Toast Presidency and The Board

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Thank you 76woodenspooners

One of BigFooty’s all-time-favourite posters, Reykjavik , was all across the board level stuff. He once posted a list of the responsibilities of a Not-For-Profit board like that of Collingwood …


NFP board responsibilities
Specific responsibilities of a not-for-profit (NFP) board include:

  • Driving the strategic direction of the organisation
  • Working with the CEO to enable the organisation to obtain the resources, funds and personnel necessary to implement the organisation's strategic objectives
  • Implementing, maintaining and (as necessary) refining a system of good governance that is appropriate for the organisation
  • Reviewing reports and monitoring the performance of the organisation
  • Regularly reviewing the board's structure and composition, so that these are appropriate for the organisation
  • Appointing – and managing the performance of – a suitable CEO
  • Succession planning for the CEO
While the above points are also applicable to for-profit boards, NFP boards also face a unique range of issues, such as:

  • Difficulties in defining and measuring organisational effectiveness
  • Transgression of role boundaries
  • The negative impact of the structural compositions of some NFP boards, including those arising from representative models
  • Funding dependencies and constraints

In practice, the role of the board is to supervise an organisation's business in two broad areas:

  1. Overall business performance - ensuring the organisation develops and implements strategies and supporting policies to enable it to fulfill the objectives set out in the organisation's constitution. The board delegates the day to day management of the organisation but remains accountable to the shareholders for the organisation's performance. The board monitors and supports management in an on-going way.
  2. Overall compliance performance - ensuring the organisation develops and implements systems to enable it to comply with its legal and policy obligations (complying with statutes such as the Corporations Act 2001, adhering to accounting standards) and ensure the organisation's assets are protected through appropriate risk management.

Link to original post …

Haven’t listened to it and probably won’t. Just want the board to do their job.

In summary: Jeff is asking you and me to do our jobs and tackle to the ground anybody we see in the streets wearing any form of Collingwood garb …

… and interrogate them about being a Collingwood member, and if they can’t recite their membership number rote, drag them down to the Holden Centre by their collar and supervise them while they sign up …

… and after they do, shake their hand and embrace them in a loving hug (all in a Daniel Andrews compliant Covid safe-way of course) … buy them a coffee (before 12pm) or a beer (after 12pm) and welcome them into the ultimate club of fine gentlemen and ladies.

Leave media to the coaches and players.

Players are experts at playing. Coaches are experts at coaching. Presidents are experts at presiding. Medias are experts at breathlessly and excitedly feeding us meaningless upbeat cliches.
Jeff may not be the world's greatest speaker, but he has come out and outlined a vision.

He wants us to be envied by all, have strong revenue brought upon by 100,000 plus members and a strong Collingwood army.

All I remember Korda coming out early doors and saying was "I am going to be a small p president".

At least Jeff is staking his fork in the ground and saying this is what we want to achieve.

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Jeff may not be the world's greatest speaker, but he has come out and outlined a vision.

He wants us to be envied by all, have strong revenue brought upon by 100,000 plus members and a strong Collingwood army.

All I remember Korda coming out early doors and saying was "I am going to be a small p president".

At least Jeff is staking his fork in the ground and saying this is what we want to achieve.
That’s been the Clubs vision for the past 10 years…
Cut & paste a speech from Pert or Eddie.
I will grant him the same latitude that he granted his predecessor.
I hope he is a successful president.
Fifty five years ago, I opted to support Collingwood in the then VFL, having moved to Victoria from interstate. This was mainly because on the back of one line in the club song:
"side by side we stick together" and how that infused into the players and supporters.

Fast forward to today and the beige President uses his media release to talk about revenue and being the envy of the league. I guess this is no different to the aims of most other clubs, but geez, does everything have to be about the money?
Would rather the President stir up my rapidly diminishing emotional connection to the club in some meaningful way that talked about side by side and other Collingwood tribal traditions. Do that Mr President and then perhaps your precious memberships will come more freely.
What an odd pitch from Joffa Browne... We need you to convince everyone you know to sign up as members to convince the club and players there is a great army behind us, wtf Joff? Firstly using the young players as some kind of entity that needs x amount of members to be confident in their footballing ability is asinine. Secondly, I would have started by detailing what the club will do for it's members, and why the club wants them, you know make them feel like they should join up rather than they have to, because of, well, no good reason at all.

Then to dig himself a deeper hole, he directly compares new members to new money for the club. Look we know where the money goes, but you don't say in your pitch, "At Collingwood you're simply a number not a member" which is effectively what was said.

Then goes on about stamping our authority on the league by adding more members, and he won't be satisfied with less than 100k, how about let the football do the talking, that's how you stamp your authority on the league.

Total drivel, I was actually hoping to hear something with a modicum of intelligence from him, not this time...
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People in here potting our Prez. Don't worry about what he said, what he didn't say, and how he said it.

He's been there for a month FFS!
Perhaps next time Jeff should read a prepared statement from the marketing department? Ugh.

Sounds like some of you need a Martin Luther King motivational speech to inspire you to support your club financially. WAKE UP. He's a businessman, not a Magpies version of Tony Robbins. He's focussed on the bottom line all his life.

It's the literal dawn of a new era. Let's just stand with the new team while they settle in, and we can all enjoy the new-car-smell freshness together.

People in here potting our Prez. Don't worry about what he said, what he didn't say, and how he said it.

He's been there for a month FFS!
Perhaps next time Jeff should read a prepared statement from the marketing department? Ugh.

Sounds like some of you need a Martin Luther King motivational speech to inspire you to support your club financially. WAKE UP. He's a businessman, not a Magpies version of Tony Robbins. He's focussed on the bottom line all his life.

It's the literal dawn of a new era. Let's just stand with the new team while they settle in, and we can all enjoy the new-car-smell freshness together.

I’d rather he just spoke of his love for the Pies and excitement for the future. We don’t need Jeff to motivate us to recruit members when we’ve been paying full fees for the past two years with virtually no games to attend.
People in here potting our Prez. Don't worry about what he said, what he didn't say, and how he said it.

He's been there for a month FFS!
Perhaps next time Jeff should read a prepared statement from the marketing department? Ugh.

Sounds like some of you need a Martin Luther King motivational speech to inspire you to support your club financially. WAKE UP. He's a businessman, not a Magpies version of Tony Robbins. He's focussed on the bottom line all his life.

It's the literal dawn of a new era. Let's just stand with the new team while they settle in, and we can all enjoy the new-car-smell freshness together.


Do you expect me to just blindly support everything Scott Morrison says or does as PM of the country I live in, even though I didn't vote for him?
I’d rather he just spoke of his love for the Pies and excitement for the future. We don’t need Jeff to motivate us to recruit members when we’ve been paying full fees for the past two years with virtually no games to attend.

So would I, but I'm not bothered by it. I'm sure we'll hear more from Jeff. It's only the beginning of his tenure, and far too early for mine to be critical of just one short video.

Do you expect me to just blindly support everything Scott Morrison says or does as PM of the country I live in, even though I didn't vote for him?

Not at all.
I didn't insinuate you should blindly follow anyone, let alone the person with the most critically judged job in country.

Not sure what your gripes are with Jeff, considering he's zero games into his tenure. Dare I ask?
So would I, but I'm not bothered by it. I'm sure we'll hear more from Jeff. It's only the beginning of his tenure, and far too early for mine to be critical of just one short video.

Not at all.
I didn't insinuate you should blindly follow anyone, let alone the person with the most critically judged job in country.

Not sure what your gripes are with Jeff, considering he's zero games into his tenure. Dare I ask?

I hated the way he conducted himself by mouthing off about the state of the club prior to an election even being called. When it looked like he wasn't going to get his own way he threatened to spill the whole board. It made him look like a spoilt, petulant child with a born to rule mentality.

As icing on the cake, for all his public whinging about how much of a shambles the club was in, in his interview the day he was elected President he stated the previous Board had been doing a great job and there wasn't much to improve!

His whole platform in the months leading up to that point was how bad the Board was.
So would I, but I'm not bothered by it. I'm sure we'll hear more from Jeff. It's only the beginning of his tenure, and far too early for mine to be critical of just one short video.

Not at all.
I didn't insinuate you should blindly follow anyone, let alone the person with the most critically judged job in country.

Not sure what your gripes are with Jeff, considering he's zero games into his tenure. Dare I ask?
It’s gonna take a good long while for me to warm to JB.
Maybe if he puts on some decent beer in the Legends Bar.
People in here potting our Prez. Don't worry about what he said, what he didn't say, and how he said it.

He's been there for a month FFS!
Perhaps next time Jeff should read a prepared statement from the marketing department? Ugh.

Sounds like some of you need a Martin Luther King motivational speech to inspire you to support your club financially. WAKE UP. He's a businessman, not a Magpies version of Tony Robbins. He's focussed on the bottom line all his life.

It's the literal dawn of a new era. Let's just stand with the new team while they settle in, and we can all enjoy the new-car-smell freshness together.

The new era had already started well before his arrival…

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I think people are critical for different reasons.

Some hold a grudge against Browne because of the way Korda was treated and lambasted last year by him or others close to Browne.

Some are critical of the latest message from Browne because we'd endured two years of little football attendance and with people financially struggling, it's a bit tone deaf to ask people to fork out money in a time of uncertainty in the current climate.

Some identify Browne as being an ordinary public speaker, but when the gold standard of public speaking is Eddie, it's going to be hard to match that for any other president. I also think the way Korda was harshly judged for his public speaking skills was harsh and unnecessary.

Browne's message has merit though. Our membership figures have stagnated in the past decade and the more members we have, the more we can re-invest back into the football club and also display our strength to the AFL to leverage better outcomes for the club.
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For a while it looked like real change. We had an election, the chance to actually vote. We even had candidates posting on our board and answering questions honestly and with intelligence.

What happened?

Browne and his card won. Nothing changed.
I hated the way he conducted himself by mouthing off about the state of the club prior to an election even being called. When it looked like he wasn't going to get his own way he threatened to spill the whole board. It made him look like a spoilt, petulant child with a born to rule mentality.

As icing on the cake, for all his public whinging about how much of a shambles the club was in, in his interview the day he was elected President he stated the previous Board had been doing a great job and there wasn't much to improve!

His whole platform in the months leading up to that point was how bad the Board was.

I can see how you can perceive his behaviour that way, and I'll stand beside you for your right to say it.

I am more for unity and moving forward though. The last thing we need is more tension and disharmony.
I'm not necessarily a huge fan of Browne. But I look forward to seeing what he can do, without worrying about what he did to get there.

I'm not worried about a 3 minute video about his membership mission, I'm sure we'll hear more from him in due course.
The new era had already started well before his arrival…

How long is a piece of string? Semantics.

All the pieces fell over time, with the prez filling the last spot. Unless we hired a new janitor I'm not aware of?

It's crazy how many positions at the club have changed from Round 1 last year, to Round 1 this year.
For a while it looked like real change. We had an election, the chance to actually vote. We even had candidates posting on our board and answering questions honestly and with intelligence.

What happened?

Browne and his card won. Nothing changed.

Don't know how much more our club can change, tbh.
Don't know how much more our club can change, tbh.
Talking more about how board candidates are selected. I doubt I’ll get the chance to vote again in my lifetime.

The establishment won.
I think people are critical for different reasons:

Some hold a grudge against Browne because of the way Korda was treated and lambasted last year by him or others close to Browne.

Some are critical of the latest message from Browne because we'd endured two years of little football attendance and with people financially struggling, it's a bit tone deaf to ask people to fork out money in a time of uncertainty in the current climate.

Some identify Browne as being an ordinary public speaker, but when the gold standard of public speaking is Eddie, it's going to be hard to match that for any other president. I also think the way Korda was harshly judged for his public speaking skills was harsh and unnecessary.

Browne's message has merit though. Our membership figures have stagnated in the past decade and the more members we have, the more we can re-invest back into the football club and also display our strength to the AFL to leverage better outcomes for the club.

Yeah Browne might have lost some fans with his comments, but may have gained much more than he lost.
After years of increasingly worse on-field results, the do-better report, and the trade fiasco, many wanted change at the top.

Did his video ask people for money? Or did he just state a goal? I'll have to re-watch it. I can see how it sounds like the same thing. My first thought was he sounded like a businessman with a mission statement, but without a timeline. Looking forward to see what he can do over the coming years.

Eddie was always going to be huge shoes to fill. Not just his charisma and his talent, but his passion for the club. Doubt any man could have stepped in at his level.
Talking more about how board candidates are selected. I doubt I’ll get the chance to vote again in my lifetime.

The establishment won.

Ah I see.

You might get a vote in six years time though, if the new proposal goes through.
I think it says Presidents can serve up to two terms of three years, and directors three terms of three years.
Ah I see.

You might get a vote in six years time though, if the new proposal goes through.
I think it says Presidents can serve up to two terms of three years, and directors three terms of three years.
But will members vote or will the board decide? I doubt we will see an open election again.
Jeff is a bit blunt but his vision is clear - he wants to remove soft tax, have 100000 members, and make our large support count for something to give the players the best platform to succeed.
Jeff is a bit blunt but his vision is clear - he wants to remove soft tax, have 100000 members, and make our large support count for something to give the players the best platform to succeed.
The Club has been well run financially for some time.
Improving on that further is good…
What we don’t do well…win Premierships.
Raising more funding is just part of the equation.
Why do Hawthorn reach Grand Finals & win them…
We need to unlock something else…
We have to be ruthless…
I don’t care if other Clubs envy our financial position, membership base or whatever else…the only measure I’m interested in is Premierships Premierships Premierships.
We have been the bridesmaid club for far too long…win 2-3 flags by 2030…now that’s a goal.
What an odd pitch from Joffa Browne... We need you to convince everyone you know to sign up as members to convince the club and players there is a great army behind us, wtf Joff? Firstly using the young players as some kind of entity that needs x amount of members to be confident in their footballing ability is asinine. Secondly, I would have started by detailing what the club will do for it's members, and why the club wants them, you know make them feel like they should join up rather than they have to, because of, well, no good reason at all.

Then to dig himself a deeper hole, he directly compares new members to new money for the club. Look we know where the money goes, but you don't say in your pitch, "At Collingwood you're simply a number not a member" which is effectively what was said.

Then goes on about stamping our authority on the league by adding more members, and he won't be satisfied with less than 100k, how about let the football do the talking, that's how you stamp your authority on the league.

Total drivel, I was actually hoping to hear something with a modicum of intelligence from him, not this time...

as you're well aware, jeff has got his lifestyle from formulating tv programs for the great unwashed.... i point to what is currently on free to air as an indication of what he thinks of us...

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Toast Presidency and The Board

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