Surely every single person in the entire world could see we didn't draft Murphy as a forward, he hasn't got a single forwards bone in his body.
If we didn't draft Murphy as a midfielder where did we think he was going to play.
He is just another in a long list of midfielders we draft but end up playing as forwards because we don't believe in rolling a squad of 6 or 7 mids in a game, unfortunately we stick to the same Stacked Four every bloody week.
Our diabolical state of affairs is due to poor drafting AND poor development/selection/gameplan.
I guess there is also some room for word interpretation here
It seems we drafted him “to be” a forward, but not “as a” forward because he never played as one and didn’t know how
Even he didn’t know why they thought he could play forward.
What he was when drafted was a midfielder, also playing out of defence.
The intention was to use him as a forward.