Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

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There is a great documentary I watched on this race a while ago called the "The Race that shocked the World" on SBS might still be up on their streaming platform its worth a watch. There was a lot of speculation before the race on Lewis not just Johnson. I think a few others also got found positive along with Johnson from the race too.

I watched that too, there was a lot going on behind the scenes and leading up to in that race beyond just the 100 metres.

It was certainly memorable, everyone was talking about it, the great Carl Lewis getting beaten by Ben Johnson from Canada.

We were in awe of Ben Johnson back then, he was like Usain Bolt the way he powered away, then we found out he was a cheat.

Inb4 everyone tells me Usain Bolt was a cheat and on the roids.

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The entire olympics ad free for the price of a pizza. Rare to find bargains like this anymore. If i was honest i would probably pay 1000 dollars for this. 25 dollars is a steal.
probably worth it if the games were in our timezone. Being that most of the main events will be played out in the early hours of our morning not so much worth it.

What are you going to tell me next, the great Bruce Jenner has turned into a woman?

You are living in a fantasy world.
Its not hard to google. Lewis probably shouldnt of even been running in the 88 race as he failed a drug test at the us team trials that back then should of had him banned. The us swept it under the rug at the time.

probably worth it if the games were in our timezone. Being that most of the main events will be played out in the early hours of our morning not so much worth it.
Time zone aint great. In fact its the worst it could be. But given that its steaming im just going to wake up at 6am each morning and put on the night events and pretend they are live. The paris morning events will be at a good time (our evenings ) so can watch them live.
Its not hard to google. Lewis probably shouldnt of even been running in the 88 race as he failed a drug test at the us team trials that back then should of had him banned. The us swept it under the rug at the time.

He was the golden boy of the 1984 Olympics, he won gold medals in the 100 metres, 200 metres and the long jump.

I would like to think he was clean back then as otherwise Gary Honey should be awarded a long jump gold.

I think the roids race started after that, maybe they were all doing it to a certain extent but Ben Johnson made it too obvious.

He wasn't in the mix for fastest sprinters back then like Carl Lewis and Linford Christie then all of a sudden he was Usain Bolt.
He was the golden boy of the 1984 Olympics, he won gold medals in the 100 metres, 200 metres and the long jump.

I would like to think he was clean back then as otherwise Gary Honey should be awarded a long jump gold.

I think the roids race started after that, maybe they were all doing it to a certain extent but Ben Johnson made it too obvious.

He wasn't in the mix for fastest sprinters back then like Carl Lewis and Linford Christie then all of a sudden he was Usain Bolt.

He was also part of the 4 X 100 gold medal team

He should have won more relay golds but their selection trial rules meant he never qualified.

He may not have been the quickest starter, but with a moving start he'd motor over the top of all of them.

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There wasn't enough smoking either, the French smoked liked chimneys when I was there like the Italians.

I thought I had gone back to the 70s, that was 20 years ago though so maybe they have cut down since then.

Just finished watching the entire opening ceremony. I didn't mind it. I like how they integrated the introduction of the athletes with artistic performances as both tend to drag on on their own. Using the Seine was a nice touch but clearly made for television as many noted. I thought the catwalk, dance party and horse scenes dragged on a bit (pun not intended). I love the rendition of Imagine with the flaming piano. I didn't feel the final torch relay going away from the people - to me, that is kinda the defining moment of an Olympic Games opening ceremony as a host nation. You want to do that in front of the athletes at the very least. They overdid it a bit with all the tennis players but I liked the touch with the oldest French Olympic champion. Probably an hour too long all up but glad I watched.
The USOC used to drug test everyone before they went to a games so they couldn't be caught there. If they tested positive they weren't banned they were told to clean up their act before the games. Dr Wade Excum's revelations in 2003 who did the "clean up work" for the USOC for over a decade went public and broke his silence.

Then there was US Dr Robert Kerr who at the Dubin Inquiry into Ben Johnson and drugs in sports in Canada in early 1989, under oath admitted that he gave HGH to 20 medal winning athletes at the 1984 LA Olympics. Nothing was ever done in the USA about his evidence.

Lewis: 'Who cares I failed drug test?'

Duncan Mackay The Guardian, Thursday 24 April 2003

Carl Lewis has broken his silence on allegations that he was the beneficiary of a drugs cover-up, admitting he had tested positive for banned substances but claiming he was just one of "hundreds" of American athletes who were allowed to escape bans.

"There were hundreds of people getting off," he said. "Everyone was treated the same."

Lewis has now acknowledged that he failed three tests during the 1988 US Olympic trials, which under international rules at the time should have prevented him from competing in the Seoul games two months later.

The admission is a further embarrassment for the United States Olympic Committee, which had initially denied claims that 114 positive tests between 1988 and 2000 were covered up. It will add weight to calls by leading anti-doping officials and top athletes for an independent inquiry into the US's record on drug issues.

Last week Dr Wade Exum alleged that a ban imposed on Lewis after positive tests for three stimulants had been overturned by the USOC when the athlete said he had ingested them mistakenly in a herbal supplement

Lewis received only a warning after officials ruled that his positive tests were due to "inadvertent" use. Some scientists believe the substances could have been a masking agent for more serious drugs, such as anabolic steroids.

"The climate was different then," said Lewis. "Over the years a lot of people will sit around and debate that [the drug] does something. There really is no pure evidence to show that it does something. It does nothing

Great finish with Celine Dion.

I hate to nitpick but she is French Canadian, it would have been more appropriate if she sang et the Montreal Olympics in 1976.

I don't want to rain on France's parade though but it was disappointing that Daft Punk, Air or Jean Michel Jarre didn't get a gig.

No Asterix or Obelix was disappointing too, they even have an Asterix theme park just outside of Paris too, Parc Asterix.

No love for the Gauls that beat up on the Romans, they aren't woke enough these days I guess, too violent, not diverse enough.
Now that would have been sublime. He knows how to put on a show for huge crowds. And he had the good taste to be married to Charlotte Rampling.
The only thing I remember about the 1988 Olympics apart from the doves getting cooked in the Olympic flame.

The great Carl Lewis getting beaten in the 100m sprint, you could see how shocked he was when he got beaten.

Ben Johnson coming from nowhere to power away, Carl said he knew he was doing roids when he was running that fast.

Carl Lewis was clean and he rightfully got awarded back to back 100m gold medals after Ben Johnson got stripped off his.

Moral of the story, cheats never prosper.

The USOC used to drug test everyone before they went to a games so they couldn't be caught there. If they tested positive they weren't banned they were told to clean up their act before the games. Dr Wade Excum's revelations in 2003 who did the "clean up work" for the USOC for over a decade went public and broke his silence.

Then there was US Dr Robert Kerr who at the Dubin Inquiry into Ben Johnson and drugs in sports in Canada in early 1989, under oath admitted that he gave HGH to 20 medal winning athletes at the 1984 LA Olympics. Nothing was ever done in the USA about his evidence.

Lewis: 'Who cares I failed drug test?'

Duncan Mackay The Guardian, Thursday 24 April 2003

Carl Lewis has broken his silence on allegations that he was the beneficiary of a drugs cover-up, admitting he had tested positive for banned substances but claiming he was just one of "hundreds" of American athletes who were allowed to escape bans.

"There were hundreds of people getting off," he said. "Everyone was treated the same."

Lewis has now acknowledged that he failed three tests during the 1988 US Olympic trials, which under international rules at the time should have prevented him from competing in the Seoul games two months later.

The admission is a further embarrassment for the United States Olympic Committee, which had initially denied claims that 114 positive tests between 1988 and 2000 were covered up. It will add weight to calls by leading anti-doping officials and top athletes for an independent inquiry into the US's record on drug issues.

Last week Dr Wade Exum alleged that a ban imposed on Lewis after positive tests for three stimulants had been overturned by the USOC when the athlete said he had ingested them mistakenly in a herbal supplement

Lewis received only a warning after officials ruled that his positive tests were due to "inadvertent" use. Some scientists believe the substances could have been a masking agent for more serious drugs, such as anabolic steroids.

"The climate was different then," said Lewis. "Over the years a lot of people will sit around and debate that [the drug] does something. There really is no pure evidence to show that it does something. It does nothing

Inadvertently took the same 3 masking agents as his two training partners....

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Summer Paris 2024 - General Discussion

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