Picola & District South East 2010 Thread

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Did I see what I think I saw at Central park on Sat at the 20min mark of the 4th?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: What a goose! My only hope is that he was reacting to some ribbing coming from the goose behind the bar on the hill! Talk about over celebrating!!!!:thumbsdown:

How embarrasing... he just strolled down there in the last 5 mins in his pretty white boots got on the end of a handball (screaming his head off give it to me give it to me) and then slotted it through and OMG you should have seen the celebrations ... I was very emabrassed for the Nutta... HA HA... its your turn now Frosty
Apologies must go to the guy I had a crack at for the over zealous celebration! I have it on good authority that he was playing to coaches instruction. He was told to go forward and try demonstrate to his peers what footy means to him. Obviously the poor bugger has been starved of oppportunities to ever get forward and kick the goals, and he just was playing with his heart on his sleeve. Great to see even an ol' timer get excited with something as simple as kicking a goal. Shows the passion he has for this great game. Get off his case big larf!:thumbsdown:
BTW I think it was a master stroke by the coach to get his guys motivated even tho the game was well gone, one sensed the whole side got a lift seeing the sheer excitement on his face. It must of worked coz they kicked 9 in the last I think! We'll see if the cockroach will roll the dice by playing him up fwd this week against the Bears!:eek:

It may well have to be an option . . . . . . considering Payne once kicked 6 or 7 in a quarter on the "ol' timer":D:D:D
See the "ol' timer" has been moved back this week to the backline after his over the top celebrations last week, rumour has it he may have been a little unhappy about losing his forward spot and left the clubrooms early last night, in doing so missed out on his ticket being drawn for the thursday night raffle, very unlucky ramnuts, sure the back line will be happy your back there against a strong tunga!
Couple of big games this week with Bears v Eagles with both having a few out, and Dookie v Kats both trying to keep there places in the top 5!

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It may well have to be an option . . . . . . considering Payne once kicked 6 or 7 in a quarter on the "ol' timer":D:D:D

Wouldn't throw too many stones here Big Arse - sorry Larf:D:D:D - touche'. I seem to remember not too long ago one of the biggest nuffa's to pull on a boot at the mighty bomber land west of Numurkah tore you a new one with a dominant display of body on body to nearly single handly get them over the line. I think he goes by the name of multiple appendages (two of them!) Word has it he has headed to the major league in search of a greater challenge b/c the donut eater he played on that day didn't give him enough of a challenge. Good luck to him as I think it shows great character to challenge yourself in a higher league!

Well it seems that there is no place like home with a return to the familiar rear half this week. Never mind, we have a good group back there. All back sixes are a special breed. Something you hungry mothers up forward will never understand. Just remember "Attack entertains - Defence wins premierships!" Over & Out!:thumbsu:
Wouldn't throw too many stones here Big Arse - sorry Larf:D:D:D - touche'. I seem to remember not too long ago one of the biggest nuffa's to pull on a boot at the mighty bomber land west of Numurkah tore you a new one with a dominant display of body on body to nearly single handly get them over the line. I think he goes by the name of multiple appendages (two of them!) Word has it he has headed to the major league in search of a greater challenge b/c the donut eater he played on that day didn't give him enough of a challenge. Good luck to him as I think it shows great character to challenge yourself in a higher league!

Well it seems that there is no place like home with a return to the familiar rear half this week. Never mind, we have a good group back there. All back sixes are a special breed. Something you hungry mothers up forward will never understand. Just remember "Attack entertains - Defence wins premierships!" Over & Out!:thumbsu:

Hit a nerve there did I tinynuts - sorry ramnuts:D:D:D - touche'? I also seem to remember that game of which we won by 95 points. Mr Verhoeven just quite didn't do enough did he? As you say, good to see he is plying his trade in a higher league.

In hindsight, I probably came back a little too early from an injury to play that game just before finals, but I've learnt from that. Just like footy players who are pushing 40 should learn that at that age its never a good idea to buy a pair of bright white boots, which emphasizes the fact it looks like they are running with paddlepop sticks stuck to their legs. Like i say, you'll learn from that. (But feel free to continue to get that white nugget out on a saturday morning, as we don't want to miss one of those embarrassing over-the-top celebrations again).
Hit a nerve there did I tinynuts - sorry ramnuts:D:D:D - touche'? I also seem to remember that game of which we won by 95 points. Mr Verhoeven just quite didn't do enough did he? As you say, good to see he is plying his trade in a higher league.

...Just like footy players who are pushing 40 should learn that at that age its never a good idea to buy a pair of bright white boots, which emphasizes the fact it looks like they are running with paddlepop sticks stuck to their legs.

Hey Big Lard (thats another name for pig fat - ha ha ha ha)- all I can say at least I've got to nearly forty before I started running like that and wasn't hobbling around like I had rigamortis of the arse, hips, knees and cankles at age 27!:eek: This could go for ever!

Anyway gotta get some work done - Good Luck to all this week and as stated in a couple of earlier posts should be some crackers this weekend! I'm sure that footy will be the winner. Lets just hope that ol mate from country scoreboard can manage to hold our leagues results on the screen for longer than 0.001 of a second so we can see who the winners are on Sat night
. . . Lets just hope that ol mate from country scoreboard can manage to hold our leagues results on the screen for longer than 0.001 of a second so we can see who the winners are on Sat night

Hey SheepBalls, why don't you just move into the 21st century and sign up to receive the footy scores and ladder on your mobile.

Considering your age and your limited understanding of technology, here is the link with step by step instructions to help you catch up with the real world:

shep to beat tunga by 17 pts
rennie to smash katunga by 130 pts (chase to kick 14)
dookie to beat katandra by 7 pts
waaia to beat katamatite by 3 in a upset
got to the katunga v rennie game at quarter time in the twos, can only look at the twos as a bit of comedy relief before the big game these days because the bloke umpiring from katunga had no idea what was going on and pulled decisions out of his ar$e when he had the chance, some would say he cheated,similar to the rennie bloke against tunga that wasnt game enough to make a decision when the game heated up and let old mate stacey run the whole ground . Its sad that the league doesnt take the twos seriously but lack of decent official umpires has turned the twos into the mockery it is, may have to show up later in the day or stay home and watch footy on telly, sad isnt it?
got to the katunga v rennie game at quarter time in the twos, can only look at the twos as a bit of comedy relief before the big game these days because the bloke umpiring from katunga had no idea what was going on and pulled decisions out of his ar$e when he had the chance, some would say he cheated,similar to the rennie bloke against tunga that wasnt game enough to make a decision when the game heated up and let old mate stacey run the whole ground . Its sad that the league doesnt take the twos seriously but lack of decent official umpires has turned the twos into the mockery it is, may have to show up later in the day or stay home and watch footy on telly, sad isnt it?

Dunno about watching tv at home I love watching the twos before I play seniors. They play a massive role in every club and I reckon most people would agree. I agree some umpires struggle but there is no game without them though good or bad. On anoter hand any one wanna make early predictions on league medal winner and runner up and teams b&fs. I'll have a go
wildy league medal cullinan runner up
Katy b&f wild
rennie no idea
katandra hall or Dan o Riley
tunga dodd
shepp east. Cullinan
waaia. Armstrong or number eight not sure his number lol
katunga tim few
dookie. Marx

this is just a guess from what players I have seen and played against happy to be corrected
got to the katunga v rennie game at quarter time in the twos, can only look at the twos as a bit of comedy relief before the big game these days because the bloke umpiring from katunga had no idea what was going on and pulled decisions out of his ar$e when he had the chance, some would say he cheated,similar to the rennie bloke against tunga that wasnt game enough to make a decision when the game heated up and let old mate stacey run the whole ground . Its sad that the league doesnt take the twos seriously but lack of decent official umpires has turned the twos into the mockery it is, may have to show up later in the day or stay home and watch footy on telly, sad isnt it?

I thought the better team won on Saturday in the 2's - Rennie were poor. I don't remember the Katunga umpy having that much influence. On that Tunga game I think the Rennie ump had just done the 3rds and had to run back out to do the 2's. The poor bloke probably didn't have any breath left to blow the whistle! The other bloke you mentioned was best on ground that day. I'd like to say a bit more about that bloke but it is probably best left unsaid.
If you want to win games of footy in the twos get a bloke from your club to umpire that doesnt mind being a obvious cheat like tunga do and your set, wonder how long they have been getting away with it?. A biased umpire can make a huge difference when two pretty even teams play and it just doesnt seem fair. That was my point.
The league should worry more about what is happening on the field and less about trivial things like what people are drinking out of. Its obvious there is a vendetta against rennie and the more competitive they are the more it gets under the skin of those in charge. I would like to stress this is my opinion and i am not a spokesman for rennie or any other club because i wouldnt want one of those high and mighty tossers using this as more ammo against a bush footy club trying to survive

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Agree with you to a point uppercut. I wouldn't say it was the club (tunga) cheating. I think all of our clubs have some pretty good footy people involved and they wouldn't condone that sort of thing. I think it is more a reflection on the individual umpire's character. Unfortunately, games have been decided by one or two of these mighty fine people. I note that the tunga ump has been singled out. To avoid litigation I'm not going to comment on him. It is a shame when an even game is decided by the ump and their willingness to find a quick three or four 50 metre penalties (resulting in goals) just to give their team a lead. Tunga is one club that we look forward to meeting again. I'm sure their umpire on that day will be closely watched .....

On the glass/drinking issue I agree. Rennie seem to have copped a hammering about it even though there is no clause in the PDFL constitution or operating rules that prevents this! I made the point a few weeks ago about the need for consistency. I'm yet to visit a venue this year where you couldn't get a drink in glass. I don't think there is a vendetta by the PDFL Executive - it is only from one idiot and he has been silenced (I think).

On the League Medal, I reckon Cam Sandral (last year's 3rds medallist), Jack O'Callaghan and Josh Lewis will poll well for the hoppers.

Oh, and by the way. Be careful uppercut with the bagging of tunga. I can sense a response from Gambi any minute now .....
If you want to win games of footy in the twos get a bloke from your club to umpire that doesnt mind being a obvious cheat like tunga do and your set, wonder how long they have been getting away with it?. A biased umpire can make a huge difference when two pretty even teams play and it just doesnt seem fair. That was my point.
haha at wat wj said and dont start on the tunga umpire cos the rennie 1 was just as bad and to mention 50 meter penalties your umpire gave away a 50 wen someone in the croud called him a d**k head and he doesnt even no who it was and also tunga could of got a goal late in the 1st quarter and the rennie umpire took the ball off us so dont talk about umpirin...
this is a footy forum gambi so of course im going to talk about umpiring but saying the rennie ump was as bad as old mate from tunga is a fair stretch mate and i think you know it too
With Rennie whinging so much , maybe they'd be better off to go back to where they come from ?

as i said mojohawks I am not a spokeman for rennie, the reason not many people have much to say on these forums is because people like you get on here just to have a poke at anyone with a opinion, by the way rennie would have quiet happily stayed where they where if the coreen league didnt fold a few years ago. again my opinion and wj is welcome to correct me if this is not the case. which club do you come from anyway champ?
got to the katunga v rennie game at quarter time in the twos, can only look at the twos as a bit of comedy relief before the big game these days because the bloke umpiring from katunga had no idea what was going on and pulled decisions out of his ar$e when he had the chance, some would say he cheated,similar to the rennie bloke against tunga that wasnt game enough to make a decision when the game heated up and let old mate stacey run the whole ground . Its sad that the league doesnt take the twos seriously but lack of decent official umpires has turned the twos into the mockery it is, may have to show up later in the day or stay home and watch footy on telly, sad isnt it?

I have played in the Scoobies all year and have found using a club appointed umpire from both clubs has worked really well in comparison to the official umpires we have been given. In my oppinion the play seems to be "let go" a bit more than the official umpire trying to assert their mark on the game.
Also im starting to wonder if the officials have actually played the game as the club appointed umps are usually retired footballers who seem to have a much better grasp and understanding on the game??
In saying that im knocking them as we all know we have a huge shortage of Umps so its just the way it is.
And just on the Kutung ump, when we played them i thought their ump and ours did a fine job, not sure if its the same person?
Any way lets get our baby calves right, finish off the home and away and step into the buisness end.
Good point fencesitter about the club umps over the others. I too question whether some of the other guys have played much footy. I've found most of the club umpys pretty good blokes over the years. Unfortunately though, we've encountered a few blokes bordering on being cheats. I think the umpire boards should be paying all umpys a lot more $. I think that if a top district club player is on say the $300- mark in a comp such as this, then that is what the seniors ump should be on. I think a lot more quality people (particularly ex players) will take the caper up then. The benefits would flow through all the grades with more (and better umpys). How do we pay for it - add 1 or 2 dollars onto the admission price. We can go on and on about some of these club umps but unfortunately, some of them are not going to change. Tunga beat Rennie in the twos a few weeks ago. That aint going to change. Let's move on.

Uppercut, don't worry about mojohawk. His comment clearly indicates a lack of brain power, insight and intestinal fortitude. May he crawl back under his rock. Conversely, he may choose to make a positive contribution to this forum, at which point I'm sure we'll welcome his opinions.

On whether we'd have preferred to stay in the old Coreen League??? I can only give my opinion on this. First of all, we love this comp. Things were "easier" in the Coreen days. We had enough local boys to be competitive, didn't have to fork out too much $, knew and got on well with most of the opposition. But the quality of the footy wasn't as good as what is is now. Being in this comp has brought us new blood (players, supporters, officials). It has really added life to the club. I think that most PDFL (South East) Clubs seem to be happy for our addition to the comp as well.
With Rennie whinging so much , maybe they'd be better off to go back to where they come from ?

Hey, that's cutting edge stuff there mojohawks. How long did it take you to come up with something as brilliant as that? :thumbsdown::thumbsdown::thumbsdown: A few people get on this forum and express an opinion and you come back with the suggestion that Rennie head back to its old comp? I'd be interested to know what club you're from. Take WJ's tip - try adding to the forum.

Agree with WJ on the Coreen League. The club looked to be on its last legs a few years ago. Seem to have some good people on board running things out there now. They're doing ok for a club that doesn't even have a village (let alone a town) to draw sponsors and players from.
A hint, I ain't David Hicks and I wasn't aware this was Guantanamo Bay so ease up on the integregation, 2646 .
The point is, what's changed since you joined the league, to see you so negative about what appears to be most parts of the league and it's clubs ?
A hint, I ain't David Hicks and I wasn't aware this was Guantanamo Bay so ease up on the integregation, 2646 .
The point is, what's changed since you joined the league, to see you so negative about what appears to be most parts of the league and it's clubs ?

as a supporter im pretty happy with the league in general, just pointing out some issues that show room for improvement. Family guy stop patting yourself on the back old son and you do look like peter griffen haha
If you read posts on this forum over the last few months you will probably find that WJ has been pretty positive about his club, the competition, and most of the opposition. From what I've heard, some of the PDFL grand poohbahs have started hassling Rennie on a few things (i.e. a non existent no glass policy, uniforms, their ground, etc). WJ keeps bringing up the word consistency, which is what Rennie want to see. I know the boys out there and I think they are sick of copping it from the PDFL only to see the same (and worse) going on when they visit other clubs. What do you reckon David Hicks from Guantanamo? You reckon they're asking for too much? I don't think they, nor do the other posters (and that includes Rennie's arch enemy Mr Gambi!). So, how about you cut the sniping. Have a read of the posts. Perhaps declare your club ties. Make a positive contribution. Or %#@* off!
If you read posts on this forum over the last few months you will probably find that WJ has been pretty positive about his club, the competition, and most of the opposition. From what I've heard, some of the PDFL grand poohbahs have started hassling Rennie on a few things (i.e. a non existent no glass policy, uniforms, their ground, etc). WJ keeps bringing up the word consistency, which is what Rennie want to see. I know the boys out there and I think they are sick of copping it from the PDFL only to see the same (and worse) going on when they visit other clubs. What do you reckon David Hicks from Guantanamo? You reckon they're asking for too much? I don't think they, nor do the other posters (and that includes Rennie's arch enemy Mr Gambi!). So, how about you cut the sniping. Have a read of the posts. Perhaps declare your club ties. Make a positive contribution. Or %#@* off!
WJ FG and anyone else , stop providing advice on what users can and can't do , there is a spec mod and myself whom keep a very good eye upon this board and will act upon anything which is outside of the rules , which includes a matter that you need to again re address , which will be discussed via PM .
Although it may be offensive to yourself or your interests it doesn't make it outside of BF rules !
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