Great report…very positive…sounds like things are coming together for the start of the seasonThis definitely put a spring in my step, reading Caesars report.
Good News Training Day Sunday:
In brilliant sunshine a 2 hour training session with good vibes was held in front of family and friends.
In great news Prestia, Taranto, Lynch and BAUER trained fully, in fact Lynchy was still running laps 15 minutes after other players went inside and I left, (this is in keeping with the stated mini pre-season they are putting him through), I think Lynchy will be putting his hand up for the Carlton game but conditioning staff will have the final say.
Bauer: Played back and looked very good for someone who has had a very restricted pre-season.
Dusty: Looks to be firing and was the third last player to leave the track, instead having some shots on goal and chatting with his good mate Newy.
Lefau: Played on Gibcus when it came to match sim type drills, towards the end of session he had set shot kicking instruction, he doesn't seem to have too much wrong with his action, the ball really thumps off his boot.
Young: Matched up on Lynch.
Steely: Got to the right spots again.
Mansel: Not training but spotted in bare feet and out of moon boot.
Only possible negative? :
Nank: Was not out there at all, Naismith firming for round zero, recruiting could be a masterstroke?
The wrap:
Best session of the summer, ball movement pretty clean and all in good spirits and humour, (no doubt aided by the presence of family and friends and the fact the season proper is just around the corner).