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Oh ok, so you actually believe like Trump the result is in dispute and the media is reporting 'in favour of Biden clearly dominates any reporting that favours Trump'?
I actually do not think it is a matter of reporting in favour of Biden.
I actually believe an election has occurred and one party has won. Trump has actually said he won - do you believe that is right?
306 - 232 - yep dispute results but the actual result can not be disputed. That is not 'left leaning bias' that is the result of a democratic process called an election.
Yep, to pull up an analogy again, Trump just lost a fishing contest by actually not catching a fish as big as his competitor. He's now tipped a huge bucket of burley into the water and set off a few flares while blasting the horn and claiming that a frenzy of fish in the water around the boat suggests that there was every chance that his fish is just as big or even bigger than Biden's. If not the bigger fish in the water suggest he should have caught them instead but his little rod was unfair and that Biden having better equipment also unfairly cost him. It's all just a charade to distract everyone from reality and set Biden's tenure up to fail now. He's set the country on fire on his way out the door.
The media didn't do anything other than report politics like they have for decades. Literally that the one who wins the election is the winner. They did it when he won in 2016. His whole presidency has been like a fever dream of political turbulence and insanity, if anything the media were obsessed with him and built his madcap brand of political hand-grenade against the system. They were disapproving of him for not following political convention but that is exactly why his supporters love him.