P*ss off PETA

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Birdy said:
When the survivors reach their destination they find themselves in barbaric and immorral Muslim cultures that are not subject to humane slaughter regulations. They are taken off the ship, stuffed into the boot of cars or on trucks and are taken to back street markets where they have their throats slit while still conscious and are often hung up and skinned while still alive.

We in the west have gotten very comfortable with not killing our own food in the last 50 years. Slitting the throat of an animal is probably one of the quickest ways for it to die. We only introduced things like Bolts with springs on them to hurry up the slaughter process. The only meat I ate in India was goat and it had its throat slit in front of me, if you can't handle it become a Vegi. Christian moron's preoccupation with framing the dirty immoral muslim arab is childish
Qsaint said:
Christian moron's preoccupation with framing the dirty immoral muslim arab is childish
Do we put people to death just for blasphemy? Or how about for simply converting to another religion?

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PerthCrow said:
So if you dont mules they die a slower more painful death from flyinfested @rseholes... isnt that cruel?
If there was no boycott then the wool industry would never develop alternatives to muelsing. People have been complaining about it for years but only now theres the threat of a boycott they are actually looking to phase it out.

I am assuming this is based on one 60 minutes show you happened to see or personal experience? I cant say too much about where I work but lets say yes I have a vested interest., so I asked my bosses and the vets at work and one in particular has been to the Saudi region and his first comment that those werent Aussie sheep in that 60 minutes segment. He also said that the conditions arent that fantastic but that the vets on board the boats do what they can. Until you come up with a culturally viable alternative..(culturally means tnhey have to arrive alive) or have had first hand experience dont talk rot.
It's not just from 60 minutes, there are plenty of reports from vets and other workers who know what really happens and I would easily accept their opinion over people who have an interest in the trade.
Birdy said:
It's not just from 60 minutes, there are plenty of reports from vets and other workers who know what really happens and I would easily accept their opinion over people who have an interest in the trade.

Care to elaborate as to who these vets and workers are?

I find that surprising considering that the Islamic way of killing animals is far more humane than in most other religions, including christianity.
Thrawn said:
Care to elaborate as to who these vets and workers are?

I find that surprising considering that the Islamic way of killing animals is far more humane than in most other religions, including christianity.
What are you talking about? Christianity has no prescribed method of killing animals for consumption.
Birdy said:
What are you talking about? Christianity has no prescribed method of killing animals for consumption.

You know well what I'm taking about. Each religion have their own beliefs on how animals should be treated. It is known that the Islamic method of killing animals for food is humane, it is irrelevant if christianity has a method or not. The point was you were overexaggerating. Now, rather than dodge my points, you could address them? Care to elaborate as to who these vets and other workers are?
damn those PETA assholes! im a member of PETV... people for the ethical treatment of vegetables.. and those stupid vegans make me sick.. think of how they're treating those poor helpless vegetables.. they throw them in boiling pots of water, keep them in cramped conditions and worse.. THEY'RE LIVING CREATURES FOR CHRISTS SAKE!

stupid PETA hippies. burn in hell.
stormee said:
damn those PETA assholes! im a member of PETV... people for the ethical treatment of vegetables.. and those stupid vegans make me sick.. think of how they're treating those poor helpless vegetables.. they throw them in boiling pots of water, keep them in cramped conditions and worse.. THEY'RE LIVING CREATURES FOR CHRISTS SAKE!

stupid PETA hippies. burn in hell.
Ha well won't you get a nice surprise. You'll burn in hell for torturing God's creatures, but maybe God will have mercy seeing as you can't even distinguish an animal from a plant.
Thrawn said:
You know well what I'm taking about. Each religion have their own beliefs on how animals should be treated. It is known that the Islamic method of killing animals for food is humane, it is irrelevant if christianity has a method or not. The point was you were overexaggerating. Now, rather than dodge my points, you could address them? Care to elaborate as to who these vets and other workers are?
There are plenty of eye witnesses to this kind of abuse. Here are two from a quick search:

its not abuse birdy. animals were put on earth to serve humans. therefore we can abuse/eat/do what we want with them. they dont mind. in fact, they like it.

Plants on the other hand.. leave them alone..

oh and another thing.. how can it be inhumane to treat animals in some way or another.. doesnt in humane imply its something being done to a human? meh, sometimes the english language perplexes me as much as people who put animal rights in front of human rights.
stormee said:
its not abuse birdy. animals were put on earth to serve humans. therefore we can abuse/eat/do what we want with them. they dont mind. in fact, they like it.

Anyone else see something wrong with this post?

No, you can't just abuse any animal you want. You can't go around torturing animals, or kicking someone else's pet. People will have your head on a stake if you do such things. Regular, everyday people - not just "bunny huggers".

oh and another thing.. how can it be inhumane to treat animals in some way or another.. doesnt in humane imply its something being done to a human? meh, sometimes the english language perplexes me as much as people who put animal rights in front of human rights.


Get a dictionary. Being humane does not imply "just to humans".

How old are you kid - 14? Don't be an arse.

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stormee said:
damn those PETA assholes! im a member of PETV... people for the ethical treatment of vegetables.. and those stupid vegans make me sick.. think of how they're treating those poor helpless vegetables.. they throw them in boiling pots of water, keep them in cramped conditions and worse.. THEY'RE LIVING CREATURES FOR CHRISTS SAKE!

stupid PETA hippies. burn in hell.

Dude, I don't agree with a lot of PETA's views, but your view is just as twisted, perhaps worse. If you think that you can justify torturing animals just because they are "lower" life forms and that's the reason we can do anything we want with them, well that's just, sick.

Maybe you need a little bit of an arse kicking? According to your view, I can go and viciously maim and kill any pets that you have and completely justify that because "We can use them however we want to".

No one in this thread is putting animal lives above human lives. Just because we hold that view doesn't mean we can torture animals... there is no justification to that.

\Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr. sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx, sa`rkos, flesh.] A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest.
agitator said:
as johnnie would say......hello......hello

i find this incredible, i just cant get my head around it.

these peta moonbats are the typical ferals you find in the greenie religious cult and hence they are aligned with the labour side of politics. for the past month we had all the gullible fools on this board banging on about how great latham is and supporting labour to the hilt, now a week after the election these same fools are complaining about some greenie moonbats and their totally irrational logic.

people on the left side of politics must take responsibility for their actions.....if you vote for moonbats then dont start complaining when the sh1t hits the fan......you cant have it both ways.
this is obviously a thread for the meat and two veg crowd, living in their suburban homes with white picket fences
Birdy said:
Do we put people to death just for blasphemy? Or how about for simply converting to another religion?

It might be a stretch for you to know any history but it was only a few hundred years ago the good old christians were burning women at the stake, torturing, killing, imprisioning scientest who were saying that the earth resolves around the Sun etc etc. Don't sit on your high horse about the religion of Christ, the religion of turning the other cheek, a religion of supposed compasion, when for the last 2000 years all its done is start wars and killed alot of innocents.
stormee said:

\Sar"casm\, n. [F. sarcasme, L. sarcasmus, Gr. sarkasmo`s, from sarka`zein to tear flesh like dogs, to bite the lips in rage, to speak bitterly, to sneer, fr. sa`rx, sa`rkos, flesh.] A keen, reproachful expression; a satirical remark uttered with some degree of scorn or contempt; a taunt; a gibe; a cutting jest.

You had nothing to show for it.

Next time put a wink, smiley - anything, to indicate such an expression. After all, it did look like you were serious.
Qsaint said:
Just off the topic but thier was a story in the Guardian about a group of shieks who came to one of Londons top hotels and somehow got a sheep and a BBQ into one of the Suites, slaughtered the Sheep in the bath tub and fired up the BBQ in the room.......

I'm having this bizarre flashback to schoolies in dunsborough a few years ago :)

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P*ss off PETA

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