I reckon it has been for years, it just becomes more obvious once there's some drama to pile on to and clicks/subs to nab. Their entire Modus Operandi is to blow things out of proportion because that's what gets the most people, pump up the promising stuff and tear into the stuff that doesn't meet expectations, especially if it's something they already pumped up. If your competition does something even a little bit incorrect then hammer them and set fire to their reputation.It's a shame because I don't think it was always this way. I used to sub to a lot of them and regularly watched their content. Now I don't sub to any of them and only search them around releases to fast forward to benchmarks.
Content creators do it, the Murdoch rags do it, TV News does it..... it gets people riled up and looking for the next update. Ratings, clicks, and subscriptions are all money to them and that's all they really give a shit about, and there's plenty of humans out there desperate for things to put on their screens that eat that shit up.