Play Nice Politics # 4 - The madness continues here.....

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Its just ridiculous in the year 2021 we still have this utter anti-science bullshit occurring.. where scientific study is overriden and denegrated by hard right wing loonies with absolutely no other qualifications other than the fact they can provide a convincing, but utter bullshit, opinion to their listeners who know no better.

For context I am pro-vax, and vaxxed. On "anti-science" – a few things:

– every time the pollies use it as justification when they shouldn't, they undermine the true value of genuinely independent scientific advice
– its pretty clear that there is often no clear single pathway. Every action taking by every government has been claimed to be based on science including Sweden and China. They ain't all right.
– "the right" doesn't hold a monopoly of anti-science. Look at the anti-science campaigns against the culling of feral horses.
Locking down would make a difference.. QLD’s short sharp lockdown a few weeks back against delta worked.. for some reason the anti-lockdown brigade dont want to mention that.. ow its looking increasingly likely NZ is also going to get on top of delta..

Like you say.. its not working in Victoria because some in the community have now started to ignore the health orders and the restrictions..

Thats what happens when you have the Vic opposition party constantly putting out a message that the vic government shouldnt be listened to and on top of this they are also recieving poor messaging from the PM who has been talking down lockdowns and praising the way NSW is handling the virus..

Claiming lockdowns dont work and pointing to NSW and Victoria, whose residents are ignoring the restrictions, as proof is just dumbf***ery at its finest..
ACT locked down the instant there was one case, and has the closest thing to the ideal environment/economy for high compliance. And it still pretty much went straight to between 10-20 cases a day and stayed there.
The reason the lockdown hasn't worked (same as in Sydney)? People not doing the right thing. It's pretty simple really.
& in NSW's case not starting the lockdown early enough when it 1st came apparent as harder to get back under control with the more infectious Delta strain spreading quickly through the community.

Problem with not doing properly, is then they drag out for a longer time, which means some of the community become less compliant as they become fed up.

The sooner we get everyone who wants to be vaccinated the better... so we can all move on.

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ACT locked down the instant there was one case, and has the closest thing to the ideal environment/economy for high compliance. And it still pretty much went straight to between 10-20 cases a day and stayed there.

They didn’t do it properly. People still went outside to buy food. They were brazenly walking their dogs. Those careless idiots didn’t even wear masks at home or while intimate with their partners.

The people of Canberra are to blame.
The argument shouldn't even need to be made. People presenting to emergency are cared for in the order that their wellbeing is at threat. We've never had to sit a lifestyle choice test before, why would this be any different? Where do you rank a person who can articulately explain why they are concerned about the potential long term risks for such a rapidly approved vaccine (Kane McGoodwin, jenny61_99 and a few others can explain if you like) compared to an drug smashing person who crashed their car while off their nut killing a family while doing it? Let me guess, the covid guy can just go and die.
Emergency Departments will continue to triage & treat patients on need, not based on their diagnosis... so the discussion over prioritising non-covax covid patients lower is pointless.

The unvaccinated are mainly putting themselves at risk... & will only impact on others if not enough people are vaccinated & an outbreak requires restrictions to be put in place (that could have been otherwise avoided) to ensure the health system is not over-whelmed. IMO, we should get to the 80% of over 16's needed that modelling suggests to avoid restrictions.

According to this article, entire families are getting it and recovering without even knowing.

I think this delta strain might be a bit too anti-science for my liking. Hasn’t it been listening to Professor Spurrier?

Lockdown til end of 2024 for mine.

According to this article, entire families are getting it and recovering without even knowing.

I think this delta strain might be a bit too anti-science for my liking. Hasn’t it been listening to Professor Spurrier?

Lockdown til end of 2024 for mine.
Quotes the Dailymail… and expects to be taken seriously..

Even Wikipedia banned quotes from the dailymail because of the news outlets tendancy to write pages and pages of utter tripe!..

Imagine being shunned even by wikipedia for talking shit!.. hahahaha, that takes some doing.
For context I am pro-vax, and vaxxed. On "anti-science" – a few things:

– every time the pollies use it as justification when they shouldn't, they undermine the true value of genuinely independent scientific advice
– its pretty clear that there is often no clear single pathway. Every action taking by every government has been claimed to be based on science including Sweden and China. They ain't all right.
– "the right" doesn't hold a monopoly of anti-science. Look at the anti-science campaigns against the culling of feral horses.
Oh for sure… The “right” doesnt hold a monopoly on antiscience at all.. totally agree.

The right is pro-science.. the left is also pro-science..

Its the minority extreme fringes of the hard right and hard left that are the ones that are quick to dump science when they dont like the results..

In the case of the anti covid vaxxers which is what I was addressing.. it is pretty much the hard right that have taken the antivax/antiscience stance.. thats why i referred to the hard right in my comments above..

Its unfortunate but this lunatic hard right fringe seems to be growing in Australia… feed by some ****ing lowlife media characters and a few very dodgy politicians.
Quotes the Dailymail… and expects to be taken seriously..

Even Wikipedia banned quotes from the dailymail because of the news outlets tendancy to write pages and pages of utter tripe!..

Imagine being shunned even by wikipedia for talking sh*t!.. hahahaha, that takes some doing.
quotes wikipedia and expects to be taken seriously

Quotes the Dailymail… and expects to be taken seriously..
AFR ran the same story, as others did, based on Vic Gov planning apparently

Victoria braces for sixfold leap in COVID-19 hospitalisations
Tom BurtonGovernment editor Sep 8, 2021 – 6.27pm

Victoria is bracing for a more than sixfold jump in hospitalisations, with expectations that 800 COVID-19 patients will be in hospital in late October, but health planners are confident there will enough beds and staff to meet the demand, despite the state not having hit its peak of virus cases.
Using NSW data, Victorian health planners are forecasting that about 270 COVID-19 patients will be in intensive care units of hospitals. Based on clinical experience about half of those will require ventilators.

The projections for late October are based on expectations of a state caseload of 18,000 infections, but with a possibility that cases could be higher if the current growth in infections doesn’t taper. The state has 1920 cases.
it is pretty much the hard right that have taken the antivax/antiscience stance.. thats why i referred to the hard right in my comments above..
Byron Bay & surrounds has the most extreme antivax. Venues barring entry if you are vaxxed! Not too many far right there, its hippytown
Byron Bay & surrounds has the most extreme antivax. Venues barring entry if you are vaxxed! Not too many far right there, its hippytown

Not sure when you last visited Byron and its surrounding towns like mullum and ocean shores etc

The hippys in Byron Bay were forced out decades ago.. replaced by an army of upperclass conservative snobs and blow ins from Sydney and melbourne… and a few hollywood actors..

not many, if any, hippy’s left living in their teepees in and around byron these days!..

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quotes wikipedia and expects to be taken seriously

Not sure wikipedia is left or right wing… but I know one thing… its chockfull of absolute horseshit.. so like I said.. if even wikipedia are rejecting you…
Quotes the Dailymail… and expects to be taken seriously..

Even Wikipedia banned quotes from the dailymail because of the news outlets tendancy to write pages and pages of utter tripe!..

Imagine being shunned even by wikipedia for talking sh*t!.. hahahaha, that takes some doing.

Try and keep up. Yes, the DM is crayon-level journalism, that isn’t the point. The article features a direct quote from Victoria’s Covid commander, which has been reported everywhere, but this is a free article that everyone can read.

”We are finding cases where entire households are positive when the first person has come forward to get tested and the adjoining households and families are all positive at the same time,' Covid commander Jeroen Weimar said on Thursday.”

It is a fact that most people experience mild to moderate flu symptoms, or don’t know they have it.

I know just uttering that fact out loud is triggering for some people, but I can’t help that.
For clarity, here is the rest of the quote:

“Even as late as yesterday we are still finding cases where entire households are positive when the first person has come forward to be tested and where adjoining household families are all positive at the same time,” he said.

“[This] not only indicates that we have seen some level of household to household contact but, far more worryingly, that coronavirus has been there for a number of days, possibly a number of weeks.

“That makes it harder for everyone to track down in this way we see a rapid escalation of numbers because we pick up new cases and there are a lot of cases sitting behind them who have already been infected for many days beforehand.”

Locking down would make a difference.. QLD’s short sharp lockdown a few weeks back against delta worked.. for some reason the anti-lockdown brigade dont want to mention that.. ow its looking increasingly likely NZ is also going to get on top of delta..

Like you say.. its not working in Victoria because some in the community have now started to ignore the health orders and the restrictions..

Thats what happens when you have the Vic opposition party constantly putting out a message that the vic government shouldnt be listened to and on top of this they are also recieving poor messaging from the PM who has been talking down lockdowns and praising the way NSW is handling the virus..

Claiming lockdowns dont work and pointing to NSW and Victoria, whose residents are ignoring the restrictions, as proof is just dumbf***ery at its finest..
QLD has less high density housing.

Plus a lot living in those housing blocks are also low paid essential workers.

COVID really is a pandemic of the (Essential) working poor.

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Not sure when you last visited Byron and its surrounding towns like mullum and ocean shores etc

The hippys in Byron Bay were forced out decades ago.. replaced by an army of upperclass conservative snobs and blow ins from Sydney and melbourne… and a few hollywood actors..

not many, if any, hippy’s left living in their teepees in and around byron these days!..
Just checked, it was Mullumbimby, not Byron. Not that far from BB really though:
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