Port Adelaide lose by 3 points after a wrong Goal Review against the Crows in the dying stages

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Kenny is right on one thing, Adelaide and Perth need the same high quality equipment that is in use at the MCG and Etihad

Yes, that is the only valid point in his rant (if it was there at all, I'd have to listen again and I'm really not up for that). But he managed to bury it in a steaming pile of whinge. 95% of his rant was "we wuz robbed / embarrassment / someone needs to be accountable". It was almost incoherent, certainly unprofessional, and actually, missed the opportunity to make the only valid point, as you have pointed out, from the whole incident.

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Last 3min Of The game

Surely it was the last kick of the game?

How Ken and his supporters are carrying on it seems a given they would have won if it was a point:
  • there was still 2 minutes 30 secs to go, plenty of time to score again.
  • Champion data had Port "time in possession" for the last 10 mins at 17% - indicating the crows were well on top.
  • Atkins had a shot after the siren - he obviously just booted it not caring where it went as we were up.
  • Pittard would have likely kicked it to a crows player at the subsequent kick in.
But yeh, Port categorically would have won and the review cost them a top 4 spot :rolleyes:
Surely it was the last kick of the game?

How Ken and his supporters are carrying on it seems a given they would have won if it was a point:
  • there was still 2 minutes 30 secs to go, plenty of time to score again.
  • Champion data had Port "time in possession" for the last 10 mins at 17% - indicating the crows were well on top.
  • Atkins had a shot after the siren - he obviously just booted it not caring where it went as we were up.
  • Pittard would have likely kicked it to a crows player at the subsequent kick in.
But yeh, Port categorically would have won and the review cost them a top 4 spot :rolleyes:
I hope someone at the club has had a quiet word to Atkins about that last kick. There’s no way known he should be allowed to get away with not giving a f*** about a last kick for goal
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I reckon Ken went on the front foot lambasting the goal review decision to avoid being asked why he left the slow Hombsch on Jenkins when the more agile Clurey was minding Tex.

Hombsch is generally a good match up on Tex.

Switch Clurey to Jenkins early in the first quarter and Port probably win.

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Some thoughts here;

  • Hinkley is in fact 100% correct. It is a disgrace the AFL only have appropriate technology some times at some grounds. It should be a requirement for any AFL game to have the same quality of review available. It shouldn't matter if the game is at the MCG, Adelaide Oval or Alice Springs. The same should be available to all teams and all games.
  • However, Port fans have fallen for Hinkley's magic trick. Instead of focussing on what is really going on, they are obsessed with viewing replays backwards and convincing themselves the World is against them - despite both SANFL and AFL bailing them out financially in recent years. They should be asking;
  1. Why a team with Ryder, Wines, SPP, Rockliff, Boak, Gray and Ebert could be destroyed in clearances in the last quarter.
  2. Why Hinkley went on a recruiting drive of has-beens and never-were players at the expense of developing youth and having a future.
  3. Why Port have a 1-3 record in the last 4 weeks when a top-4 spot (and possibly even top 2 at the start of the run) was up for grabs. This includes losing to Fremantle...
  4. Why their next Captain can't kick.
  5. Why in the last 2 minutes after the JJ goal, Gray (twice) and Hoff played for free kicks instead of winning the contested ball. Gray in particular is such an amazing talent, but on both occasions he went to ground very quickly and easily. He is such a good player that had he stayed in the contest he probably would have won the ball cleanly.
  6. Why Hinkley has a 1-6 record against Pyke. That one win being a fluke last kick win against a severely depleted Crows team.

There should be a LOT of questions being asked at Port land, but yeh, you keep focussed on the video review...that'll work for you.
I think the Port supporters have raised the white flag & accepted that a goal was called & no amount of whining will change that fact.

All clubs have dubious decisions go against them during games and what goes around comes around.
He actually said "****** if I know"
Just curious, were you sitting there?

In cricket we have the established convention that the benefit of the doubt goes to the batsman. However, we don't have such a custom in Australian rules where there is serious doubt about allowing/disallowing a goal. This incident highlights the need for such a presumption, or better yet, allow goals even when the ball hits the post.

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