Primus does a runner

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Not interested in direct quotes from anyone apart from Thomas and Eade. Collingwood assistant coaches aren't permitted to present for senior coaching jobs while the season is still on, if I was Eade that's what I'd be telling Gary Pert whether it was true or not, and if I was Gary Pert that's what I'd be telling the media whether it was true or not.

After being widely reported for a while now, Eade has now publicly said he was never interested in the job.

Looks like Cameron might now get an opportunity at a coaching gig after being overlooked by the Bulldogs last year.

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Interesting timing from Eade. Refused to give a definite no for months, and then just hours after the Port board exploded with people who know people saying that the job is Cameron's if he wants it, he finally gives a no.

Did we pick Cameron because Eade gave a no or did Eade gave a no because we picked Cameron? Nobody will ever know for sure but KT and Eade. Seems very odd that he waited until now to give a definite no if he was never interested though.

You really are turning into D_One

It has been rumoured for a week now that Eade pulled out. You spent the whole week telling all and sundry that it was lies and that Eade was still in the race. Now even after Eade has come out and said publicly in an interview which seems to 100 percent correlate to what Caroline Wilson reported a week ago, Poort supporters now want to try and deny it and pretend that he wanted the Poort job and Poort overlooked him for the job.

Face it he was never interested in the role and Caro was right a week ago when she advised that he'd met with KT out of courtesy, but advised them that he wasnt interested.
Imagine the roles reversed.. "Eade snubbed you Crows, lulz you get slops now" :D


"Despite today's news, rest assured Eade wanted the job"
Shouldn't have expected anything different. Crow flogs have an incredible record of pretending to know things that they couldn't possibly know. More often than not, they've been wrong.

I wasn't sure which of the above options was the truth before, but given how confidently you've spoken about it being one of them, I'm now pretty sure it was the other.
How would you know whats going on in the real world? sitting behind a keyboard 24/7 typing 35,062 posts of shite!
Shouldn't have expected anything different. Crow flogs have an incredible record of pretending to know things that they couldn't possibly know. More often than not, they've been wrong.

I wasn't sure which of the above options was the truth before, but given how confidently you've spoken about it being one of them, I'm now pretty sure it was the other.

Here are the options

Option A
Believe Caro's article which she wrote a week ago advising that Eade had met with Keith Thomas out of courtesy, but had politely declined the role. Eade then 7 days later publicly confirms this as being 100 percent correct.


Option B
A Poort flog, who is clearly in denial, desperately trying to go into damage control by baselessly claiming that Eade is now lying to save face because Poort overlooked him for the job.

Not really a tough choice between the options as to which is more likely and believable.
Option A: Believe that Rodney Eade decided he didn't want the job a while back despite his refusal to give a direct 'no' despite umpteen opportunities to do so until a few hours after the Internet went wild with people who would know saying we've picked Cameron, and despite the fact that a few days ago Thomas did say that Ratten had said no but didn't say that Eade had.

Option B: Believe that Rodney Eade only decided that he didn't want the job on the day that Cameron was seemingly decided, and that's why Port picked Cameron.

Option C: Believe that Port Adelaide picked Cameron and allowed Rodney Eade the courtesy of pulling out himself when he had in fact been interested in the role.

A is very far-fetched IMO. Neither of B or C would surprise me. If we settle on B you can still have your fun with 'Slops Cameron', so how about we go with that?

LOL nice backflip.

Last week everything was unsubstantiated bullshit as Eade hadn't publically said anything, yet this week you're now trying to claim the exact opposite that Eade is lying and unsubstantiated bullshit theories supposedly are true.

Here was me thinking that after D_One retired due to his sphincter being unable to withstand any further offended that we would finally see the end of having to endure delusional baseless claims used in an attempt to try and defend the indefensible. I guess not :(
I trust the people who know people on the Port board, they've never steered me wrong before, unlike Caroline 'Travis Boak to Essendon is a done deal' Boak.

So why do you think Eade didn't give a no until yesterday, coincidentally a few hours after the intrawebz exploded with very strong Cameron rumours from people who would actually know?

Didnt the same source you trust previously say that Eade had the job ? Which is why I am guessing you had refused to believe that he had already pulled out of the running.

Because Collingwood's season ended on the weekend. Collingwood were going into the prelim final so he wasnt going to be out giving interviews about his interest (or lack of) in the Poort job while Collingwood were only days away from a prelim final. Keep in mind the McCarthy funeral on Thursday and then having to travel to Sydney on Friday so there were a few other higher priorities than publicly speaking about a job that you had no interest in.

So why do you think the intrawebz and media exploded last week with very strong rumours that Eade told Poort that he wasnt interest in the job from people that acutally know like Gary Pert etc ?

Why was Eade word the golden rule 7 days ago yet it's not now ?
Surely Eade giving a direct no would've been even more valuable while Collingwood's season was still going to quell speculation, wouldn't have it? He was asked many times about the Port coaching job, he had plenty of opportunities to give a no. He didn't until yesterday.

Gary Pert wanted to quell speculation. If Eade was fully committed to Collingwood at the time, wouldn't he have done the same?

He didnt need to go public, he already told Pert face to face that he wasnt interested in the job.

Why would Eade need to publicly say it to convince Pert when he had already told him face to face he wasnt interested in the Poort job ?

There was no speculation, as far as the football world was concerned he was already out of the running for the job 7 days ago, it was only Poort supporters who were in denial that still held on to the glimmer of hope that Eade was still going to ride into Alberton on a white horse.

Could you care to elighten me of some interviews were he was asked about the Poort job and declined to say anything ?

As for your claim that he has pulled out of the race, you dont so with the caveat attached that he was apparently rejected prior to his withdrawal which is utter garbage.
Shouldn't have expected anything different. Crow flogs have an incredible record of pretending to know things that they couldn't possibly know. More often than not, they've been wrong.

I wasn't sure which of the above options was the truth before, but given how confidently you've spoken about it being one of them, I'm now pretty sure it was the other.

Just like you lot "knew" Rendell was "racist", when in fact he isn't.

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Tredders, Mark Stevens and Gerard Whateley are at least three media types that I know of who weren't as quick to believe everything they read as you are.

Eade said at Collingwood's Wednesday training session that his focus was completely on the Magpies. "My 100 per cent focus is with Collingwood. We've had a couple of big weeks now, and hopefully we've still got a couple of big weeks to go and my whole focus is totally with them."

Read more:

No direct 'no' in there. You can add every appearance he made on the Fox Footy shows and was asked about the job and didn't give a no to the list too.

There's you claiming to know things that you couldn't possibly know again.

You've officially become D_One
Kind of like that, yeah. And kind of like you all knew Boak was going.

One set of supporters learnt from it's mistakes, the other continues to make the same ones.

Kinda like Dangerfield and Sloane going, kinda like Poort trumping Collingwood by poaching Eade behind their back and how you all couldnt wait to rub it in the media's face when Eade is officially announced as coach.
All we know is that Rodney Eade officially pulled out of the Port Adelaide coaching race yesterday. You can make as many assumptions on top of that as you want, but they're just assumptions. 'Eade quit a week ago' is no more or less valid a theory than 'Eade quit when he found out Port had chosen Cameron'.

Eade said it himself that he pulled out last week, the only person stupidly trying to dispute that is you. Even on your board most of the supporters have accepted the reality that he pulled out last week.

There is no greater irony that seeing you try and troll others for being wrong yet when the shoe's on the other foot you'd rather invent some ridiculous baseless theory in a pathetic attempt to save face. I guess Malthouse took the Carlton job too because Poort rejected him as well :rolleyes:
But why did he wait until this week to say it? Is he trying to keep on Eddie's good side by saying he never really considered it? Why did Thomas say last week that Ratten had pulled out but not Eade? Why did he just happen to announce it hours after everyone said Cameron had the job? Plenty of questions to be asked, none of which you know the answer to. He might've pulled out last week and for some reason taken a week to publicly announce it even though he could've quelled all speculation by coming out and saying it ages ago (while for some reason Thomas announces that Ratten had pulled out but not him), he might've pulled out yesterday which led to Port appointing their second choice of Cameron, he might've pulled out once he heard Port wanted Cameron over him. The second of those scenarios seems the most likely to me, but for all we know it could be any of them. You have absolutely no way of knowing which one it is. You can strongly suspect, but you can't know.

You're so desperate to denigrate Port that in your narrow-mindedness you can't even accept the slight possibility that the worst possible scenario for Port might not be 100% correct.

It was already widely noted and accepted last week, you are simply trying to use semantics to cover up the embarrassment of how you spent all last week trying to create theories to try and convince yourself it wasnt true
Yes you're right, that's the one and only possible option and you know exactly what Rodney Eade was thinking at the time and there's no possible way you could be wrong because poort powa suk.

I'm done with this. If you're so desperate to act like it's 100% certain that Eade quit a week ago despite the significant amount of evidence pointing the other way, then you carry on. I just hope you realize that not everyone is as narrow-minded as you, and not everyone is so desperate to state things which they couldn't possibly know as fact. I would've thought the Boak experience would've taught some of you flogs a lesson, but clearly not.

What evidence ? There were numerous articles a week ago advising that he had pulled out of the race. You then claimed that it was all unsubstaniated bullshit and would only believe it when he says it himself yet after he confirmed what everyone reported in the media 7 days ago suddenly his word doesn't meaning anything anymore.

As for this lesson do you mean the same lesson about Dangerfield leaving ? Is this the dont be fooled by baseless speculation and wait for the official word lesson ? Well we have the official word from Eade yet hypocritically you're trying to throw around unsubstiated garbage rather than just accept what has been officially reported. Doesn't seem to me like you've learnt much.

I'm not trying to troll Port, just merely pointing out that after hearing you ignorantly bleat on for 7 days how Caro's article was all wrong etc and how Eade was going to get the job and how it was going to be another Boak moment that you now have egg on your face. Honestly, I'm not sure what happened to the old Gopower that would have just admitted she/he got it wrong and moved on, now instead we have the farcial D_One denial/semantics game in a desperate attempt to save face.
Are you serious? Have you not even been reading this thread?

I'll read the rest of your post after you've done me the courtesy of reading mine. If you don't, there's no point at all continuing this.

Of course I have read the posts, I am yet to see anything either from directly from Keith Thomas or Rodney Eade claiming that Eade only pulled out yesterday and not a week before.

We have Eade claiming that he had pulled out a week ago, but nothing confirming that he only pulled out of the race yesterday. So just as you have been saying for the last week or so do you have anything from Keith Thomas or Rodney Eade advising that he only pulled out of the running for the job yesterday.

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Primus does a runner

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