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Tim Hargraves involved in some sort of behind the play incident against the panthers yesterday, left the young bloke old cold in the goal square, convulsions followed, stretchered off and ambulance to hospital. Don't be surprised to hear more on the matter during the week.

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I didn't see the incident, but I'm gunna be blunt.

Hargraves is a coward.

He headbutted Joel Hartley 40 metres from the ball. From all accounts he knew hartley was behind him and threw his head back, i suppose you'd call it backwards headbutt. the contact left hartley face down on the deck in the goal square, then he went into convulsions for about 30 seconds or more supposedly due to lack of oxygen from his position on the ground.

Hargraves wondered about, hands in the air, claiming no responsibility as though the kid just fell over on his own.

Yarra claim it was some sort of accidental head clash.

Head clash yes, accidental no.

Accidents happen often and if this case was an accident the players would've sustained a fat lip, black eye or bugger all. If there was accidental contact both players would've acknowlegded this and prob got over it pretty quick, it happens.
Rarely, if ever, would an accident cause 1 player to be out cold and the other standing without a scratch and if it did the player without injury would surely show some concern for the other, especially if he was in trouble.
But no, tim stood 5 metres away claiming his innocence. F#!kwit!

Umpires have reported blokes for cream puff infringements like abusive language and pathetic striking charges, yet a goal umpire standing 10 metres max from the incident did bugger all and the field umpires went on to support hargraves claim of accidental contact despite not seeing it. Pathetic.

The league will prob investigate, and their findings will be inconclusive, as usual.

But as long as I follow ovens & murray footy i'll consider Tim Hargraves to be an absolute f*%king coward, regardless of the outcome.
Some strong words there AFB.

If the incident happened as you say it did, i hope the investigation process smartens up and allows the tribunal to take action.

Never been much of a T Hargraves fan, he could be a nice bloke, but his onfield demeanour doesn't impress me.

Hope he gets wot he deserves
Aussie Fast Bowler,

How about you stick to cricket!

Sure no one likes to see any player knocked out, let alone if it was done in a spiteful way. However you are drawing quite a few long bows there considering by your own admission that you didn’t see the incident.

Whilst I'm not defending the umpires it sounds like they didn’t see the incident either. Thankfully they are smart enough to realise that they cant make stuff up (or listen to hearsay - unlike your good self), because if the umpires go to the tribunal the first question asked was "Did they see it".... Answer No = Case dismissed!

And given the double jeopardy rule - I would ask where is the justice in that?

If Lavington thinks it serious enough (and it sounds like it is) then it’s understand that the matter lies with the club to request the O&M investigations officer to look into it.

So back up the horses and stop trying to be the third umpire in the stands (with your flashing red light) and have a bit of faith that the matter will be heard.
Ozz12 said:
Aussie Fast Bowler,

How about you stick to cricket!

Sure no one likes to see any player knocked out, let alone if it was done in a spiteful way. However you are drawing quite a few long bows there considering by your own admission that you didn’t see the incident.

Whilst I'm not defending the umpires it sounds like they didn’t see the incident either. Thankfully they are smart enough to realise that they cant make stuff up (or listen to hearsay - unlike your good self), because if the umpires go to the tribunal the first question asked was "Did they see it".... Answer No = Case dismissed!

And given the double jeopardy rule - I would ask where is the justice in that?

If Lavington thinks it serious enough (and it sounds like it is) then it’s understand that the matter lies with the club to request the O&M investigations officer to look into it.

So back up the horses and stop trying to be the third umpire in the stands (with your flashing red light) and have a bit of faith that the matter will be heard.

Sounds like you are defending the umpires.

If they didn't see the incident then they need to shut their trap, rather then prance around saying "leave tim alone it was an accidental head clash". the way they came to that conclusion, was by listening to tim himself so that's your umpires don't listen to hearsay out the window.

Whether the matter is heard or not it certainly won't be forgotten. Disgraceful to say the least.
aussie fast bowler said:
Sounds like you are defending the umpires.

If they didn't see the incident then they need to shut their trap, rather then prance around saying "leave tim alone it was an accidental head clash". the way they came to that conclusion, was by listening to tim himself so that's your umpires don't listen to hearsay out the window.

Whether the matter is heard or not it certainly won't be forgotten. Disgraceful to say the least.

Im defending the system - not the umpires.

The system is there for a reason... its meant to take the umpires, the parents, friends, team mates, supporters - everyone out of the equation and look at it through fact alone with the benefit of a calm and well though out process. Not with 36 players and 500-600 people holding a kangaroo court!

I would actually say that what is disgraceful is someone who implies that they are above the process and are quite happy to take matters into their own hands... although i could have mis-interpreted your last paragraph.
Umpires have reported blokes for cream puff infringements like abusive language and pathetic striking charges, yet a goal umpire standing 10 metres max from the incident did bugger all and the field umpires went on to support hargraves claim of accidental contact despite not seeing it. Pathetic.

Was at the game the weak prick got him off the ball. Gutless effort by goal umpire not to report. I d say it would be unlikely to be on video, If someone gets 2 weeks for abusive language then what is this worth O & MFL tribunal????
Ozz12 said:
Im defending the system - not the umpires.

The system is there for a reason... its meant to take the umpires, the parents, friends, team mates, supporters - everyone out of the equation and look at it through fact alone with the benefit of a calm and well though out process. Not with 36 players and 500-600 people holding a kangaroo court!

I would actually say that what is disgraceful is someone who implies that they are above the process and are quite happy to take matters into their own hands... although i could have mis-interpreted your last paragraph.

I'm happy with your first paragraph, makes a bit of sense.

But from then on you just dribbled!
At what stage in my last paragraph did i suggest anyone do anything. For someone who says i listen to hearsay, to then go and presume that i also feel i'm above the process shows that they are f*%king clueless.

You don't listen to hearsay (pat on the back, well done), instead you go the whole hog and just make sh*t up.... to say you might have mis-interpreted it is an understatment!

Fact is, if you ever see someone having convulsions, footy ground or not, you won't forget it, and knowing the reason it was happening was a cowardly low act, will etch it in my memory for ever.

read what you can into that!
BonnScott said:
Umpires have reported blokes for cream puff infringements like abusive language and pathetic striking charges, yet a goal umpire standing 10 metres max from the incident did bugger all and the field umpires went on to support hargraves claim of accidental contact despite not seeing it. Pathetic.

Was at the game the weak prick got him off the ball. Gutless effort by goal umpire not to report. I d say it would be unlikely to be on video, If someone gets 2 weeks for abusive language then what is this worth O & MFL tribunal????

Spot on BS!

Yarra videod the game. Bet your backside there'll be no video evidence. If there was footage, it'd be incriminating so there's no chance of seeing a replay of it.

My opinion for an incident behind the play, attacking the head with intent = 6 weeks minimum

But nothing will happen!
BonnScott said:
Umpires have reported blokes for cream puff infringements like abusive language and pathetic striking charges, yet a goal umpire standing 10 metres max from the incident did bugger all and the field umpires went on to support hargraves claim of accidental contact despite not seeing it. Pathetic.

Was at the game the weak prick got him off the ball. Gutless effort by goal umpire not to report. I d say it would be unlikely to be on video, If someone gets 2 weeks for abusive language then what is this worth O & MFL tribunal????

if it wasnt intentional, how could any of the umpires report the player? how would you know what the goal umpire saw, he had a front on view, he wouldnt have been able to see if hargreaves really did throw his head back!! he couldnt have been able to judge distance between the players either!!

didnt think of any of that now did we???
Harold said:
if it wasnt intentional, how could any of the umpires report the player? how would you know what the goal umpire saw, he had a front on view, he wouldnt have been able to see if hargreaves really did throw his head back!! he couldnt have been able to judge distance between the players either!!

Very simple H, if it wasn't intentional they have no need to report the player!
But if it wasn't intentional, how did he manage to be knocked out? If it wasn't intentional, why didn't tim check the bloke to see if he was ok? If it wasn't an intentional headbutt we wouldn't be talking about it!

I've got no idea what the goal ump saw, that's obvious cos i'm not the goal ump. Both the players were at the top of the goal square whilst a player was lining up for a shot at goal 40 metres away, what else did he have to look at?

You suggest he had a front on view, I'd agree, he would'v. U must've been there to know that. But to say he wouldn't have been able to see TH throw his head back is ridiculous. His chin would'v lifted considerably and pointed right at the goal umpire, at which point contact was made with hartley's face, (now he prob couldn't see any contact) and presto the kid is like a pancake on the deck. What does distance between the players have to do with it?

Players don't knock themselves out cold!

if contact was accidental, why the severe consequences for one and not the other!

if it was an accident then why did tim hide by the post with no ill effects with his hands in the air.....

i'll tell you why, it was no accident .... he was guilty!

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It will be interesting to see Lavy Panthers view on this. Is the club going to site him?
I also heard a rumour that if the clearances were still open that Ednie wouldn't be there. Anyone else heard this.

Pigeons coach far from impressed

YARRAWONGA coach Bob Craig expressed his displeasure at the lack of protection for the Pigeons players after a comfortable 59-point win against Corowa-Rutherglen at the John Foord Oval yesterday.
Craig?s ire was raised at a high charge on Luke Hammond early in the first quarter which forced him to sit out the remainder of the match in a concussed state.
The incident failed to attract the attention of the men in white, but later in the term, Corowa-Rutherglen?s reigning best and fairest winner and former Pigeons player, Guy Chisnall, went into the book for charging Yarrawonga?s Joel Price.
?It was going to be a danger game for us and I am happy with the result,? Craig said.
?Our blokes certainly played the ball all day and withstood the physical pressure Corowa applied to us.
?I think Corowa played a lot better when they were trying to get the footy.
?I will say once again the Yarrawonga players have been let down by those who are supposed to protect them.
?He (Hammond) took a savage blow early in the game and everybody on the ground could see it except for a couple of people.?
Chisnall will front the tribunal after being booked by field umpire Don Wilkinson in the first quarter which ended with the Pigeons on their way to gaining total control against the Roos.
Poor conversion prevented the Pigeons from opening a bigger lead than 22 points at quarter time with Tim Hargreaves opening Yarrawonga?s account with his 50th goal of the season.
But, the Pigeons frittered away a succession of scoring chances before clicking into top gear in the second term as their dynamic midfield started to take control.
Feasting off the excellent work in the ruck by man mountain Josh Frawley, the Pigeons took charge at ground level, led by Lawrence Furlan and Jason Wild.
The Pigeons defence was right on top as Dallas Gallagher and Matt Wollington repeatedly turned the Roos out and Scott Oswald rose to the challenge of playing on Corowa-Rutherglen star Adrian Newman.
The only blemish for the Pigeons was the double 50m penalty conceded by Simon Rudd as a result of sheer frustration at being denied a certain goal.
Corowa-Rutherglen managed its first goal of the match at the nine-minute mark of the second term to Jay Campbell, who finished the match on the bench nursing a knee injury.
The Pigeons piled on another six goals in the third term as Clint Runnalls cut loose to kick two of his four goals in the quarter.
Corowa-Rutherglen, trailing by 80 points, was staring at the grim prospect of registering its lowest ever score and a record loss against the Pigeons before fighting the game out with 5.5 to 2.2 last term.
?I am happy to be on top of the ladder, but we?ve still got a lot of work to do to produce the footy we know we can play,? Craig said.

I wonder what Bobby has to say about the action from one of his players after making statements like above in the Border. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones Bobby.
aussie fast bowler said:
Very simple H, if it wasn't intentional they have no need to report the player!
But if it wasn't intentional, how did he manage to be knocked out? If it wasn't intentional, why didn't tim check the bloke to see if he was ok? If it wasn't an intentional headbutt we wouldn't be talking about it!

I've got no idea what the goal ump saw, that's obvious cos i'm not the goal ump. Both the players were at the top of the goal square whilst a player was lining up for a shot at goal 40 metres away, what else did he have to look at?

You suggest he had a front on view, I'd agree, he would'v. U must've been there to know that. But to say he wouldn't have been able to see TH throw his head back is ridiculous. His chin would'v lifted considerably and pointed right at the goal umpire, at which point contact was made with hartley's face, (now he prob couldn't see any contact) and presto the kid is like a pancake on the deck. What does distance between the players have to do with it?

Players don't knock themselves out cold!

if contact was accidental, why the severe consequences for one and not the other!

if it was an accident then why did tim hide by the post with no ill effects with his hands in the air.....

i'll tell you why, it was no accident .... he was guilty!

being a goal umpire, wouldnt he be focused on where the ball is, for the incoming shot at goal?

you saying that his chin WOULD'VE lifted considerably, does that mean you wernt there? how can you be commenting on the incident if you wernt there?

the distance between the players is a factor. the closer hartley was, the harder the force that wouldve been exerted on both players when hargreaves went to change direction.

and if the goal umpire didnt see any contact, how would it hold up in the tribunal??? it wouldnt
Can anyone tell me how Danny Demarte is going at Wodonga Raiders? Obviously they aren't travelling real well, just wondering about the 'Wog'
Harold said:
being a goal umpire, wouldnt he be focused on where the ball is, for the incoming shot at goal?

you saying that his chin WOULD'VE lifted considerably, does that mean you wernt there? how can you be commenting on the incident if you wernt there?

the distance between the players is a factor. the closer hartley was, the harder the force that wouldve been exerted on both players when hargreaves went to change direction.

and if the goal umpire didnt see any contact, how would it hold up in the tribunal??? it wouldnt

Scroll back about 4 comments and have a read H, i was there, so i'll comment as much as i please.

i wouldn't expect the goal umps eyes to be fixed on either the incident in question or the bloke lining up. His primary job is whether it goes through the sticks or not.
i expect he'd have his eyes open, and that would've been enough as the incident was 10 metres away and between him and the bloke kicking at goal.

And what's this story about hargraves changing directions, one of the yarra boys was 40m out having a shot, tim wasn't even contemplating a lead.

Put your brain into gear you d$%k head, 2 players with no one within 20 metres or more, one throws his head back at the other and instantly the bloke behind falls like a sack of sh#t, wouldn't hold up at the tribunal my a#se!
aussie fast bowler said:
And what's this story about hargraves changing directions, one of the yarra boys was 40m out having a shot, tim wasn't even contemplating a lead.

Put your brain into gear you d$%k head, 2 players with no one within 20 metres or more, one throws his head back at the other and instantly the bloke behind falls like a sack of sh#t, wouldn't hold up at the tribunal my a#se!

You timid Lavington souls drop like sacks of Sh*t if someone even looks at you in a derogatory manner – so maybe that’s what happened!!!!
Some of you guys are no angels so how about you just stop your whinging; it achieves stuff all by howling like a school girl on this forum and won’t make the kid who was hurt feel any better.
If any of you blokes had any ticker you would have dropped Hargy after the incident if it was that bad, you know go in and fly the flag for your mate!
Oh, but you have to show a bit of fight to do that…
In the mix said:
You timid Lavington souls drop like sacks of Sh*t if someone even looks at you in a derogatory manner – so maybe that’s what happened!!!!
Some of you guys are no angels so how about you just stop your whinging; it achieves stuff all by howling like a school girl on this forum and won’t make the kid who was hurt feel any better.
If any of you blokes had any ticker you would have dropped Hargy after the incident if it was that bad, you know go in and fly the flag for your mate!
Oh, but you have to show a bit of fight to do that…
Seriously mate, **** off.
In the mix said:
You timid Lavington souls drop like sacks of Sh*t if someone even looks at you in a derogatory manner – so maybe that’s what happened!!!!
Some of you guys are no angels so how about you just stop your whinging; it achieves stuff all by howling like a school girl on this forum and won’t make the kid who was hurt feel any better.
If any of you blokes had any ticker you would have dropped Hargy after the incident if it was that bad, you know go in and fly the flag for your mate!
Oh, but you have to show a bit of fight to do that…

We're more than happy to fly the flag... in fact we might fly the 2005 flag... showed enough to fight to get it!
Skut17 said:
Can anyone tell me how Danny Demarte is going at Wodonga Raiders? Obviously they aren't travelling real well, just wondering about the 'Wog'

Skut17, he was named 1 of the best in the paper from the weekend in the raiders reserves.
roast beef roll said:
Tim Hargraves involved in some sort of behind the play incident against the panthers yesterday, left the young bloke old cold in the goal square, convulsions followed, stretchered off and ambulance to hospital. Don't be surprised to hear more on the matter during the week.

I've never been a Tim Hargraves fan, a talented player no doubt, but he is a whinger, a front runner and yes i have to agree he is cowardly. I have played on Tim when Yarra's winning percentage wasn't as good as it currently is and he was terrible especially to those on his own side. If the ball was not delivered sufficently to him he would abuse his own team mates regards less of their age or experience - respect doesn't seem to be one of his strong points, which is fine because he has very little respect around the league for someone with such a decorated career. I've been involved in games where he hardly got a kick but heard he never had any problems with collecting his cheque. Players like that really annoy me because their great when things are going well but as soon as theres a problem their the first to drop their bundle. I hope Tim gets whats coming to him because there are alot of players who would love to have given it to him like hes given it to young Hartley. Maybe we should get former Corowa Rutherglen player Danny Shiers to have a word with Tim, we all know that they were great mates.
Lets face it Hargraves has been running around belting blokes for years and everyone knows it! If he goes for this then it is well overdue!
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