According to Kane, Port players need to sacrifice their health and safety to save Poor Kenny's job.
And LOL at Kane noting the "medical report".
Didn't that quack Port doctor say Rozee was fit for the showdown and Alier Alier had a "migraine" after his concussion?
What a weasel you are Kane.
You conveniently leave out that you thought Zak needed to toughen up, lots of players playing sore, that he wanted to be subbed off, and that we know know it was sore ribs so he couldn’t have done more damage.
But you didn’t know on the night, did you? You are implying that he did, you are implying that you did. After the Petracca debacle, what can you possibly know better than the player and the club? You can weasel all the words you want, but we know what you meant. It’s what you do.
What I won’t imply, but state, is that you are an Vidmar-quality rolled-gold pissant for questioning a player who have demonstrated over and over to be as hard as anyone in the league. Throw any player under the bus to protect the coaches, including your brother (no conflict there, is there.?) Disgraceful.