RDFL Thread 2011 (Part 2)

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cheers omni. yeah the op went well thanx mate. Its going to be a very long healing process but im travelling ok so far. i will say tho, as hard as it is and has been the club and the boys have been great support thru all this. so hopefully ill be walking around sometime soon. Hopefully ill be up to making an appearence at rockbank tomorrow to coach the side too:thumbsu:

Arrr thats the way old boy, cant keep a good man down & all that stuff.:thumbsu:

Hey while I got you there champ, how are you with hypothetical conundrums ?
Cause I was thinking that you may just face a huge dilemma come finals time ?
Arrr thats the way old boy, cant keep a good man down & all that stuff.:thumbsu:

Hey while I got you there champ, how are you with hypothetical conundrums ?
Cause I was thinking that you may just face a huge dilemma come finals time ?

inspire me omni with your conspiracy theory please????
inspire me omni with your conspiracy theory please????

No mate, no conspiracy here I can assure you.

No I was just thinking mate, suppose (as the two form teams so far this season) both you & Romsey make the big dance come September. Then in that game, your good mate, "ONE" L. McInerney is absolutely tearing it up, getting shitloads of the pill, dominating the contest (as he usually does most games ! :eek:)
During the game you have tried all your best taggers on him..... to no avail !....... & here is my question pal. Do you -
Then send out your very best "Enforcer" to TAKE OUT the little Grubman, (fairly of course, a la - the way Cam Dawson was taken out of last years Elimination Final) thus leaving the Kangas to go on & win their first Premiership ?
Moreover, could infact that "Enforcer" end up being "ONE" M. McInerney ?

What do you do pal ??? :footy:

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No mate, no conspiracy here I can assure you.

No I was just thinking mate, suppose (as the two form teams so far this season) both you & Romsey make the big dance come September. Then in that game, your good mate, "ONE" L. McInerney is absolutely tearing it up, getting shitloads of the pill, dominating the contest (as he usually does most games ! :eek:)
During the game you have tried all your best taggers on him..... to no avail !....... & here is my question pal. Do you -
Then send out your very best "Enforcer" to TAKE OUT the little Grubman, (fairly of course, a la - the way Cam Dawson was taken out of last years Elimination Final) thus leaving the Kangas to go on & win their first Premiership ?
Moreover, could infact that "Enforcer" end up being "ONE" M. McInerney ?

What do you do pal ??? :footy:

before i answer this, are u sure your not getting too far ahead of yourself? i mean i too have read the last ten herald sun rdfl articles, 9 of which are about romsey, cousins and coach pederson. i just feel we are a long way behind the spotlight at this stage.since the kangas insipid 2 point loss at romsey park, the facts are that the redbacks and the RED HOT REIGNING PREMIERS are the only teams left. dont stress about myself,glenn hopkins or meldrum, we are apparently just making up the numbers :eek:
Omni And Mongrel, God luv u 2 blokes. Different opinions, but same end result. Both for the RDFL!! I have worked with the ex-president of Kyneton for the last 4 years. We have a player at Romsey who came fom the KFNC ( and believe it or not, for very little money) that the pres. said could turn a game by himself within 10 minutes. Most of you will know who he is, (I wont say his name) and this is very true.

When the top teams (Gissy, mlton, mltn sth, darley etc) left, the comp seemed to drop off, WRONG. It only started to get stronger.

I played with Gissy in the early 90's with Edmonds, Palmer , Mitrovski, Koo, and Rowsell. This team used to beat the top 2nd division teams by 25 -35 goals.

The same would not happen today. Each and every club have stepped up a notch and would be very competitive against most teams in the BFL.

2 leading goalkickers with 150 b/w them after 13 rounds, would fit into every BFL team.

Kyneton would be a good addition to the RDFL. We would then have 7 teams fighting for the 6th spot!!
before i answer this, are u sure your not getting too far ahead of yourself? i mean i too have read the last ten herald sun rdfl articles, 9 of which are about romsey, cousins and coach pederson. i just feel we are a long way behind the spotlight at this stage.since the kangas insipid 2 point loss at romsey park, the facts are that the redbacks and the RED HOT REIGNING PREMIERS are the only teams left. dont stress about myself,glenn hopkins or meldrum, we are apparently just making up the numbers :eek:
Mongrel, I watched the Romsey/Sunbury game and the only difference at the end was the result. Either team could've won/loss the game. Romsey are undefeated, yes, but could/should have been beaten by Riddell, Diggers and your own mob. Riddells demolition of Diggers last week by 12 goals, should be a wake up call for all of us. They must spend to much on their player list!!
When did it become about Herald Sun articles, we all know it's about the local papers, and our "local" journo's have a love affair with only one side, check out the Leader website, I reckon there are 30 articles and 22 of them are about the Kangaroos and one D.Helmers...

Nothing but love for the Kangas locally, the people in the "know"

Clear favorties
Final Scores.

Broadford- 2. 5. 17. Lost to Romsey- 26. 18. 174. (M. Davidson 17 goals)
Woodend - 17. 13. 115. Def' Melton - 11. 9. 75.
Macedon - 13. 11. 89. Def' Wallan - 9. 6. 60.
Kilmore - 11. 5. 71. Lost to Riddell - 24. 10. 154.
Interesting comments in this weeks edition of the Macedon Ranges Leader newspaper by Kyneton senior coach Derrick Filo.

Mr Filo says (& I quote) " I have seen some guys leave Kyneton and be very successful in the RDFL, but the reality is they were nothing more than scrubbers in Bendigo".
Well Derrick, I would ask the question, who are these "Scrubbers" you speak of ? Cause for the life of me I cant think of any "Scrubbers" that Kyneton have sent our way to become CHAMPIONS in the RDFL ??? In Fact, its quite to the contrary Derrick ! I recall many many players that have left the RDFL & been very successful in the BFL "mark 2". I call it mark 2, because ever since that blight on football up there - The Bendigo Bombers have been in existence,... well your comp' old cok just aint quite been what it used to be......... Now has it ??? In fact one wonders if Kyneton would have indeed prospered in '97 had it not been for the fact that the Pioneers were draining Bendigo of all of its young "GUN" talent ???
Ah but I digress.....numerous GOOD players have left the RDFL to try their luck in the BFL. And quite a few of them have finished up with the ultimate success, a senior Premiership ! Here is just three off the top of my head Derrick - Jason Allen, Mark McInerney & Leigh McInerney. And there is also a current trio of ex RDFL players that are killing it at present with Gisborne in the BFL, ie - Tom Waters, James Petran & Benny Sonogan.
But you know something ? Good players generally go, or are recruited to, Good clubs, with Good cultures. Perhaps thats why Kyneton either finish up with scrubbers OR turn good players into scrubbers ???
I dunno you tell us ???
Here is a bit of free advice Derrick if Kyneton EVER want to get out of the long term shit hole they now find themselves in,.....

1. DONT bag past players. (cause everyone is gunna be one of those one day !) Your current list may just be wondering if they will indeed be labelled scrubbers once they finish with your club ! &
2. DONT bag other leagues. How the hell are you ever gunna recruit quality players to Kyneton if those players are to be labelled scrubbers once they leave ???

And finally Derrick, have no fear, let me once & for all put your mind at ease that the healthy competition that the RDFL is, would NEVER actively seek or allow a cancer of a club like Kyneton to enter our competition. The LAST thing we need as a league is a struggling winless basket case of a club with a chronically flawed endemic culture that YOU yourself have so ably demonstrated with your stupid & ignorant public comments this week.

Good luck trying to turn your club around, looks like your gunna need every bit of it !

Whoa, whoa, whoa - put the firesticks and pitchforks down for a second son and take a chill pill.

I don't pretend to speak for Derrick, but he is a mate of mine, and your (over) reaction is way over the top - the principles that you expect, nee demand, are sadly lacking in your potting of Kyneton - is it only leagues and players that are protected?

I won't for a second say that Filo would say it the same way given the hysterical reaction of your good self, but it is a historical fact that the RDFL has been a feeder league to other major country and city comps in the past.

That the standard has improved to this point is a credit to all involved.

However Kyneton doesn't want to be a part of it, we have no rivalries whatsoever with any of the clubs or towns that play in it and we, along with Gisborne, want to be the place that young footballers go to really test themselves to play at their very best.

That you take that as a personal affront to your league is disappointing given the context of the article - you pulled one quote out of an article where Derrick was advocating calm amongst hysteria.

I know for a fact that Derrick considers the best player he has played with or against or coached is Shane Muir - a product of Woodend Hesket - did you actually consider that the journo might not have put that in the story to promote controversy - in the same way you failed to give a link so that BF members didn't get the chance to read the article in full without some ferreting?

And you are a spec mod - shame on you.

Just for your information - really good Kyneton players at the Pios in '97 were Nathan Thompson, Mark Potter & Michael O'Brien - both Thommo and Potts were considered for finals but overlooked for the blokes who got us there - Mobbsy played in the thirds GF win. - your pissing on that premiership was a ****ing disgrace and I can safely say that you must have been too young to know anything about those sides given your ignorant and self indulgent comments.

As for your comments about 'culture' at the KFNC, we don't have one - we lost our way, but are rebuilding it the right way, and will be thereabouts before you know it.

Some players will make it, some won't, and we will get some players from your league, and you ours - but just settle down and put your shirt back on - war hasn't been declared based on a comment that could have been made (or reported) better.

I will just add that Filo is a 3 time VCFL captain - his opinion is worthy of some weight.
Whoa, whoa, whoa - put the firesticks and pitchforks down for a second son and take a chill pill.

I don't pretend to speak for Derrick, but he is a mate of mine, and your (over) reaction is way over the top - the principles that you expect, nee demand, are sadly lacking in your potting of Kyneton - is it only leagues and players that are protected?

I won't for a second say that Filo would say it the same way given the hysterical reaction of your good self, but it is a historical fact that the RDFL has been a feeder league to other major country and city comps in the past.

That the standard has improved to this point is a credit to all involved.

However Kyneton doesn't want to be a part of it, we have no rivalries whatsoever with any of the clubs or towns that play in it and we, along with Gisborne, want to be the place that young footballers go to really test themselves to play at their very best.

That you take that as a personal affront to your league is disappointing given the context of the article - you pulled one quote out of an article where Derrick was advocating calm amongst hysteria.

I know for a fact that Derrick considers the best player he has played with or against or coached is Shane Muir - a product of Woodend Hesket - did you actually consider that the journo might not have put that in the story to promote controversy - in the same way you failed to give a link so that BF members didn't get the chance to read the article in full without some ferreting?

And you are a spec mod - shame on you.

Just for your information - really good Kyneton players at the Pios in '97 were Nathan Thompson, Mark Potter & Michael O'Brien - both Thommo and Potts were considered for finals but overlooked for the blokes who got us there - Mobbsy played in the thirds GF win. - your pissing on that premiership was a ****ing disgrace and I can safely say that you must have been too young to know anything about those sides given your ignorant and self indulgent comments.

As for your comments about 'culture' at the KFNC, we don't have one - we lost our way, but are rebuilding it the right way, and will be thereabouts before you know it.

Some players will make it, some won't, and we will get some players from your league, and you ours - but just settle down and put your shirt back on - war hasn't been declared based on a comment that could have been made (or reported) better.

I will just add that Filo is a 3 time VCFL captain - his opinion is worthy of some weight.
defend his comments to the hilt. what was said is said. He meant it and it was printed. I have spoken to said journo and nothing was left in or left out. Culture or not, its still very cold under that grandstand.:thumbsdown:
I scrolled down reading your first post & was gunna respond in a civillised manner, cause you seemed like you may have had half a brain ! But then you went on to reinforce that poor unfortunate disrespectful stereotype which is Kyneton through & through - with your second post.
Your coaches comments WERE offensive & so are YOU ! :mad:
I will waste no more time with lost causes, but say -
Good luck recruiting from ANYWHERE in the future, no matter how much coin the "Kyneton Cancers" have ! :thumbsdown:
Matty davidson for romsey.....17 goals yesterday, 37 in the past 3 weeks..... whos going to stop him??
After having read the article, how can anyone berate Filo?
For god sakes, the whingers and the precious here complaining have picked out ONE quote in a pretty measured article.
He is surely simply sticking up for his club, calling for calm and stating a pretty simple fact - the bnfl is a higher grade than the rdfl - I think he is well and truly entitled to make those comments.
The journo certainly hasn't taken him out of context, but cutting and pasting one paragraph from the whole story is taking him out of context.

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Matty davidson for romsey.....17 goals yesterday, 37 in the past 3 weeks..... whos going to stop him??
so it looks like going on the blokes current form he will bring up the ton against wallan. this will be the second year in a row that a forward brings up 100 against us. last year aaron james.
After having read the article, how can anyone berate Filo?
For god sakes, the whingers and the precious here complaining have picked out ONE quote in a pretty measured article.
He is surely simply sticking up for his club, calling for calm and stating a pretty simple fact - the bnfl is a higher grade than the rdfl - I think he is well and truly entitled to make those comments.
The journo certainly hasn't taken him out of context, but cutting and pasting one paragraph from the whole story is taking him out of context.
It's pretty simple really. In that ONE quote he labelled many quality footballers, and quality people at that, "scrubbers". The rest of the article is fine. That quote was inflammatory and unnecessary.
Huge game at Boardman Reserve this weekend with the Kangas and Diggers facing off and the big player reunion for the Kangaroos celebrating 25 years in the competition, what a day it should be, hopefully all of the locals get up to the game as well as all of the past players and support what will be a perfect example of what local footy is all about... :thumbsu:
After having read the article, how can anyone berate Filo?
For god sakes, the whingers and the precious here complaining have picked out ONE quote in a pretty measured article.
He is surely simply sticking up for his club, calling for calm and stating a pretty simple fact - the bnfl is a higher grade than the rdfl - I think he is well and truly entitled to make those comments.
The journo certainly hasn't taken him out of context, but cutting and pasting one paragraph from the whole story is taking him out of context.

To make a comment that will surely rile the Ben FL faithful, is the Bendigo Footy league actually a higher standard than the RDFL?? Some very good former RDFL players are making a very good fist of it in the Ben FL... Granted, there are some absolute stars running around in that comp, but there are plenty running around in our league too...
so it looks like going on the blokes current form he will bring up the ton against wallan. this will be the second year in a row that a forward brings up 100 against us. last year aaron james.

It does look like that doesnt it.... i think he only needs 7 more if i am correct??
I just cant see him kicking any less than 7... i saw on saturday at broadford the had 4 blokes on him at one stage, any ideas on stopping him?
To make a comment that will surely rile the Ben FL faithful, is the Bendigo Footy league actually a higher standard than the RDFL?? Some very good former RDFL players are making a very good fist of it in the Ben FL... Granted, there are some absolute stars running around in that comp, but there are plenty running around in our league too...
After him seeing a fair bit of Bendigo footy this year - i think Matt Nicholls would be the best to answer that question. I have only watched 2 or 3 RDFL games in the last 3 years, and in those games the standard was pretty average to be honest.

Of course i will come across as bias but i have spoken to 2 former recent RDFL premiership coaches (both regular Gisborne observers now) and both believe the BFL is a fair way in front - with one of them suggesting that none of the top RDFL sides would get within 10 goals of this current Gisborne side that is fighting to make the top 4.
And as bad as Kyneton are, i still believe they are better than half of the RDFL sides.
Could you imagine an interleauge game between the 2 comps ? It would get very very ugly i reckon.

Please remember - this is just my (and the two former RDFL coaches) opinion.
After him seeing a fair bit of Bendigo footy this year - i think Matt Nicholls would be the best to answer that question. I have only watched 2 or 3 RDFL games in the last 3 years, and in those games the standard was pretty average to be honest.

Of course i will come across as bias but i have spoken to 2 former recent RDFL premiership coaches (both regular Gisborne observers now) and both believe the BFL is a fair way in front - with one of them suggesting that none of the top RDFL sides would get within 10 goals of this current Gisborne side that is fighting to make the top 4.
And as bad as Kyneton are, i still believe they are better than half of the RDFL sides.
Could you imagine an interleauge game between the 2 comps ? It would get very very ugly i reckon.

Please remember - this is just my (and the two former RDFL coaches) opinion.

In all due respect, I don't like the "Interleague" comparison, Interleague is the competition's best 22-25 players and isn't a true indication of the balance of the local sides..

I understand that you can only make your assumption on the knowledge at hand, and to be honest, I don't even think Matt is in the best position to make this judgement (would be up to 3 years since he has taken in an RDFL game), the best person would be one of the two former RDFL coaches you are talking of because he only left the competition last year, but again, he hasn't seen the competition this year either..

I don't think that 10 goals is a reflective margin between Gisborne and the top sides, Romsey, Sunbury and Riddell. Like you though, it is only based on my opinion. Attempting to be balanced, my point of view (and I can only go on the Ben FL GF from last year and one Kyneton/Gissy game from this year) is that there would be a gap of between 3-6 goals between say a Gisborne and the top sides in the RDFL and possibly closer. But it is also hard to gauge as they are two very different styles of football...

As for Kyneton, and again, I am not trying to degrade Kyneton or the Ben FL, but the best position they would be is in the mix of the 3 or 4 sides fighting it out for 6th spot on the ladder, they have a young list that has much to learn and will no doubt do so, but at this point they would be at least 6-7 goals behind the top 5 sides in the RDFL.
To make a comment that will surely rile the Ben FL faithful, is the Bendigo Footy league actually a higher standard than the RDFL?? Some very good former RDFL players are making a very good fist of it in the Ben FL... Granted, there are some absolute stars running around in that comp, but there are plenty running around in our league too...

The Bendigo located sides would be well ahead I would think. Based purely on depth from the population they draw their sides from. And now that the Bendigo Bombers are no more & all the gun young local talent is back playing for Bendigo based teams in the BFL the gap between them & the rest will only get bigger & bigger. The other sides, will now have to have a few lean years building up their finances, consolidating their lists, go out & spend big to fill the holes in their side, so that they can have perhaps a "one year" red hot crack at the premiership. A bit like what Gisborne are doing this season......... Weather they are up to it, only time will tell I guess. But if they are able to pull off the unthinkable, & I for one hope they can ! This would truly be a BFL Premiership without discount, & of some real note !

Good sides come & go but -
I'd stack the Riddell side of '08 up against anyone............ & I'd put Glen Hopkins in charge of it !
The Bendigo located sides would be well ahead I would think. Based purely on depth from the population they draw their sides from. And now that the Bendigo Bombers are no more & all the gun young local talent is back playing for Bendigo based teams in the BFL the gap between them & the rest will only get bigger & bigger. The other sides, will now have to have a few lean years building up their finances, consolidating their lists, go out & spend big to fill the holes in their side, so that they can have perhaps a "one year" red hot crack at the premiership. A bit like what Gisborne are doing this season......... Weather they are up to it, only time will tell I guess. But if they are able to pull off the unthinkable, & I for one hope they can ! This would truly be a BFL Premiership without discount, & of some real note !

Good sides come & go but -
I'd stack the Riddell side of '08 up against anyone............ & I'd put Glen Hopkins in charge of it !
You make some very good points... but do my eyes deceive me, you hope Gisborne win the flag ?

Riddell of '08 up against anyone ? Turn it up !
To make a comment that will surely rile the Ben FL faithful, is the Bendigo Footy league actually a higher standard than the RDFL?? Some very good former RDFL players are making a very good fist of it in the Ben FL... Granted, there are some absolute stars running around in that comp, but there are plenty running around in our league too...
turn it up !!! The worst player in the bfl would get a game for a side in the rdfl. The worst player in the rdfl , would he get a game in the bfl ? I think not
turn it up !!! The worst player in the bfl would get a game for a side in the rdfl. The worst player in the rdfl , would he get a game in the bfl ? I think not

Once again, this isn't an argument about the best or worst player, it's about the sides as a whole. That argument doesn't stack up.. So turn it up (seems to be the thing to say)
You make some very good points... but do my eyes deceive me, you hope Gisborne win the flag ?

Riddell of '08 up against anyone ? Turn it up !

Yeah of course I do !
They are a part of our RDFL family. They are an RDFL export if you will, that is just trying to make it out there in "BIG" league. I wish em all the best. :thumbsu:
Dont get me wrong, I still think they made the wrong decision in leaving.(along with the others) But at the time I can appreciate they didn't have a whole lot of options on the table.
Hey ! I still harbour thoughts that perhaps ONE day a President from one of the "Big 4" with enough vision, foresight & courage will get you all together (along with a couple of others) & start your OWN league in the area. One that is strong, relevant, popular..... & supported.
A league that offers their juniors a continuity of competition. A league that offers REAL rivalry's, & a League that we can all enjoy.... & appreciate !

"If you build it they will come" ???

Ahhhh but then again what would I know !

Oh & Riddell '08 pal were pretty damn good coasting though that season at about 75% ! I'd hate to think HOW good they could have been with say....... Mick McGuane coaching them. :eek:
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