

48. You like fritz n sauce sandwiches!!
oh yes

49. You take 20 mins to get anywhere!!
not necessarily

50. Your 'sports gurus' are KG and Cornesy
I listen to them, but I wouldn't call them Sports gurus

51. You can pronounce 'Southwark' but know to not drink it.
very true
1. You have been to Heaven nightclub at least once and you were under 18.
Yes and Yes

2. You have been to Glenelg and got extremely sunburnt

3. Gone to the Grand sunburnt!
Never only inebriated

4. You have walked around Victor Harbour drunk
Yes, quite a different experience

5. You have walked down Rundle Mall .... Drunk!
Yes, quite an amusing experience

6. You know what fritz is
I do

7. You call people Minda's

8. You have been to a movie marathon at Marion megaplex

9. You go out to the same place EVERY Saturday night

10. You have the same friends from high school
1 best friend from high school, we are brothers only born into different families

11. You cant go out without seeing someone you know... even if you have never been to that particular place before (even though you rarely venture from your old favourite)
My wife hates when it happens.

12. You really miss the old sizzler cheese bread
Had it in Perth and the Gold Coast 2 years in a row. :D

13. You like ugg boots not moccies
Wear neither

14. You have a very strong opinion on Lleyton Hewitt
You either love him or hate him

15. You have been to one of the following lookouts (stirling, mt lofty, penfolds rd, sunnyside rd, eagle on the hill, sky)

16. You know who stormy summers is
Its only thrown in your face most days.

17. You love cold rock ice cream and if you dont you love cibos instead
I don't have it often

18. You know what fruchocs are!
Yes I do...on the way to visiting gran.

19. You pour Farmer's Union Iced Coffee on your breakfast cereal.
No way

20. You proudly admit your love of the Fritz Sandwich.

21. You're so caring and sharing that you have the urge to adopt other state's cities as you own. (Come 'ere Broken Hill, let's hug.)

Everyone wants to be South Aussie :)

21. You will never forgive Melbourne for stealing our Grand Prix.

Thats a long winded argument

22. You know how 'dance', 'pool', 'castle' and 'graph' are SUPPOSED to be pronounced.
Yes but Victorians don't :D

23. You get offended when people from Western Australia call SA part of the "East Coast".
No bigger things to worry about

24. You insist on calling AMII Stadium, "Footy Park".
I still do

25. You say a Pie Floater tastes great just to maintain your street cred.
I rather buy a homeless person a meal there, it makes me feel better about myself

26. You consider Coopers to be a food group.
Yes on a Sunday afternoon with my father in law

27. While half of our state is uninhabitable, you know that it's still the greatest.
That it is

28. You think the 'Tiser has no journalistic integrity whatsoever.... and yet you still read it every day.
Don't read it

29. Don't believe the rumours. I live in South Australia and have never been murdered.

Ummm.....I am still here

30. You vote for Mike Rann in every state election, mainly because you can't remember the other guy's name.

Politics is a thing best not discussed on a football board. :)

31. You know there's more than one way to have a good time in Hindley Street.

No, is there ?

32. The Superjesus is your favourite band.
No they aren't

33. One word: Haighs

34. No thanks, I shop at Big Star.
No I don't.

35. The Barossa is for Lovers.
Barossa is great for wine tasting

36. You know that Victor Harbor is the only place to be for Schoolies.
Is it?

37. France imports our wine. How 'bout them apples?

We are the best

38. You forgave the Chappell’s for the 1981 Underarm Incident purely out of South Australian patriotism.
White line fever, its great :D

39. Where else would you find places with names like 'Bruce', "Gluepot' and 'Iron Knob'?
Don't know.

40. So which is it? Crows or Port?

41. How many of the other states have a peninsula shaped like a leg?
None that I know of

42. You know the people out on the Torrens are either tourists or rowers. No one else would go near that water.
If they knew what was in it

43. You think the Festival Centre is a wonder of modern architecture.

Its great

44. Despite all our faults, at least South Australia wasn't built by convicts.
Ain't that the truth

45. You can leave work at 5:15pm and miss "peak hour traffic"

46. You can have a good old laugh at the fact that Adelaide’s second name is "city of churches"

I do.

47. Your not scared by aboriginals walking around in speedos and gumboots

Johnny Haysman is a cool guy

48. You like fritz n sauce sandwiches!!
Skip the sauce

49. You take 20 mins to get anywhere!!

50. Your 'sports gurus' are KG and Cornesy
Are they gurus ?

51. You can pronounce 'Southwark' but know to not drink it.

Never I'd rather drink.....oh well I'll leave that to the imagination

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39. Where else would you find places with names like 'Bruce', "Gluepot' and 'Iron Knob'?
where's Bruce? That's the best place name ever!

Well, I work in a suburb called Bruce. It, like many other Canberra suburbs, is named after an ex-Prime Minister. Stanley Melbourne Bruce, PM from 1923-1929.

Not sure where the town/place called "Bruce" is in SA though (or Gluepot for that matter).

I have, however, been to "Nowhere Else" - also found in SA.
Well, I work in a suburb called Bruce. It, like many other Canberra suburbs, is named after an ex-Prime Minister. Stanley Melbourne Bruce, PM from 1923-1929.

Not sure where the town/place called "Bruce" is in SA though.

I used to live in Page, I know all about Bruce in the ACT
52. You rock up late to a family gathering on Sunday afternoon and when apologising by explaining you'd "gone to Church last night", the bemused 40+ bracket ask when you found religion.

53. You know to wear a flak jacket while travelling through Paralowie, Hackham West and Elizabeth.

54. You know that Central District is both a private hospital and an abysmal football team.

55. You know that Magic Mountain is false advertising worthy of a Royal Commission instigated by Consumer Affairs.
1. You have been to Heaven nightclub at least once and you were under 18.

Yes, No.

2. You have been to Glenelg and got extremely sunburnt

I think I've been to every beach in Adelaide and got sunburnt.

4. You have walked around Victor Harbour drunk

For schoolies yes, but the amount of skinhead rednecks there during that time isn't nice.

5. You have walked down Rundle Mall .... Drunk!

club hopping, haven't for a while being forceably tied but it isn't the best drunk or not. the amount of weirdo's aimlessly wandering around there at night is concerning. the heavy police presence sort of gives such away.

6. You know what fritz is

It's disgusting.

7. You call people Minda's

nah, probably used the term 10 years ago but it's a highly disrespectful term directed at mentally challenged people. not nice.

10. You have the same friends from high school

Still good friends with about 3 or 4. that's it.

11. You cant go out without seeing someone you know... even if you have never been to that particular place before (even though you rarely venture from your old favourite)

such is why it's important to be attentive.

if I see someone I know and usually don't want to talk to I'll leave/hide. sort of a Seinfeld thing to do but I hate being compelled to engage in conversation with someone I have little interest in doing such with. my girlfriend doesn't let me go out as much as I used to, which has it's advantages. not least of which seeing persons previously known and not necessarily liked.

13. You like ugg boots not moccies

Nothing annoys me than the stupid little skanks walking around (thankfully I think this trend has subsided, although it's a winter thing so who knows?) wearing ugg boots with jeans and the likes in some sort of patriotic fashion statement. pathetic behaviour. Pamela Anderson is the only one able to pull of such a look and only because people's attention was drawn to other areas of her body.

She's too old now but I can't decide who I like better in the old ep's of 'Baywatch'

her, Mitch or Newmie....

15. You have been to one of the following lookouts (stirling, mt lofty, penfolds rd, sunnyside rd, eagle on the hill, sky)

nah, don't think so. my house is up high, that's a good enough view.

18. You know what fruchocs are!

unhealthy but tasteful.

19. You pour Farmer's Union Iced Coffee on your breakfast cereal.

yuck. don't eat cereal to begin with but what sort of chemically inbalanced sociopath would perform such a disgusting action. I think this question is strictly limited to that thing on here called the 'Port Adelaide Board'.

20. You proudly admit your love of the Fritz Sandwich.

Prefer healthier, less disgusting meats.

Turkey 1#.

21. You're so caring and sharing that you have the urge to adopt other state's cities as you own. (Come 'ere Broken Hill, let's hug.)

I wish Mildura was ours. Great country town. Good size and there's actually a fair bit to do there. I wouldn't mind living there in the future. Love going there and in the past on car trips to Melbourne I preferred that longer route because it passed through Bendigo and Mildura.

21. You will never forgive Melbourne for stealing our Grand Prix. Never.

Their track is substandard. Ours was regarded as one of the best in the world.

23. You get offended when people from Western Australia call SA part of the "East Coast".

I've never heard it and wouldn't care. they lose in ridiculous isolation on their own side of Australia, sort of like the scary uncle that no one wants to hug.

25. You say a Pie Floater tastes great just to maintain your street cred.

I hate pies. I hate peas. I would never touch one. I'd much rather make sweet, passionate love to Rosie O'Donnell and Roseanna Barr simultaneously.

28. You think the 'Tiser has no journalistic integrity whatsoever.... and yet you still read it every day.

well it is the only paper in Adelaide, I don't support the Crows, and don't mind Rucci.... Don't buy it/read it everyday becuase I find Tuesdays and Wednesdays are normally scarce with much in terms of sport/football/news content.

29. Don't believe the rumours. I live in South Australia and have never been murdered.

Go the wrong areas, look in the mirror and say it three times....

30. You vote for Mike Rann in every state election, mainly because you can't remember the other guy's name.

He's a passionate supporter of Charlton. anyone who openly, unashamedly admits that has my vote. ;)

31. You know there's more than one way to have a good time in Hindley Street.

There is definitely two.

Get wasted


Get shot.

35. The Barossa is for Lovers.

it's a lovely area, particuarly as you get further out.

wouldn't take my girlfriend there though, no thanks. A Wiggles concert would be more romantic.

36. You know that Victor Harbor is the only place to be for Schoolies.

and to hear the word 'daddy' ten years before desired.

39. Where else would you find places with names like 'Bruce', "Gluepot' and 'Iron Knob'?

Well at a sex toy convention in all probability.

42. You know the people out on the Torrens are either tourists or rowers. No one else would go near that water.

you mean it's not safe to swim in? :eek: ;)
52. You rock up late to a family gathering on Sunday afternoon and when apologising by explaining you'd "gone to Church last night", the bemused 40+ bracket ask when you found religion.

53. You know to wear a flak jacket while travelling through Paralowie, Hackham West and Elizabeth.

54. You know that Central District is both a private hospital and an abysmal football team.

55. You know that Magic Mountain is false advertising worthy of a Royal Commission instigated by Consumer Affairs.

very funny.

only thing is have you ever travelled through Port Adelaide and surrounding areas at night? (or at any time) not pleasant. Scary area.

Their belonging to the flak crew is unquestionable.
52. You rock up late to a family gathering on Sunday afternoon and when apologising by explaining you'd "gone to Church last night", the bemused 40+ bracket ask when you found religion.

53. You know to wear a flak jacket while travelling through Paralowie, Hackham West and Elizabeth.

54. You know that Central District is both a private hospital and an abysmal football team.

55. You know that Magic Mountain is false advertising worthy of a Royal Commission instigated by Consumer Affairs.

:rolleyes: Hardly, lol. 7 GFS in a row, for 5 flags. :D :thumbsu: ;)

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i got very drunk off of coopers, wearing a crows guernsey, stumbled through rundle mall, and went for a drunken swim in the Torrens, about a month back, doesnt get much more South Australian then that.

very funny.

only thing is have you ever travelled through Port Adelaide and surrounding areas at night? (or at any time) not pleasant. Scary area.

Their belonging to the flak crew is unquestionable.

Nah, the Port Adelaide streets are relatively safe. Ive often walked there pissed as all hell, as ive got a mate who lives down that way. Never had any hassles from anyone but my mate.
It's funny reading this thread as I've been in a training course all week, run by 2 Victorians. I had to explain to them what fritz is and bought them some Fruchocs each as "souvenirs" but they ate them within minutes!

Some of those things are a bit out of date now, but it's still funny.

As for the Grand Prix, I honestly prefer the V8's anyway. We used to go to the Grand Prix, watch the v8's then leave before the f1's even started and go down the pub instead.

BTW Adelaide has the BEST CBD pubs, which you can walk to in minutes, without getting run over by either trams or psycho taxi drivers/bike couriers.
It's funny reading this thread as I've been in a training course all week, run by 2 Victorians. I had to explain to them what fritz is and bought them some Fruchocs each as "souvenirs" but they ate them within minutes!

Some of those things are a bit out of date now, but it's still funny.

As for the Grand Prix, I honestly prefer the V8's anyway. We used to go to the Grand Prix, watch the v8's then leave before the f1's even started and go down the pub instead.

BTW Adelaide has the BEST CBD pubs, which you can walk to in minutes, without getting run over by either trams or psycho taxi drivers/bike couriers.

Last time I caught the plane back to Melbourne the guy in front (when we were getting on the plane) had his carry on bag open and there was 5 or 6 packs of Fruchocs lying on the top. I pissed myself laughing,and asked if he had any Fruita or Woodies Lemonade in there as well.:D

Just for the record Trams are the greatest by the way!
It's funny reading this thread as I've been in a training course all week, run by 2 Victorians. I had to explain to them what fritz is and bought them some Fruchocs each as "souvenirs" but they ate them within minutes!

Some of those things are a bit out of date now, but it's still funny.

As for the Grand Prix, I honestly prefer the V8's anyway. We used to go to the Grand Prix, watch the v8's then leave before the f1's even started and go down the pub instead.

BTW Adelaide has the BEST CBD pubs, which you can walk to in minutes, without getting run over by either trams or psycho taxi drivers/bike couriers.

Oh dear I'm completely agreeing with a Port supporter.

Fruchocs are great, when i was young i always bought a pack to take to the movies.
V8s **** on F1s which are simply planes which drive.
You can find a decent pub in the city easily, and you can walk from pub to pub no trouble at all. You can cross the street without some crazy driver taking a hook turn!
11. You cant go out without seeing someone you know... even if you have never been to that particular place before (even though you rarely venture from your old favourite)
This has to be one of the scariest things for me when I go back. I don't want to bump into people I used to know that's part of why I left!!!!

17. You love cold rock ice cream and if you dont you love cibos instead
Unfamiliar with either.....have I been gone for too long??

21. You will never forgive Melbourne for stealing our Grand Prix.
They can have it...come on lets give them something they can't play footy after all :)

24. You insist on calling AMII Stadium, "Footy Park".
It will always be Footy Park....

34. No thanks, I shop at Big Star.
Big Star???? Don't know Big Star either.....

39. Where else would you find places with names like 'Bruce', "Gluepot' and 'Iron Knob'?
I always chuckle at Keith when I am driving back

44. Despite all our faults, at least South Australia wasn't built by convicts.
I like to remind Victorians this when they are hanging sh*te on me and where I am from

Fritz is good too I must admit I do have it when I come back. Farmers Union is the best iced coffee too, and many Victorians I know agree.....
52. You rock up late to a family gathering on Sunday afternoon and when apologising by explaining you'd "gone to Church last night", the bemused 40+ bracket ask when you found religion.

53. You know to wear a flak jacket while travelling through Paralowie, Hackham West and Elizabeth.

54. You know that Central District is both a private hospital and an abysmal football team.

55. You know that Magic Mountain is false advertising worthy of a Royal Commission instigated by Consumer Affairs.

52, 53, 55 are GOLD!!!

However, all credibility is lost with 54 -who's been the powerhouse side this decade? Nothing abysmal about Centrals.

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OT: you know you are from Adelaide when...

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