Perceived spuds at your club who get a game

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Dead set people what's the point in bashing people over the head with a thread like this

Anyone who makes it to AFL CAN play the game, let's be rally clear in that

WE Have Also seen me at health become a big issues for players in recent years and threads like this don't, I suspect players and families read the Internet also

Consider how many years of hard work and sacrifice it takes to get an afl game ...the years of running and hard slog ...missing rep teams then getting rookie drafted and finally getting a chance also

How would you like if someone walked into your office and said hey stop talking by the water cooler and get me that report pronto the way you're a spud and you've only got a job because we can't get anyone else.

Here is alternative way of thinking maybe the so called spud should be applauded for making it with limited talent

Just think let's be more aware of bashing people over the head for no reason

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Hawks fans harsh on Suckling.
Every time I watch Hawks in big games (in previous years) he takes that dangerous kick that would split the defence open and give Hawks run. Rest of his game is average and his kicking style suggests not well trained but IMO the role he played against defensive swarming teams like Freo & Syd in previous years was invaluable. One trick pony though definitely.

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David Mackay - soft, slow, lacking footy smarts, can't find the ball. Recently signed a new 4-year deal :drunk:
While I agree that Mackay hasn't been good, I'll disagree with your reasons why.

Soft - For an incredibly slightly built pure outside runner he's never been afraid to run back with the flight or stand under a high ball, and his tackle numbers have always been good for an outside mid.

Slow - While he's not quick, he's not slow. He's basically middle paced.

Lacking footy smarts - When he gets the ball in space, he's comfortably one of the better kicks in the team. I rememberreading some stat for percentage of inside 50 kicks that lead to a mark, and Mookay was right up the top. Although I suppose you could argue he lacks footy smarts in that he doesn't seem to know where to run to get kicks.

I just think the big big big big killer issue is that he just doesn't get the ball enough. And that's pretty much it. I can't believe he played so many games this year.
Start at A ;)
Alphabetically, no A players.

First up then is Rohan Bail - delisted a few days back. When even MFC think you're a spud, you are a spud king.
I'll spare the delistings who didn't play much. Garland, McDonald and Howe all come close to qualifying but all bring enough good with the bad. So for this year at Melbourne the main culprits were:

Lumumba - 19 games
Dawes - 14 games
Grimes - 12 games
Matt Jones - 9 games
Spencer - 7 games

On track for spud dom but could turn it around:
Newton - 11 games
Michie - 11 games
Toumpas - 9 games

That's not a bad list for us. We've really scaled back. Getting Lumumba over from the Pies when we probably could've had Varcoe or a draft pick wasn't a wise decision. Matt Jones is an epic spud who managed to play super important roles shutting down Bob Murphy and Corey Enright in big wins and do SFA in 7 other games. Grimes is just horrible to watch. He's cooked as an AFL player but still tries hard and gives his all.

Everyone knows about Toumpas, he played some decent footy this year but still hasn't found any consistency. Michie and Newton are two imports who bring decent skills (Newton is even above average) and can find the ball. Unfortunately neither of them seem to be AFL level runners and both spend time frustratingly running in circles unable to impact play.
I know he is big, but apart from size Dawes just brings nothing to a game of footy. Whenever I watch you guys he just frustrates me no end. So many times he nearly gets it or kind of makes a half hearted effort pretending to go for the ball. Just leaves me feeling deflated and shaking my head.
We have lots of players who sometimes do good things and sometimes even play good games and you think oh yea hes really turned the corner now. Then they just put in 5 shockers. Then just when you are going to drop them, they have an ok game again. Think of half a side of Shane Watsons.
Oh boy.Nic SubanMatt de boerDanyle PearceZac ClarkeZac DawsonChris MayneI think that covers the players regularly maligned by opposition and Freo fans alike.
I agree with Suban and De Boer and Dawson. Pearces and Clarke are not spuds. Pearce has pace. Clarke is lazy. Mayne a spud? wash your mouth out!
I agree with Suban and De Boer and Dawson. Pearces and Clarke are not spuds. Pearce has pace. Clarke is lazy. Mayne a spud? wash your mouth out!

Can you explain to me how Suban and De Boer get games ahead of Jacob Ballard?

Does Ross Lyon have it in his contract or game plan 'must play 3-4 spuds week in week out.'

When he was at the Saints he refused to play David Armitage or Tom Lynch (now at Adelaide) but played Robert Eddy and Andrew McQualter week in week out. It still remains a mystery but it now seems like he is doing this all over again.

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