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Read my comment and then disprove it ..matey :D:D:D
Here it is again - When he died in 2010, former organizer and member of the KKK, Robert Byrd was eulogized by Joe Biden.

So what? Your insinuation was that Biden was eulogising a current KKK member.

You were fact checked and like every thing you post it is loose with the fact. Back to the Veritas Project for you MAGA boy :)
So what? Your insinuation was that Biden was eulogising a current KKK member.

You were fact checked and like every thing you post it is loose with the fact. Back to the Veritas Project for you MAGA boy :)
Obama the black white supremacist was in attendance that day

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So what? Your insinuation was that Biden was eulogising a current KKK member.

You were fact checked and like every thing you post it is loose with the fact. Back to the Veritas Project for you MAGA boy :)
Not insinuation - Fact
You cannot disprove it.
And it was a former KKK member ..hence why it was a eulogy.
Because they are our allies. Flow-on effects and all that.

We are military allies and that is unlikely to change.
Trump wanted to increase trade barriers with many countries, and we had to plead our case to keep ours open.
No doubt there will be hickups with the new admin as well. I'm not sure if we should worry about whether its Biden or Trump, or whether its that our man on the ground is Joe Hockey.
We are military allies and that is unlikely to change.
Trump wanted to increase trade barriers with many countries, and we had to plead our case to keep ours open.
No doubt there will be hickups with the new admin as well. I'm not sure if we should worry about whether its Biden or Trump, or whether its that our man on the ground is Joe Hockey.
Yep good point, am more annoyed by the inability to discuss objectively.
That's all fair enough and absolutely fine with that mate if they come to the conclusion it was a fair Biden win. All power to him!

I take issue with the one-way reporting and the misrepresentation of information. Would prefer Trump in office but really couldn't care less who wins provided it's done fairly :thumbsu::thumbsu:

Can you point to any evidence in the two weeks to point out it wasn't done fairly? The Trumpist's keep smearing the election and in turn eroding democracy, but there has not been one shred of evidence suggesting there was the type of fraud Trumps unsubstantiated claims and tweets allude to.

Please show me the Trump court case wins and the evidence provided. If you can't you cannot keep saying it wasn't fair. It looks petty and trite.

I believe in democracy. What happens in our next election if Albanese screams and tweets and makes up conspiracy theories about the election being rigged? Will you be happy that the basis of our government is being undermined by unsubstaniated claims?

the only winners out of this type of crap are China and Indonesia and Russia. You may be happy to the damage it does to democratic countries, I am not. It is not a ****ing parlour game.

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Can you point to any evidence in the two weeks to point out it wasn't done fairly?
No, I can't point to any evidence to point out it wasn't done fairly. I actually have NFI what actually happened. But at least I can admit to that, instead of categorically announcing the election is without dispute.

Please show me the Trump court case wins and the evidence provided. If you can't you cannot keep saying it wasn't fair. It looks petty and trite.
Hold on - when did I say it wasn't fair? I haven't kept saying it was unfair, I haven't actually said that once. I can't show you the evidence there was voter fraud, just like you can't show me the evidence that there wasn't. My view has been that now it is in court, lets all wait to see what comes of it. From here I am happy with either outcome.

I believe in democracy. What happens in our next election if Albanese screams and tweets and makes up conspiracy theories about the election being rigged? Will you be happy that the basis of our government is being undermined by unsubstaniated claims?
I believe in democracy too and democracy is having a fair election process. Honestly I don't really think many people care if future elections are vetted through the legal process. Half of America didn't even vote in what is the most important election in the countries history. In fact I would prefer all future elections be vetted through a legal process of recounting the votes and/or making sure there's no fraud. Or impose heavy fines for those who do try and cheat the system.
No, I can't point to any evidence to point out it wasn't done fairly. I actually have NFI what actually happened. But at least I can admit to that, instead of categorically announcing the election is without dispute.
So do you think every election isn't done fairly or only when the guy who losers tweets about it?
I haven't actually said that once. I can't show you the evidence there was voter fraud, just like you can't show me the evidence that there wasn't. My view has been that now it is in court, lets all wait to see what comes of it. From here I am happy with either outcome.

The onus is on the accuser to prove their case not on the accused to show they are innocent. I need to prove nothing, I am not the one questioning if the election was fair.
This argument has only come about from spurious claims from Trump and his supporters. I have never before heard claims of mass voter fraud in an American election and I have known about them since 1972.

All it does is undermine the democratic process. Why did you not call for a recount when Trump won?
The onus is on the accuser to prove their case not on the accused to show they are innocent. I need to prove nothing, I am not the one questioning if the election was fair.
Well that is on them, because that hasn't been my view at all. You are right though, the onus is on the accuser to prove their case, which they are in the process of doing and given the legal process is still continuing it is only logical to be of the opinion that there isn't a result yet one way or another. For networks to have called the election whilst this is still ongoing is irresponsible.

I don't know what will come of the court findings but a sworn statement under oath is evidence, and they say they have hundreds of witnesses ready to testify under oath. I guess it will depend on how much evidence they have and how serious the findings are.

All it does is undermine the democratic process. Why did you not call for a recount when Trump won?
How do you know I didn't?

What a list!!!!
And to think - he denounced them 38 times. Maybe if he denounces them again they will stop. Point being - free will. Lunatics will be lunatics, we've seen enough of that on the left already.
Donald Trump has been accused of "inflaming racial, ethnic and religious tensions across the United States."[365] The Southern Poverty Law Center recorded 867 "hate incidents" in the 10 days after the US election, a phenomenon it partly blamed on Trump's rhetoric. They consider the actual number of incidents to be much higher because most hate crimes go unreported. SPLC president Richard Cohen blamed the recent surge on the divisive language used by Trump throughout his campaign. In a statement he said: "Mr Trump claims he's surprised his election has unleashed a barrage of hate across the country. But he shouldn't be. It's the predictable result of the campaign he waged."[366]
In 2016, US attorney general Loretta Lynch said FBI statistics for 2015 showed a 67% increase in hate crimes against Muslim Americans; hate crimes against Jewish people, African Americans and LGBT individuals increased as well. Lynch reported a 6% overall increase, though she said the number could be higher because many incidents go unreported. In New York City the number of hate crimes increased 31.5% in the year from 2015 to 2016. Mayor Bill de Blasio commented, "A lot of us are very concerned that a lot of divisive speech was used during the campaign by the President-elect, and we do not yet know what the impact of that will be on our country."[367]
Between 2014 and 2018, the number of hate groups skyrocketed 30%, reaching 892 in 2015; 917 in 2016; 954 in 2017; and to a record number 1,020 in 2018.[368][369] According to Mark Potok at the SPLC, Donald Trump's presidential campaign speeches "demonizing statements about Latinos and Muslims have electrified the radical right, leading to glowing endorsements from white nationalist leaders such as Jared Taylor and former Klansman David Duke".[370]
The Ku Klux Klan held a rally at the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally in 2017. Former grand wizard David Duke spoke calling the demonstrations a "turning point" saying, "We are going to fulfill the promises of Donald Trump. That's what we believed in. That's why we voted for Donald Trump, because he said he's going to take our country back."[371]
A 2018 study found that Trump's anti-establishment campaign positions, for example his frequent "drain the swamp" rhetoric, was less of a draw for voters than were his negative attitudes towards ethnic minorities and sexism.[372] One study found that "Trump's rhetoric and rallies served to heighten white identity and increase the perceived threat facing white Americans [and found] that counties which hosted a Trump rally saw a 226% increase in hate-motivated incidents."[373] In 2019, the Brookings Institution reported that statistics show that Trump's racist rhetoric has resulted in an increase in violence in America. Their study found "substantial evidence that Trump has encouraged racism and benefitted politically from it." Looking at hate crime figures in which Trump had won the election they found a jump of hate crimes, the second largest jump in 25 years, the first being September 11, 2001.[374]
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