P*ss off PETA

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In time, Abercrombie and Finch will quietly sell Australian wool products again, but without fanfare. I guess they have decided it is better to go along with a ban now and have the publicity over quickly. These PETA d*ck heads will move on to something else, grow up, get a job, or go completely ga ga, but I doubt have the brain power or stamina to carry on indefinitely fighting the bleeding obvious, which is that the Australian Wool industry is the best in the world and it's products will be used.
PJK said:
In time, Abercrombie and Finch will quietly sell Australian wool products again, but without fanfare. I guess they have decided it is better to go along with a ban now and have the publicity over quickly. These PETA d*ck heads will move on to something else, grow up, get a job, or go completely ga ga, but I doubt have the brain power or stamina to carry on indefinitely fighting the bleeding obvious, which is that the Australian Wool industry is the best in the world and it's products will be used.
Some of these PETA hippies are 30 years old.

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P_D said:
P.E.T.A sh*t me to tears, but don't get me STARTED on the R.S.P.C.A :mad:

RSPCA an evil, corrupt organization, give them nothing, better off giving money to non government funded animal havens & the many rescue centres run by people out of their homes & own pockets, these people really do care about animals, with no hidden political agendas.
PETA are nothing but an extremist group who put animal lives in front of humans (well, with some of the stories I have heard about them). They shouldn't be taken seriously. It's a pity that such a noble cause can turn into bull******** like this. Some animal rights groups are okay, just as long as humans come first and are not as extremist as PETA are.

I agree with *some* of their other policies, but not most of them (they are too stupid to be considered... like the banning of milk for example).

And I'd like to know why the RSPCA is "an evil, corrupt organization".
Thrawn said:
PETA are nothing but an extremist group who put animal lives in front of humans
I know of another group who does that too. They're called MANTIS.

Mutual Association of Numskulls, Thickheads, and Idiot's Society

They shouldn't be taken seriously.
Same with MANTIS

they are too stupid to be considered
Same with MANTIS.
Thrawn said:
PETA are nothing but an extremist group who put animal lives in front of humans (well, with some of the stories I have heard about them). They shouldn't be taken seriously. It's a pity that such a noble cause can turn into bull******** like this. Some animal rights groups are okay, just as long as humans come first and are not as extremist as PETA are.

I agree with *some* of their other policies, but not most of them (they are too stupid to be considered... like the banning of milk for example).

And I'd like to know why the RSPCA is "an evil, corrupt organization".

Banning milk? I've never heard of that one before, care to elaborate as to the PETA reasons to that?
I have worked with the rural sector for about 20 years, and can say very confidently that they are usually their own worst enemy.

The rural sector operates as a silent majority, they talk sense, and assume the greater population will understand, & accept the discussion put forward.

Unfortunately silent majorities are over-run in Aussie politics by loud, passionate, single issue extremists. These people use every dirty trick possible, every ambiguous discussion is turned around as proof positive, every unfortunate photograph is used to illustrate the common place, no matter what the context originally was.

The rural sector needs a loud, passionate articulate voice, one able to carry the debate to the radicals, one not afraid to get his/her hands dirty. One willing to dump a fly-blown sheeps carcass on to the stage for mass media consumption. For those who have never seen it, a fly-blown sheep is a pathetic sight, but one picture of that sight would carry the discussion to the usually silent, unaware, don't wanna know, populace.

It is these people who need to be awoken from their slumber, for their combined voice is needed to silence the half-crazed radicals.
Asgardian said:
I The rural sector needs a loud, passionate articulate voice, one able to carry the debate to the radicals, one not afraid to get his/her hands dirty. One willing to dump a fly-blown sheeps carcass on to the stage for mass media consumption.

Not carcass. Live. Carcass wouldn't demonstrate much. Mulesing and tail stripping is not a complete answer. Just helps significantly As mentioned before, the most distress at marking time is the castration of male lambs.

In favour of flies, maggots actually eat dead flesh and clean infected parts of wounds before they take over and consume living flesh.
3rdEchelon said:
Banning milk? I've never heard of that one before, care to elaborate as to the PETA reasons to that?

A lot of them are strictly vegans apparently, and they find it 'immoral' to use any product coming from any animal, yes, including meat, milk, cheese, the works.

IIRC, they ran a campaign somewhere in the US calling for a banning of milk, going to a local primary achool and hussling the kids about the 'dangers' of milk and that it is 'bad for your health'. One was dressed up as a cow, trying to persuade kids (who don't have a strong will mind you, they could listen to any old bad advice) to stop drinking milk because it hurts poor Daisy.
As a bit of a lefty I do get annoyed when the PETA types go all over the top like this - gives us a bad name. BUT you have to understand their way of thinking.

There is no doubt it seems that the sheep are better off for the treatment and the lack of maggots eating their asses in Australia. But obviously this practice does not take place in all sheep countries, otherwise the protest would be about all sheep and not just ones from Australia. So, and sorry if this is a preposterous thing to say to some people, it comes down to the question - Is Australia a suitable sheep rearing country - given you have to hack their asses to bits. Certainly it is more pleasant for a sheep to live in north wales and not have to have its bum mutilated, than it is for it to live in outback Australia and have the said treatment.

So really what the protest is about is requesting the the USA stores buy their wool from countries where sheep do not have to be treated in such a manner. Australian sheep can be sold elsewhere, but we may lose some premium $$ because US market pays well for high quality wool I guess.

As for the live export of sheep, which I really think is THE main issue here, well you cannot say that the Middle East markets "demand" it this way, therefore that is what we do. Well if we and other places refused to do it then I'm sure they would compromise or do without lamb/mutton. Australia SHOULD have the guts to stand up and stop the export if they want to.

You can't in one breath slam PETA for demanding humane treatment of animals to have access to USA markets, but then support Middle Eastern countries who demand Halal live sheep. We have to weigh up the markets value and bit the bullet and go either way. Again I kinda repeat - while IN AUSTRALIA the practice is the most humane thing to do, well there are other countries that do not do it and PETA obv think that is more humane.

I have NO DOUBT that muelsing (sp?) will not be stopped in Australia, but the USA market and consumers have every right to demand their wool be purchased from countries that do not do it. It will cost them a bit more to buy the wool maybe but that is an economic decision for them to make.

We can whinge all we like, but bottom line is that American, or ANY, consumers can do what they want with their money and purchasing decisions, and there is nothing we can do about it. So we either have to face the facts that we will lose USA markets, or try and improve practices.

If it is worth so much $$$ have the Farmers Union or Govt thought of bringing out a delegation of PETA people to Australia, show them some farms, show them sheep with maggot infested arses, and helf a 1-day conference with "experts" i the field - including lefty types, explaining that mulseing (sp?) IS THE BEST THING TO DO IN AUSTRALIA.

Sheesh this is a multim million $$ export and we have not even got the proactivity to cut them off at the pass and get them out here to show them the truth????

We can;t just sit here and whinge and call them all the names under the sun.

The attitude that farmers know everything and us city folk stuff things up all the time is tired and boring. Time for some proactive action farmers!!

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funkyfreo said:
Is Australia a suitable sheep rearing country - given you have to hack their asses to bits. Certainly it is more pleasant for a sheep to live in north wales and not have to have its bum mutilated, than it is for it to live in outback Australia and have the said treatment.

Given Australia produces the best wool in the world then you could fairly easily say that its a suitable place to rear sheap. As for North Wales (and same for most of Europe) they have to lock their animals for long stretches in the winter due to the weather. Not only that but they have been known to feed then cattle product. Given the weather, their feed, incidences of foot and mouth, scabies, mad cow disease, massive govt subsidies etc you could easily argue Europe is a crap plaice to raise animals.
medusala said:
Given Australia produces the best wool in the world then you could fairly easily say that its a suitable place to rear sheap. As for North Wales (and same for most of Europe) they have to lock their animals for long stretches in the winter due to the weather. Not only that but they have been known to feed then cattle product. Given the weather, their feed, incidences of foot and mouth, scabies, mad cow disease, massive govt subsidies etc you could easily argue Europe is a crap plaice to raise animals.

I'm sure the sheep prefer being indoors where that is needed.

I think Australia is a fine place to bring up sheep - the main bit of my argument is that there are enough $$$$ at stake to actually go and talk to these people and explain the situation. We can;t just sit back and have a whinge about it.
funkyfreo said:
I'm sure the sheep prefer being indoors where that is needed.

I think Australia is a fine place to bring up sheep - the main bit of my argument is that there are enough $$$$ at stake to actually go and talk to these people and explain the situation. We can;t just sit back and have a whinge about it.

Talking to them will do about as much good as talking to extremists like Bob Brown and OBL. Waste of time, they will never change their mind no matter how illogical their thoughts and actions are. Farmers should be able to sue these scum for loss of earnings.
medusala said:
Talking to them will do about as much good as talking to extremists like Bob Brown and OBL. Waste of time, they will never change their mind no matter how illogical their thoughts and actions are. Farmers should be able to sue these scum for loss of earnings.

Come on they are not scum - they just have their intentions misplaced in this instance... fine line I know.

Bottom line is we make good wool, and there will always be a market for it.

If that Fox thing really got you ********ed orf though, I can see this would make your blood boil!!

Anywy - if we did not export live sheep there would be no issue, that is the key to it. Yes I KNOW live sheep don;t go to wool...
funkyfreo said:
Come on they are not scum - they just have their intentions misplaced in this instance... fine line I know.

Bottom line is we make good wool, and there will always be a market for it.

If that Fox thing really got you ********ed orf though, I can see this would make your blood boil!!

Anywy - if we did not export live sheep there would be no issue, that is the key to it. Yes I KNOW live sheep don;t go to wool...

Remember the massive wool stockpile? Wasnt that easy to sell that, took years. These people are trying (and even succeeding in a very small way) to cost farmers money and unwitting cause many sheep painful deaths. What is far worse is what the animal lib people have been up to in the UK. They have beaten the crap out of a number of scientists, send photos of their kids being dropped off to school to employees, smashed cars, thrown acid in peoples faces etc. Really, really nasty pieces of work. Given animal experiments are vital in testing new drugs that will be used on people there is no excuse for this behaviour. Thats why when you say negotiate with them I cant see the point.
funkyfreo said:
have its bum mutilated

Not a fair description ff. More like plastic surgery without to much concern about anaesthetic. Or hair removal or something. The healing begins straight away and the end result is not a mutilated bum. Its an improved bum.
bunsen burner said:
I know of another group who does that too. They're called MANTIS.

Mutual Association of Numskulls, Thickheads, and Idiot's Society

Same with MANTIS

Same with MANTIS.
Are u and Medhead members of Mantis?.And Howfilth must be the patron.
Just noticed this on the ABC website.
Even I thought that PETA were wrong and that Mulesing was good for sheep - but seems a bit of pressure CAN help an industry change.

Plus, this just goes to show that Farmers ain't so bad after all Crocodilloman.

Wool industry to stop mulesing
Animal rights groups have won a major coup with the wool industry voting last night to end the practice of mulesing.

The decision was made after animal rights groups threatened an international boycott over the practice of removing wool-bearing skin from the sheep's crutch area.

The Western Australian president of the Pastoralists and Graziers Association, Barry Court, says industry leaders meeting in Sydney voted to phase the practice out by 2010.

Go to the website for full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200411/s1237505.htm
funkyfreo said:
Just noticed this on the ABC website.
Even I thought that PETA were wrong and that Mulesing was good for sheep - but seems a bit of pressure CAN help an industry change.

Plus, this just goes to show that Farmers ain't so bad after all Crocodilloman.

Wool industry to stop mulesing
Animal rights groups have won a major coup with the wool industry voting last night to end the practice of mulesing.

The decision was made after animal rights groups threatened an international boycott over the practice of removing wool-bearing skin from the sheep's crutch area.

The Western Australian president of the Pastoralists and Graziers Association, Barry Court, says industry leaders meeting in Sydney voted to phase the practice out by 2010.

Go to the website for full story: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200411/s1237505.htm

If you listened to the words you will find they have promised everything and given away nothing..''IF we find an appropriate alternative'' '' we WILL spend money on R&D'' "In the meantime we're going to upgrade the accreditation program for mulesing to make sure it is done properly and very hygienically and if possible a sedation will be done prior to mulesing," he said.
Good spin to divert attention ..a win to the cockies
PerthCrow said:
If you listened to the words you will find they have promised everything and given away nothing..''IF we find an appropriate alternative'' '' we WILL spend money on R&D'' "In the meantime we're going to upgrade the accreditation program for mulesing to make sure it is done properly and very hygienically and if possible a sedation will be done prior to mulesing," he said.
Good spin to divert attention ..a win to the cockies

They are working on a opsonin at the moment. It gets injected into the problem area and kills the growth of wool follicles. At this stage it takes about 10 injections and of course is cost prohibitive.
PerthCrow said:
If you listened to the words you will find they have promised everything and given away nothing..''IF we find an appropriate alternative'' '' we WILL spend money on R&D'' "In the meantime we're going to upgrade the accreditation program for mulesing to make sure it is done properly and very hygienically and if possible a sedation will be done prior to mulesing," he said.
Good spin to divert attention ..a win to the cockies

Of course, but good on them for at least putting some intelligence into a response - as opposed to the genuis of "******** off Peta" that lead the thread. Given it is a mega-bucks industry.

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P*ss off PETA

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