Port Adelaide lose by 3 points after a wrong Goal Review against the Crows in the dying stages

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''There’s no point in that space. They’ll come out and say they got it wrong but the technology should have changed that. It should have made sure that this monumental mistake in a football season shouldn’t have appeared.

What Hinkley said was very truthful, very accurate. People implying he's sooking are the sooks themselves. Hinkley's reaction wasn't over the top at all and if people were in his and the clubs situation, would be pissed, and probably handle it a lot worse.

You reckon it was a monumental mistake?

Surely that would be if the ball passed on the other side of the post - as some optically impaired people are still claiming.

A monumental mistake is NOT failing to pick up the slightest of snicks 15M up the post.

I would reserve the tag of monumental mistake for Wines kick for goal that missed by more distance than he was out from goal.
Ken knows this, so vented his frustration over an obvious deficiency in the score review.

There was no deficiency in the score review. The goal umpire was in a perfect position and made the call that it was a goal. The video review came to the same conclusion. Where is the deficiency?
Has anyone seen any footage of any of the Pear cheer squad protesting, celebrating an obvious point or giving it to Jenkins, a Port favourite, that he’s missed an easy crucial goal from outside 30m?
All I see is the cheer squad sitting down forlornly while Crows supporters celebrate a goal. Not even Hombsch is protesting.
Maybe I’m mistaken or maybe it’s another AFL anti Port conspiracy and they’ve removed all vision.

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There was no deficiency in the score review. The goal umpire was in a perfect position and made the call that it was a goal. The video review came to the same conclusion. Where is the deficiency?
I've skim read this thread and seen you mention perfect position a few times. I'm quite over this all now to be honest but I would like to know how many games or what level of involvement you have had with goal umpiring to keep making the perfect position claim?
There was no deficiency in the score review. The goal umpire was in a perfect position and made the call that it was a goal. The video review came to the same conclusion. Where is the deficiency?
You mean apart from the fact it is almost universally seen by all who witnessed it (including the player) to have hit the post? (Excluding crows fans and Subaru who is simply an anti port fan)

That the vision used to assess looked like a picture of a footy near a point post through a lens covered in 1000 layers of cling wrap

Even the fact there isn’t any proof to knock this debate out cold tells you something’s wrong

But yea nah it’s all good because it got you the result you wanted .... I wonder if Jeremy Cameron is in the same scenario with a shot on goal this weekend if you’ll be talking about “perfect positioning”...
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Gillon McGlachlan has again stated that the AFL have nothing to answer for , and no reason to doubt the goal review set up.
Well here's why the AFL and poor young Gil, DO have something to answer for, the goal review is sometimes a good thing, like when the goal that I thinkk Sydney scored off the ground by a player who got his boot to ball while laying on the ground.
The film showed the ball prhaps 30 cm past the goal line before a finger "may have" touched it, that showed that an impossible goal , was actually a goal.

And I watched a few times, but honestly I couldn't tell , the Goal umpire has to make that decision and he already had, but that is where it ends for me, the video vision proved nothing, but, that it was unable to be seen one way or the other, the fact that the Goal Umpire even needed to go to the camera was a stupid reaction and another over kill in adjudication that the AFL seem to almost be addicted to.

They make everything just so damned frustrating.

And poor old Gil, can only sit back and deny deny that the system is flawed and either Mr McGlachlan get some super technology or stop using this rubbish and give the decision back to goal umpires. When a bloody field umpire runs in from 20 metres away as has happened before and tells the goal umpire it may not be a goal, well, then we've lost the game completely , if we haven't already. McGlachlan is the ultimate over the top bureaucrat, and the AFL is not a Australian football body it is becoming a joke. Too many cooks and way too many chiefs and they all have to be paid!

The red card thing, what shoots that argument down in flames, is that if you have it all year what happens in the heat of a bitter Grand Final, how can you send anyone off, it crucifies the whole idea of the game.
Point is that Gaff 's reaction was for him unusual its happened before and it'll happen again , it is not good , but the likes of Gerard Whateley (360) and his attitude is total nonsense, the boy will play again, so will Gaff, no one needs the police, I saw Jordan Lewis get hit like it was a bus going through him, no one needed police, that's when the game is finished, Mathews and Bruns? Actually Bruns thought that police should NOT be brought into it. Hall and Lockett, these ae very rare occasions in our game now, no more Mopsy's going out and knocking out three opponents during the course of one match. Over reaction is the most stupid thing , and for me what message is there to send to Gaff, he is the most unlikely person to do this, and giving him a year off is not teaching anyone anything , it is crucifying his career. For that spur of the moment snap and punch, in the instant it happened he regretted it, he'll never do it again its not his style.
He should sit out the season 6 weeks that's what that is worth. It can't be compared to Pluggers long run to cave a bloke in , ( no pun) or nothing like the sweet boxer styled punch from Barry Hall on Staker, pure pain and a shocking look.

This is an over reaction from lots of scribes , I don't blame his mum and dad being upset or his coach and team mates as well as the Eagles that know these guys, but pull up folks or we will be hanging our players.

One last thing on this , the understanding of pressure and anger and frustration at this level of professional footballers is very very very misunderstood and unrecognised by the umpiring community.

This shows up when some anger or nasty banter occurs and is punished with a 50 metre penalty, because of some over sensitive umpire, they seem to have no idea that with the terrible rule fiddles by the AFL, and the grey areas these people adjudicate too, is always making players and the spectators confused angry and not enjoying themselves.

At this level the umpires should be seen as the workings of the game in itself, no more important than a boundary line or a goal post.
I mean it , they are adjudicators not part of the game. and ask any fan, we know you have to have an area to play inside and you have to have rules, when the rules go astray and umpires are calling different things or making terrible mistakes, and consistently , then players do get damned angry.

If niggling caused the young players broken teeth and Jaw , perhaps some of these umpires need to be trained better to recognise when the niggle goes to far, and say, keep it up and the bloke your niggling over and over, I will put him in the ten metre square of his forward line and give him a kick.
Stopped in its tracks!
Or pay a free on the spot is better probably. Imagine with the ball 100 metres away from Brayshaw and Gaff, if one of the non active umpires , had blown the whistle while keeping an eye on the off the ball players as they do, then Brayshaw may not have a broken jaw and teeth. Wonder why no body sees the answer that way. Just Lynch mob mentality.
lol, **** you guys.
A ball hitting the post COST US A GRAND FINAL !!!

Not sure why but this reminded me of Mr. Orange. Port is the policeman obviously.

It’s like asking a batsman if he nicked the ball almost everytime you know

How is Jenkins better placed than anyone else because he kicked it? Does he have an intangible link to the ball because he touched it last?

This is the point your mob continually seem to miss- it’s nothing like a batsman, who is holding the bat at the time he edges it, and so can feel (and hear) the edge. Jenkins was a good 15m from the so called point of impact. But his “opinion” is seized upon becuase there is no other evidence that is remotely conclusive that the decision was wrong.

The person who was perfectly placed called it a goal.

As did the reviewer. Maybe it only took 23 seconds becuase there was nothing to suggest it hit the post? It’s well known (I thought) that the view shown by 7 is not a direct feed to what the reviewer is watching.

The other crows and port players in the imeediate vicinity acted immediately as if it was a goal- the port players would be going bananas instantly if they thought it hit the post.

Now, I largely agree about the shitty cameras. This is the fundamental fault- and completely agree they need to do better.

But the actual review process that occurred? Worked as intended.
You mean apart from the fact it is almost universally seen by all who witnessed it (including the player) to have hit the post? .
Ok I can give you an allowance for your team support but do you truly believe this? So you have pictures of the crowd in the background snarling and booing. This crowd being the Port cheer squad and fan base that attended? You have stat decs from all those people?

Or the Zapruder film?
You mean apart from the fact it is almost universally seen by all who witnessed it (including the player) to have hit the post? (Excluding crows fans and Subaru who is simply an anti port fan)

That the vision used to assess looked like a picture of a footy near a point post through a lens covered in 1000 layers of cling wrap

Even the fact there isn’t any proof to knock this debate out cold tells you something’s wrong

But yea nah it’s all good because it got you the result you wanted .... I wonder if Jeremy Cameron is in the same scenario with a shot on goal this weekend if you’ll be talking about “perfect positioning”...
So... what? Benefit of the doubt should be to rule it a behind? That’s ridiculous.

The paid official, who has the job of looking for just this thing occurring, called it a goal. As did the reactions of everybody else who was close by.

Attack the system, but there is Zero credible evidence that this decision is wrong.
I've skim read this thread and seen you mention perfect position a few times. I'm quite over this all now to be honest but I would like to know how many games or what level of involvement you have had with goal umpiring to keep making the perfect position claim?

The goal umpire is a couple of meters behind the goal line in the direct path of the ball. The ball flight passes from Jenkins boot past the goal post and then directly over his head. If the ball actually had hit the post he was in the very best spot of any person at the Adelaide Oval at that moment to detect it. There was no better position for him to be.

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You mean apart from the fact it is almost universally seen by all who witnessed it (including the player) to have hit the post?

Quite the reverse. In the vision there were a decent number of Port supporters who were in a decent position to see the ball. By their actions it seemed that every one of them thought it was a goal.

As a poster above said: "The paid official, who has the job of looking for just this thing occurring, called it a goal. As did the reactions of everybody else who was close by."
Even The Kerninator has admitted he’s got no idea if it was a goal or not, all it took was a few sensibly worded questions from Blight and you get a straight answer from Kerrrrn.....so much for Port’s video evidence......derp derp derp.
Even The Kerninator has admitted he’s got no idea if it was a goal or not, all it took was a few sensibly worded questions from Blight and you get a straight answer from Kerrrrn.....so much for Port’s video evidence......derp derp derp.
Something has snapped in Hinkley's brain. In his first few years at Port he had a very calm, steely resolve. It was dignified. These days he's prone to weird outbursts and whinges a lot more than he used to. He has the mark of a guy who is under a lot of pressure and has an axe dangling over his head but as we know, he recently signed a long term deal. I don't get all the angst.
Something has snapped in Hinkley's brain. In his first few years at Port he had a very calm, steely resolve. It was dignified. These days he's prone to weird outbursts and whinges a lot more than he used to. He has the mark of a guy who is under a lot of pressure and has an axe dangling over his head but as we know, he recently signed a long term deal. I don't get all the angst.
I put it down to some sort of Stockholm Syndrome, having to deal with Koch for so long has to have some sort of debilitating affect.
Has it been definitively proven that it hit the post? I honestly can't see the deflection from the video I've seen. Are there others out there?
So silly curious me thought I'll check the main board about the Gaff hearing

Saw this thread and thought, oh this will be interesting, let's see what the main board think of the Jernkins goal?

Well at least we've found something for the camrys to celebrate this millennium which isn't the 2007 Granny
Tbh the more I think of it, the less I think we should take Jenkins' comments seriously. His options after that game were was follows
Say it was a point - gets respect of opposition supporters, result still doesn't change, if its found to be a goal, his thoughts were because he was standing 30m away
Say it was a goal - looks like a liar if its found to be a point, no one cares if its found to be a goal
I don't think you can safely say it hit the post from the replays - you can't safely say it didn't either, but the umpire's call was a goal so we go with that.

Hopefully it highlights the AFL of the need for a proper review system. Seriously, the goal posts are stationary. Not hard to have an infrared camera aimed at them so we can have hotspot.
Well at least we've found something for the camrys to celebrate this millennium which isn't the 2007 Granny
Don't sell yourself short. You guys have given us plenty to celebrate over. There was that recent EF where you got knocked out in hilarious fashion. Also re-signing Hinkley on a long term deal because the club got duped into thinking he was going to get poached by the Suns. That's just the last year too.
Don't sell yourself short. You guys have given us plenty to celebrate over. There was that recent EF where you got knocked out in hilarious fashion. Also re-signing Hinkley on a long term deal because the club got duped into thinking he was going to get poached by the Suns. That's just the last year too.

Haha this year you gave us collective minds on the back of a GF choke and so I guess the feeling is mutual?
Haha this year you gave us collective minds on the back of a GF choke and so I guess the feeling is mutual?
I wouldn't say that. Port still outdoes Adelaide for GF choking as well, on account of the 119 points. That record isn't getting smashed any time soon. Also didn't you just mention something about Adelaide fans celebrating 2007?

Well at least we've found something for the camrys to celebrate this millennium which isn't the 2007 Granny

Haha this year you gave us collective minds on the back of a GF choke and so I guess the feeling is mutual?

#port logic :drunk:
Something has snapped in Hinkley's brain. In his first few years at Port he had a very calm, steely resolve. It was dignified. These days he's prone to weird outbursts and whinges a lot more than he used to. He has the mark of a guy who is under a lot of pressure and has an axe dangling over his head but as we know, he recently signed a long term deal. I don't get all the angst.
It isn’t rocket science as I said earlier we were the poorer team last week, he knows this and he knows that the club and admin that backed him expect more than what we are seeing (especially since the Freo debacle)

The point stuff was just the lightening rod for his discontent

Long term deal or not nobody wants to be called out as a failure especially in a public domain like footy. On the back of what resources/players he’s had he’s underachieved by any objective measure since 2014.

20 seconds on our board tells you how frustrated members are and it’s turning to apathy for lots of em

But we just signed the midfield manager that allowed us to be pantsed by you guys for two more years so heck knows when it’s gonna turn

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Port Adelaide lose by 3 points after a wrong Goal Review against the Crows in the dying stages

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