Port Power just pathetic

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Alberton_Magpie said:
I don't see 117 points happening again though
That would sum it up well. They went through alot over the last few years to win the flag and now the hunger and passion is gone. Port and Brisbane show that it doesn't take much to fall off the pace in footy. Despite their wonderful ability, just that bit of "want" means a few less runners, a few less options, a few less blokes working hard to get the ball or be accountable and in today's hard running game you go from top to slaughtered just like that. Besides ability of course, intensity, accountability and committment mean everything in footy.
Carn the Coasters said:
Considering Port Adelaide's starting 22 was 77 years older than the Eagles' 22 today, it doesn't look like it will be getting much better in the short term.
I hear the secret to our previous success is that pension payments don't count against the salary cap.
Paralowiepower said:
The funny thing is the crows have to go there in round 22 :D

I'll lay odds that at least we won't meekly surrender like your bunch of jokes did. Your team died a horrible death yesterday and showed just how much spirit you truly have. One premiership and then bang, very easily satisfied at Alberton these days, or could it be that the sense of history and tradition means sweet FA?:cool:

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Ford Fairlane said:
125 points! Youch! Forgot about that one. Dons kicked 31 big ones!

Still at least the Roos made the finals, the crows finished 13th in 1999 and copped a few donkey rootings on the way - seeing as the topic seemed to be pathetic premiership defences. Mind u, we're not exactly distinguishing ourselves either ...
Difference is that we were defending 2 premierships. I was prepared to allow for a slide after that. You guys win one, half the coaching staff run from the club and won't look back and your best midfielder deserts the team. Looks like people just couldn't wait to get away from the place.;)
No midfield and no run - a bunch of unathletic old bodys who got run off their feet and couldnt keep up with a bunch of more athletic young dynamic footballers !

Very predictable result ! :)
You know, if you're going to troll multiple boards, you could at least make them different trolls. Very slack effort on your part, understudy...where's the care?
Plenty of talk about how pathetic Port were - and no arguments from me.

But you might like to acknowledge that the Eagles were sensational and would have pantsed anybody with the way they played yesterday.

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Exeter said:
Plenty of talk about how pathetic Port were - and no arguments from me.

But you might like to acknowledge that the Eagles were sensational and would have pantsed anybody with the way they played yesterday.

I think you'll find this is just a thread to rub our noses in it. Whatever rocks some people's world.

But there's certainly acknowledgement from Port supporters how superbly WCE played (check your Board). I imagine that's what being hit by the Indian-Pacific (on its way to WA of course!) feels like ...
afc9798 said:
Difference is that we were defending 2 premierships. I was prepared to allow for a slide after that. You guys win one, half the coaching staff run from the club and won't look back and your best midfielder deserts the team. Looks like people just couldn't wait to get away from the place.;)

And we had 4 years in the top 4. Not enough to show for it, I'll be the first to admit. But you can only be up for so long in this comp, and it looks like the only thing that's up now is our time.

But yeah, too many guys were happy to go to the well only once ... does make you wonder ...
jmorg1 said:
Easily the softest, most insipid and disgraceful side ever to play in this competition. There isn't a single team out there that gets smashed week in week out as often as Port do. Just pathetic!

And the way their supporters were carrying on after last week's win. That captain ebert loser even suggested they would win another eleven games and win the premiership again and it would be 'even sweeter'. What a joke! Talk about getting carried away over one win.

Port are definately not the side they were last year. Understatement I know, but that is what has been running through my head for weeks now. I know I'm probably not the only one who thinks that either.
What_the said:
Blah, Blah and Blah.
You are not telling me anything that I don't already know. Unlike yourself I actually know my own team. Believe me there is no denial, I am well and truely aware of the situation and I don't believe that I have ever said that I'm not or sugar coated it.
I just like pointing out that you know nothing about yours and pretend to know something about ours.
You continually regurgitating what the commentators say is the problem, does not mean that you know what you are talking about but points for trying.

I think the problem is your new support/coaching staff, the exodus after last year must have been harder than we realise. Who thought Tony McGuinness was a good choice?? He drove Glenelg into the dirt and should stick to sportswear! :confused:
jmorg1 said:
Easily the softest, most insipid and disgraceful side ever to play in this competition. There isn't a single team out there that gets smashed week in week out as often as Port do. Just pathetic!

And the way their supporters were carrying on after last week's win. That captain ebert loser even suggested they would win another eleven games and win the premiership again and it would be 'even sweeter'. What a joke! Talk about getting carried away over one win.

His..tory in the making, this match was gold - the fluke to flake hypothesis is now proven. Unable to emulate the great South Australian Team for all South Australians
jmorg1 said:
Easily the softest, most insipid and disgraceful side ever to play in this competition. There isn't a single team out there that gets smashed week in week out as often as Port do. Just pathetic!

And the way their supporters were carrying on after last week's win. That captain ebert loser even suggested they would win another eleven games and win the premiership again and it would be 'even sweeter'. What a joke! Talk about getting carried away over one win.

A very soft, insipid and disgraceful performance it was - you will not get any Port Adelaide supporter denying that. But I reckon you have your hand on it if you call Port the softest and most disgraceful side EVER - you only have to go through the crows record of matches over the years to see how many times they have been thrashed by more than 100 points and were the laughing stock of the AFL. If I am not mistaken, I think Craigy's Crows may have even broken your own club losing record as recently as last year! :p

Port were terrible but credit must go to the Eagles who have developed a great mix of talented smalls and talls and are clearly the outstanding team in the AFL.

Or by the way, you play them in round 22. :D
eddie eagle said:
His..tory in the making, this match was gold - the fluke to flake hypothesis is now proven. Unable to emulate the great South Australian Team for all South Australians

That is the most pathetic comment I have heard. I can't believe the morons at the crows actually use it. It just proves they are like sheep. We all have the right to make my own choices. Am I not a true South Aussie because I'm a Power supporter? :eek:
Jimthegreat said:
That would sum it up well. They went through alot over the last few years to win the flag and now the hunger and passion is gone. Port and Brisbane show that it doesn't take much to fall off the pace in footy. Despite their wonderful ability, just that bit of "want" means a few less runners, a few less options, a few less blokes working hard to get the ball or be accountable and in today's hard running game you go from top to slaughtered just like that. Besides ability of course, intensity, accountability and committment mean everything in footy.

Oh my god. I actually totally agree with a carlton supporter!

Anyway, it's good to see so many people totally obsessed with our great club - I suppose if you wait in the shadows long enough the team you hate will eventually start to lose and the you can crawl out from under that rock and have your fun.

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Port Power just pathetic

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