Opinion Our Day in Kangaroo Court - The Real Alberton Faithful 1870-2012 versus Ken Bloody Hinkley 2013-2023 … 2025? and his Enablers

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How the 2022 Koch & Ken AGM sounded up here

Appointment of directors, cheap debt, The Bars, Cardone, committees ….

1. The AFL does not choose and appoint the appointed directors, Koch does. He’s the Boss.
2. The AFL rubber-stamps everything Koch and the Club put before them. Except the Bars.
3. The Club’s debt was reduced to 9 million, this year it will be reduced to 7 million. In 2014, not long after Koch arrived, the Club debt was … 7 million. Koch‘s personal bottom-line contribution to reducing debt, let alone clearing debt, has been zero.
4. It suits Koch’s manufactured image to look financially clever playing with someone else’s cheap money, rather than clearing Club debt completely and thereby gaining AFL trust (all gone as at 2012) and vital respect from the AFL - respect that is still not there, thus enfeebling our protests and undermining our quest to wear the Bars for home Showdown and ANZAC round each and every season.
5. Eddie McGuire, not long ago whilst still Collingwood president, made fun of us on national TV as a ‘have not’ club, i.e.: a club in debt; he implied that we should first get ourselves out of debt before talking to Collingwood about perhaps wearing the Bars. Koch admitted at the AGM that Collingwood is the party we are required to discuss the Bars with, not the AFL.
6. Koch avoided mentioning that his bestie Who Cares About the Bars Cardone, by staying put as a 2012 appointed director, has his tacit consent to bring three more years of conflict of interest as Eddie’s CEO into the board room … whilst the uncorrupted among us are expected to chase a greatness that is rendered into an impossible dream by a dystopian pecking order that ranks Collingwood above us and, so long as he is seen to physically do SFA about it, is accepted by our chairman.
7. “This is not a club that is run by committee,” proclaimed Koch in an attempt to point out that individual board members have individual talents and individual personal experience. He also said that Kevin Osborn was making way as deputy chairman for Jamie Restas and would now chair the Facilities Committee - one of a large number of committees that contradict the chairman by helping the Club to run. Kevin, incidentally, shot down KT’s dream of an Alberton Oval Redevelopment back in 2018 (when State Grid Corporation of China indicated they were keen to grant $20,000,000 to build it) because, he said, the Club could not afford to meet the future running costs of such an ambitious project.


8. Andrew Day stepping down as appointed director means the Club is now finished with dealing directly with China in a quest for new, more diverse and bigger revenue streams. Andrew was the director responsible for this day to day, no pun, with Tony Zhang in Shanghai and Promise Xu at Alberton reporting to him. The Club will continue a ‘China Strategy’ minimised to maximising return from the sponsors and partners with a China connection that we already have, predominantly MG … whilst hoping that new Australia-based PRC companies impressed with our China history and sympathetic to our no-China future will come knocking.
9. Mr. Gui was not acknowledged by Koch, which was primitive of him. Shanghai CRED remains, per the website, a platinum partner of our Club.


10. Nothing to report. Except that there’s now more of him to point a finger at (see avatar).
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How the 2022 Koch & Ken AGM sounded up here

Appointment of directors, cheap debt, The Bars, Cardone, committees ….

1. The AFL does not choose and appoint the appointed directors, Koch does. He’s the Boss.
2. The AFL rubber-stamps everything Koch and the Club put before them. Except the Bars.
3. The Club’s debt was reduced to 9 million, this year it will be reduced to 7 million. In 2014, not long after Koch arrived, the Club debt was … 7 million. Koch‘s personal bottom-line contribution to reducing debt, let alone clearing debt, has been zero.
4. It suits Koch’s manufactured image to look financially clever playing with someone else’s cheap money, rather than clearing Club debt completely and thereby gaining AFL trust (all gone as at 2012) and vital respect from the AFL - respect that is still not there, thus enfeebling our protests and undermining our quest to wear the Bars for home Showdown and ANZAC round each and every season.
5. Eddie McGuire, not long ago whilst still Collingwood president, made fun of us on national TV as a ‘have not’ club, i.e.: a club in debt; he implied that we should first get ourselves out of debt before talking to Collingwood about perhaps wearing the Bars. Koch admitted at the AGM that Collingwood is the party we are required to discuss the Bars with, not the AFL.
6. Koch avoided mentioning that his bestie Who Cares About the Bars Cardone, by staying put as a 2012 appointed director, has his tacit consent to bring three more years of conflict of interest as Eddie’s CEO into the board room … whilst the uncorrupted among us are expected to chase a greatness that is rendered into an impossible dream by a distopian pecking order that ranks Collingwood above us and, so long as he is seen to physically do SFA about it, is accepted by our chairman.
7. “This is not a club that is run by committee,” proclaimed Koch in an attempt to point out that individual board members have individual talents and individual personal experience. He also said that Kevin Osborn was making way as deputy chairman for Jamie Restas and would now chair the Facilities Committee - one of a large number of committees that contradict the chairman by helping the Club to run. Kevin, incidentally, shot down KT’s dream of an Alberton Oval Redevelopment back in 2018 (when State Grid Corporation of China indicated they were keen to grant $20,000,000 to build it) because, he said, the Club could not afford to meet the future running costs of such an ambitious project.


8. Andrew Day stepping down as appointed director means the Club is now finished with dealing directly with China in a quest for new, more diverse and bigger revenue streams. Andrew was the director responsible for this day to day, no pun, with Tony Zhang in Shanghai and Promise Xu at Alberton reporting to him. The Club will continue a ‘China Strategy’ minimised to maximising return from the sponsors and partners with a China connection that we already have, predominantly MG … whilst hoping that new Australia-based PRC companies impressed with our China history and sympathetic to our no-China future will coming knocking.
9. Mr. Gui was not acknowledged by Koch, which was primitive of him. Shanghai CRED remains, per the website, a platinum partner of our Club.


10. Nothing to report. Except that there’s now more of him to point a finger at (see avatar).
Point 1, it's all about me.

Silly Billy doesn't understand, or maybe he's just playing dumb, that I want our independence so that we can sack him.

Is it possible that David is so vain he believes PAFC members have no need of independence from the AFL because he, figjam that he is, always makes correct decisions because the AFL always rubber stamp him.

Other clubs have member-led President and Board forced changes. We members want that right too!
Who Cares About the Bars Cardone
Care Bar Cardone


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8. Andrew Day stepping down as appointed director means the Club is now finished with dealing directly with China in a quest for new, more diverse and bigger revenue streams. Andrew was the director responsible for this day to day, no pun, with Tony Zhang in Shanghai and Promise Xu at Alberton reporting to him. The Club will continue a ‘China Strategy’ minimised to maximising return from the sponsors and partners with a China connection that we already have, predominantly MG … whilst hoping that new Australia-based PRC companies impressed with our China history and sympathetic to our no-China future will come knocking.
This was my take from reading Day was gone and planned to ask you about it when enough motivation had built-up to do something other than shitposting or talking about AFL fantasy.

Hot Fuzz Shame GIF
How the 2022 Koch & Ken AGM sounded up here

Appointment of directors, cheap debt, The Bars, Cardone, committees ….

1. The AFL does not choose and appoint the appointed directors, Koch does. He’s the Boss.
2. The AFL rubber-stamps everything Koch and the Club put before them. Except the Bars.
3. The Club’s debt was reduced to 9 million, this year it will be reduced to 7 million. In 2014, not long after Koch arrived, the Club debt was … 7 million. Koch‘s personal bottom-line contribution to reducing debt, let alone clearing debt, has been zero.
4. It suits Koch’s manufactured image to look financially clever playing with someone else’s cheap money, rather than clearing Club debt completely and thereby gaining AFL trust (all gone as at 2012) and vital respect from the AFL - respect that is still not there, thus enfeebling our protests and undermining our quest to wear the Bars for home Showdown and ANZAC round each and every season.
5. Eddie McGuire, not long ago whilst still Collingwood president, made fun of us on national TV as a ‘have not’ club, i.e.: a club in debt; he implied that we should first get ourselves out of debt before talking to Collingwood about perhaps wearing the Bars. Koch admitted at the AGM that Collingwood is the party we are required to discuss the Bars with, not the AFL.
6. Koch avoided mentioning that his bestie Who Cares About the Bars Cardone, by staying put as a 2012 appointed director, has his tacit consent to bring three more years of conflict of interest as Eddie’s CEO into the board room … whilst the uncorrupted among us are expected to chase a greatness that is rendered into an impossible dream by a dystopian pecking order that ranks Collingwood above us and, so long as he is seen to physically do SFA about it, is accepted by our chairman.
7. “This is not a club that is run by committee,” proclaimed Koch in an attempt to point out that individual board members have individual talents and individual personal experience. He also said that Kevin Osborn was making way as deputy chairman for Jamie Restas and would now chair the Facilities Committee - one of a large number of committees that contradict the chairman by helping the Club to run. Kevin, incidentally, shot down KT’s dream of an Alberton Oval Redevelopment back in 2018 (when State Grid Corporation of China indicated they were keen to grant $20,000,000 to build it) because, he said, the Club could not afford to meet the future running costs of such an ambitious project.


8. Andrew Day stepping down as appointed director means the Club is now finished with dealing directly with China in a quest for new, more diverse and bigger revenue streams. Andrew was the director responsible for this day to day, no pun, with Tony Zhang in Shanghai and Promise Xu at Alberton reporting to him. The Club will continue a ‘China Strategy’ minimised to maximising return from the sponsors and partners with a China connection that we already have, predominantly MG … whilst hoping that new Australia-based PRC companies impressed with our China history and sympathetic to our no-China future will come knocking.
9. Mr. Gui was not acknowledged by Koch, which was primitive of him. Shanghai CRED remains, per the website, a platinum partner of our Club.


10. Nothing to report. Except that there’s now more of him to point a finger at (see avatar).

There’s literally no point pursuing a China strategy while Xi is in power and the Chinese economy is facing a recession on the back of supply shortages and the collapse of several real estate companies. Not to mention the ban on Australian imports that is still in place. There’s an essay that’s kicking around on Chinese websites at the moment which explains the situation China is in right now:

The best we can hope for is that the CCP kicks Xi to the curb for his incompetence and starts to open up capital markets like they promised they would. That’s when we need boots on the ground - hopefully the club is still maintaining the Shanghai office for that reason.

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Opinion Our Day in Kangaroo Court - The Real Alberton Faithful 1870-2012 versus Ken Bloody Hinkley 2013-2023 … 2025? and his Enablers

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