Perceived spuds at your club who get a game

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Naitanui - only jumps good

Doesn't find enough of the pill and goes missing for the majority of the game and doesn't influence the match aside from the occasional highlight

And we are bloody stuck with him for another 4 years

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I know he is big, but apart from size Dawes just brings nothing to a game of footy. Whenever I watch you guys he just frustrates me no end. So many times he nearly gets it or kind of makes a half hearted effort pretending to go for the ball. Just leaves me feeling deflated and shaking my head.
Disagree with the bolded. Effort is always there, he's just shit.
Players who have been getting games for a fair while but in reality are holding us back:

Armfield (even though I do love his work ethic, just kicking can let him down)
Terrible post. We need to hand out 38 contracts every year. Garlett, Robinson and Waite aren't as committed as four of these players. More talented, but that only takes you so far. Look at Langford, Puopolo and Spangher who have played in a flag. Schoenmakers got a game in a prelim. They'd be spuds at Carlton in the last two seasons. A team is greater than the sum of it's parts.

Clubs wants Henderson and Yarran who are more talented, yet they won't trade for them...
Matthew Suckling. People are finally starting to see this guy's kicking for what it absolute and utter myth.

Combine that with the fact that this putrid muppet has no other weapons in his football arsenal whatsoever and you have one massive potato.


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Terrible post. We need to hand out 38 contracts every year. Garlett, Robinson and Waite aren't as committed as four of these players. More talented, but that only takes you so far. Look at Langford, Puopolo and Spangher who have played in a flag. Schoenmakers got a game in a prelim. They'd be spuds at Carlton in the last two seasons. A team is greater than the sum of it's parts.

Clubs wants Henderson and Yarran who are more talented, yet they won't trade for them...
I'll give you Armfield, Rowe and White. Good soldiers. Capable of taking the knocks whilst the youngsters come through. But Ellard and Warnock, no thanks. Ellard should've retired years ago and Warnock lacks talent and heart.

People will trade for Henderson and Yarran they just don't want to give up too much!

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