Games & Recreation Photography: Who's into it what Camera and Lens do you have and show us some of pictures thread

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Got my birthday tomorrow and after a recent break in where my Olympus dslr was knocked off my parents are buying me a new camera.. Thinking the Canon 700D, what's the general consensus on it, is there better for that price range?

I went from a 450d to a 70d. Umm'ed and argh'ed for ages about whether I wanted to basically start over again with a full frame, or keep the crop sensor. In the end the crop sensor won out, and went with the 70d. Great machine that has a noticeable size & weight jump from my older 450d - I presume the 450d & 700d would be similar in that they were/are entry level builds over a 6yr release gap. You can buy the body from DWI or Camera Paradise which are both grey importers that I've had no trouble with in the past for not much more than what you'd buy the 700d for in-stores here in Oz. The jump from the 700d to 70d is basically going from entry level to mid-range.

In saying that, its all about personal opinion. Get a feel for the models that you like in your hand and see which feels right for you.

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I went from a 450d to a 70d. Umm'ed and argh'ed for ages about whether I wanted to basically start over again with a full frame, or keep the crop sensor. In the end the crop sensor won out, and went with the 70d. Great machine that has a noticeable size & weight jump from my older 450d - I presume the 450d & 700d would be similar in that they were/are entry level builds over a 6yr release gap. You can buy the body from DWI or Camera Paradise which are both grey importers that I've had no trouble with in the past for not much more than what you'd buy the 700d for in-stores here in Oz. The jump from the 700d to 70d is basically going from entry level to mid-range.

In saying that, its all about personal opinion. Get a feel for the models that you like in your hand and see which feels right for you.
Going to save a bit myself and chip in and get a 60D.
Curious, has anyone here made money from photography or is it more a side hobby?

Thinking of getting into it as a hobby, but wouldn't mind it as some form of side income down the track if at all possible.

Going entry level for my first camera though, Nikon D3300 seems to be the most reccomended in my budget.
Curious, has anyone here made money from photography or is it more a side hobby?

Thinking of getting into it as a hobby, but wouldn't mind it as some form of side income down the track if at all possible.

Going entry level for my first camera though, Nikon D3300 seems to be the most reccomended in my budget.
I've made some very nice pocket money from photography in the past but not so much these days.

Areas to make money are corporate events and portraits, weddings (you need to be an excellent photographer, with good gear including back up equipment and excellent people skills), advertising, family and pet portraits.

Unfortunately there's very little money in editorial photography these days.

Whatever you do don't let the quest for money kill your passion for a hobby.
I've made some very nice pocket money from photography in the past but not so much these days.

Areas to make money are corporate events and portraits, weddings (you need to be an excellent photographer, with good gear including back up equipment and excellent people skills), advertising, family and pet portraits.

Unfortunately there's very little money in editorial photography these days.

Whatever you do don't let the quest for money kill your passion for a hobby.
Good to hear.

Yeh not looking for it to replace the day job, more something down the track as a bit of a bonus if my skills improved. For now just looking to have a bit of fun, maybe create an instagram or facebook page to get some exposure out there and share some work.

I don't know anything about the technical aspects of photography, I basically just point and shoot with what I think is visually appealing.
Hey guys looking at starting to possibly do a bit of photography. Mainly with photos of local football matches. It has been an interest for a fair while now, but yet have no experience. What camera would be best to save up for?

Nothing too technical. Just something that would look quite amazing capturing live sporting moments.
Been down the west coast of Victoria the last few days.

Had a quick look through the thread but could find what i was after, anyway wondering if someone could recommend a good (free preferably) program that I could use to sort photos (by places/dates/people/event etc) saved on computer, have over 10 years’ worth some are saved into events/places whilst others are just in folders named the date the pics where uploaded. My wife's scrapbooks and is always hunting for pics, and need something to make the searching easier.
Thought it was better to post in here before buying something I end up regretting.

Basically, looking for an action camera, so like the GoPro's or Sony Action cams. Mainly for travelling and adventure sports, so would like it to be waterproof. I'm not really sure what to look out for if I'm mostly going to be having some raw footage and a few photos. Are any of the alternative brands any good? Around $500 is my budget for this, or £250 as I'm currently in the UK, but I'm really not sure where to begin. I have the small Sony compact camera as a gift, it takes decent photos, but for videos, it's a bit average, again this is the $120 camera I got when they were on sale a few months ago.

Or if anyone has an action cam, how do you find it? Is it limiting in anyway, and how's the battery life if you're going to be taking it out for a day?
Thought it was better to post in here before buying something I end up regretting.

Basically, looking for an action camera, so like the GoPro's or Sony Action cams. Mainly for travelling and adventure sports, so would like it to be waterproof. I'm not really sure what to look out for if I'm mostly going to be having some raw footage and a few photos. Are any of the alternative brands any good? Around $500 is my budget for this, or £250 as I'm currently in the UK, but I'm really not sure where to begin. I have the small Sony compact camera as a gift, it takes decent photos, but for videos, it's a bit average, again this is the $120 camera I got when they were on sale a few months ago.

Or if anyone has an action cam, how do you find it? Is it limiting in anyway, and how's the battery life if you're going to be taking it out for a day?

I have a GoPro Hero 3 Silver, and a lot of the footage I've taken on it is great. i.e. in a swimming pool, travelling, snowboarding etc. One of the issues I've had with it is an inability to set up the shot so I've had videos where the camera is pointed too far downwards etc. However that is rectifiable with an iPhone or for another $100 you can buy an LED back.

Battery life can be a little bit concerning if you're planning on taking it out for the whole day so I'd recommend buying a spare battery or two just in case.

Also the cost of it all can be quite frustrating. Various extra components such as a pole, different mounts, straps etc. are quite expensive if you buy from the GoPro brand although there are a fair few cheaper options out there.

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Have the GoPro Hero 3 Black. As James said above, the battery life tends to suck even with the additional pack attached. But in saying that, it's packs a punch for it size and versatility so you can't have it all. Goes places and catches angles that you wouldn't be able to with many other products.

As for mounts, I went all out and bought a lot up front but in reality have only used the surf, pole (3rd party), float, and suction cap.
Some awesome photos in the thread! Thought i would share a few that my wife and i took on our honeymoon. not to the level of a lot of the other photos in here but thought id share anyway :)

Madison Square Park - NYC

Grand Central Station - NYC

Empire State Building (while driving past it in a bus hence it not being centred ha ha)

Central Park - NYC

Central Park again - NYC

Boston Common Park - Boston

9/11 Memorial site and new Tower

got a few more on the computer at home which i might upload later on.
My fave macro ive done..took a bit of patience.

Canon 7d with 60mm macro

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