This is my team so far.
What do u think about it?
I like the fact that you have gone for a different team structure compared to all the others but there are some potential faults. First of all you have too many high priced midfielders. Downgrade Green or Ball for someone like Masten or Armitage so you can free up some cash (on the midfielders you might want to look at upgrading both lewis and green, you can get alot better scorers at around that price). Cox could be a problem in the ruck due to his injury, he may not play well for a few weeks so id look to bringing in Kreuzer for Cox. If you do follow these first two bits of advice you will have a shitload in your bank so id upgrade Bartel to Swan, try and upgrade Burton for Tippet and try to upgrade Jono Brown because you dont know how hes going to play with Fev with alongside him.