3DS Pokemon Sun/Moon [3DS]

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So the info on the official site suggests the League might be post game which would be awesome.

"The Pokémon League"

"In the regions that have served as the setting for your adventures in the Pokémon series so far, the ultimate stage for battle has always been a place called the Pokémon League.

The Pokémon League is where the Elite Four—four Pokémon Trainers with powerful Pokémon partners—and the Champion, who reigns as the top of all Trainers, await challengers. A challenger who defeats the Elite Four and the Champion will be hailed as the new Champion of the Pokémon League.

In the Alola region, the setting of Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, there is no Pokémon League yet—but it seems that there are plans to construct one on the peak of a certain mountain.

After the growth you achieve through completing the island challenge, will the day come when you also take on the Pokémon League to become the strongest Pokémon Trainer?"
I'm not convinced on the trials etc either, but what excites me with this setup is the story potential. Previous games have always been narratively constrained by the forced implementation of gym battles and the Elite Four (not to mention by the fact that your character's journey is basically the same in each game). We saw some superb storytelling in X/Y but in my view it was still limited by those factors. It should be much easier to create a narrative experience that is gripping in this format.
I'm not convinced on the trials etc either, but what excites me with this setup is the story potential. Previous games have always been narratively constrained by the forced implementation of gym battles and the Elite Four (not to mention by the fact that your character's journey is basically the same in each game). We saw some superb storytelling in X/Y but in my view it was still limited by those factors. It should be much easier to create a narrative experience that is gripping in this format.
So deep!

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More importantly, fire starter is Fire/Dark so he can stay on my team.

Seeing Red and Green appear only ever makes nervous. They are two characters that in my own weird Pokemon headcannon are almost mythical outside of Kanto/Johto. Not sure on Red's art either. But I guess climbing Mt Silver a bunch will do things to you

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Don't think HMs are around anymore so it might not matter. Or it'll learn Fly in it's 2nd form
Still existed in TM form, though - I don't think there's confirmation yet on whether Fly exists outside of battles, like Flash/Sweet Scent/etc has previously despite not being a HM.
Still existed in TM form, though - I don't think there's confirmation yet on whether Fly exists outside of battles, like Flash/Sweet Scent/etc has previously despite not being a HM.
I haven't checked the list of TMs since the data mine first happened but I don't think Fly got moved to an TM
I haven't checked the list of TMs since the data mine first happened but I don't think Fly got moved to an TM
Had a quick look - it's TM76. Fingers crossed it's not actually used for anything outside of battle.
Had a quick look - it's TM76. Fingers crossed it's not actually used for anything outside of battle.
I like Fly as a non-competitive move. Solid BP when you have STAB and the turn of not being hit is always nice. It's also useful outside of battle but I'm the kinda guy who loves HMs
Grass starter was never in doubt. Ghost typing is a bonus.

Although type wise all it really does is give you immunity to Fight and Normal, while providing no real additional resistances if my memory serves. Although poison may become neutral, cant remember if thats weak against Ghost.

Still a cool typing though!

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