Play Nice Post sanction: Taylor Walker publically apologises for his racial slur

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Look, it is a good apology, and it seems to have been taken as genuine given that Young was willing to appear in the apology video.

But I really hope that people take notice of what a lot of other Aboriginal people are saying about this - that it's not an isolated one-off issue, it's something they see, hear, and feel on a regular basis.
I have a feeling that Tex won't return next year now. They practically only kept him on to assist with developing their young kids. The damage has been done, genuine apology or not.
I'd give you this: if this had happened last year when he looked shot, instead of this year where he's played out of his skin, he would have been gonnnnnneee.
You can tell he's gutted and embarrassed, he knows he f’ed up, he will grow from this, credit for the heartfelt apology and huge credit to Young for supporting Tex.

A leopard never changes its spots. He's a grown man. Something seriously wrong he would act like this with the cohort he's played with all these years.

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what else can he say / do?

He's f’ed up - nothing he says or do will sound contrite to those who don't want to believe him - I get that he had to say/do something but people picking it apart and suggesting better responses are pissing in the wind - nothing he would have done would clean this up in any sense

I'm not trying to defend him here either - I'm ambivalent about whether he pulls a Crows jumper on again - whether he does or not he's tarnished his legacy either way and I guess really that's the biggest punishment for him

I disagree

I think if we don’t hold people accountable for their public apologies/statements, everyone can just wheel out the education schtick and we don’t make any real progress

I do agree there’s no perfect way to go about it, but it just seems dumb that we’re supposed to accept on face value he’s now going to educate himself when we all know for a fact he’s received far more education on the matter than most in society and clearly just turned a blind eye to it all
I initially thought the punishment was harsh, but then i heard the clips of Tony Armstrong who claims to have a strong relationship with Tex, and he felt genuinely hurt by it.. and I dont think it was Tex personally, more so the fact that Tex is a leader, had been through the training and played and captained many indigenous players... yet somehow he thought that was okay to say and I think it says a lot about the racists undertones of Australian society.. I know I am guilty of it occasionally.

The comparison of the Spider Everett fine of being 20k and 4 weeks, 20 years ago and to think the only difference will be an additional 2 weeks to Tex is pretty absurd when you think about it..
I disagree

I think if we don’t hold people accountable for their public apologies/statements, everyone can just wheel out the education schtick and we don’t make any real progress

I do agree there’s no perfect way to go about it, but it just seems dumb that we’re supposed to accept on face value he’s now going to educate himself when we all know for a fact he’s received far more education on the matter than most in society and clearly just turned a blind eye to it all

in what way has Taylor Walker not being held accountable here?
the apology video is weird and awkward, i agree -

i don't get the calls for fronting the media though, don't see how that would fix anything or make anything better
It’s not about fixing it or making it better it’s about owning it and facing the music but instead he ran and hide until your footy club begged him to release a apology video where he said he was gonna lean on the bloke he was racist towards.
I initially thought the punishment was harsh
Bear in mind that we don't know what has actually been said, which is in itself a bit of a minor miracle. I know that this is a bit of an "I reckon", but I suspect it is really, really, really bad from the fact that 1) Tex was reported directly to the club, by an offical, and 2) nobody has dared to leak it.
Bear in mind that we don't know what has actually been said, which is in itself a bit of a minor miracle. I know that this is a bit of an "I reckon", but I suspect it is really, really, really bad from the fact that 1) Tex was reported directly to the club, by an offical, and 2) nobody has dared to leak it.

I think we do, what has been reported widely has never been denied.It has been leaked everywhere and was said in a fairly public environment.

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I disagree, it's never too late to learn and change for the better.
Never liked this saying, because it's not universally true

In this particular case I think it is true. He's 31 and seen first hand for a decade what his team mates have endured. Betts especially. They have sessions on racism every single year.

He can certainly improve, and would do so for self preservation and career, but I have my doubts that only now will he have a complete change of mindset.

I also think Adelaide would be smart to offload him. Looks like they have forewarned this in the media today. Won't guarantee his position.
In this particular case I think it is true. He's 31 and seen first hand for a decade what his team mates have endured. Betts especially. They have sessions on racism every single year.

He can certainly improve, and would do so for self preservation and career, but I have my doubts that only now will he have a complete change of mindset.

I also think Adelaide would be smart to offload him. Looks like they have forewarned this in the media today. Won't guarantee his position.

but the saying, in general, isn't accurate, so i think it's lazy to use

whether it happens to fit Taylor in this instance is anyone's guess if you don't actually know him
How can non Indigenous people accept his apology when they weren't the ones affected LOL

Tex you are a little coward and thought you could get away with the slur until one of your own at the club told officials at the AFL

How many times has he done this without getting caught? Multiple i am positive

Crows need to wipe hands clean with this germ and move on fast
but the saying, in general, isn't accurate, so i think it's lazy to use

whether it happens to fit Taylor in this instance is anyone's guess if you don't actually know him

It's just a saying. I'm not supporting the "validity" of a phrase that originated from the bible if i recall? I'm simply calling Tex the leopard.

Yes it's a guess. It's my guess. Thus my post in a discussion forum on this subject.
Just find it a bit odd Tex is leaning into the “education” angle

He’s been the leader of a football club, these guys are educated on this stuff all the time, him being captain more than most

Has he just been ignoring all of this until now?

I think education on this topic needs to be an ongoing thing everyone commits to. We’ve basically all been exposed and taught to be racist either directly or indirectly for all of our lives and it takes a lot to reverse that, I thought the quote Nic Nat posted summed it up well.

Then again, it could just be that that’s the throwaway line Tex is using to get out of trouble, as a Crows fan I really hope that’s not the case.
Maybe its just me but this all seems very out of proportion.

You can go around throwing elbows and physical hurt another player and get off with a wrist slap, but say a bad word and cop 6 weeks suspension, plus a massive fine, then apologies and get told you might lose your job anyway.
Seems to me the AFL is far more interested in presenting its Woke credentials, that actual doing anything about racism or protecting players from injury from players lifting, swing and throwing elbows that does real physical harm.

Quite frankly I'm surprised Walker bother to apologies, give it doesn't help. All it does is invite yet another round of condemnation and vitriol.

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Play Nice Post sanction: Taylor Walker publically apologises for his racial slur

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