RDFL Thread - 2012

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Kyneton is a fantastic venue. We were there a week ago and the ground was a treat. Netball court aint great, but it isnt the worst going around. Grandstand will be sensational for those who want a more lofty view. And for those who want a spot in their cars on the fence there is full ground access from memory. So if your undecided about Kyneton, DONT be. It will be a great day, & I suspect the size & condition of the ground will make for a cracking contest. The ONLY thing you will have to complain about next Saturday I'd suggest is the state of disrepair that the Calder FWY has fallen into. But we cant very well blame the league now for that can we ???
I agree with all you've said in this post omni, really looking forward to going up to Kyneton on Saturday. Great venue, good playing surface, spot on about the grandstand and plentiful parking. Seriously it's only a short drive up the calder, whack the radio on 11.16 SEN, and you'll be there before you know it. Let's hope it's a good competetive game.
Are you serious ?
Being tackled & driven into a ground that rock hard !!!
& did you even look at the centre wicket area ??? I scuffed around a little with my shoe at the massive drop away which was obviously the side of the pitch & I reckon I could feel the concrete just below a sprinkling of sand. The 2 levels were bad enough, but a concrete surprise lurking just below.....Please !
Player safety should be paramount pal, no exemptions !
Hey dont take my word pal, talk to some players. I did !

Have Seen the state that Riddell Rec Reserve is in. Surely they are not going to play a final on that this week?? Holes all over it and you sink to your ankles in mud just walking on it. Playing 3 games on it will not be safe and would make for a terrible spectacle given it is a final..

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Have Seen the state that Riddell Rec Reserve is in. Surely they are not going to play a final on that this week?? Holes all over it and you sink to your ankles in mud just walking on it. Playing 3 games on it will not be safe and would make for a terrible spectacle given it is a final..
Actually I could be wrong, but havent the RDFNL changed Saturdays game from Woodend to Kyneton this week because Woodend is no good so why are they playing Sundays game in a Bog Heap?? Both games should be moved, considering there is more rain to come, the ground is just going to get worse no matter what they try and do. Come on now its a final, not only should it be seriously looked at and changed for players safety but also to make it a great hard fought out game for us to watch on a good playing surface.
You know what ? This is where you really lose me Pal !.........................................We didnt see the Game ????? Then WHY F****** comment ???? Where's the credibility in that ??? I DID !
Of course we have good Umpires in this Comp'.... most are very very good at what they do ! For Christs sake I saw 3 in action on Saturday. That is why it becomes so glaringly apparent when you see BAD ones putting in "Just" another shocker yesterday !

Have Umpires & Umpiring just suddenly become above scrutiny has it ??? o_O

The 3 blokes doing yesterdays game were ordinary, to say the least.
And just for your benefit (one of those that NEVER actually saw the game) I'll tell you why.
These 3 were lazy. Making calls from way too far from the action. Continually got blindsided & guessed or never made a call at all because of that. One notorious Umpire that shall remain nameless (we ALL know who he is) & just refuses to "observe" but instead insists on being a high vis' participant got himself 2 x 50m penalties yesterday for 2 goals. One to each side. Both totally ludicrous & unnecessary decisions.
I'll tell you about the one that happened right in front of where I was. Umpire pays a free kick to Macedon, runs in to show Riddell player where mark is. Another Macedon player picks up the ball from behind the umpire & tosses it back to his team mate, but it is well wide of the mark. Umpire sees that the ball has been incorrectly returned to the player & awards a 50m penalty against Riddell !!! The other, was a 50m penalty the Riddell player talked him into paying !
This same attention seeking "****" of an Umpire topped off his day by reporting a player for making contact as he was going back with the flight of the ball in a marking contest. Terrible decision ! Happened right in front of where I was once again. Ball gets kicked high into the wind, hangs there for what seems an eternity. One player shows great courage & goes back with the fight in an attempt to mark. Two players clash. No one injured. BUT old "I want my time in the Spotlight" picks ONE player out & reports him !
Mind boggling stuff ! And all that Umpire's insisting after the game that the player should TAKE the week wont stop the NEVER before been reported player in telling his story AND getting off come tomorrow night !!! :thumbsu:

And whats this crap about having a crack at the players ??? Did not I say just a few posts back that Saturdays game was pretty ordinary ??? & It WAS !
And lets NOT EVER forget Mr Chris, that EVERY single Umpire in this Competition is a Professional, & by that I mean - They get payed ! BY US !!!...... Not every player does, nowhere near it !!!
That alone should give us a wee right to make a comment dont you think ???

& are you SERIOUS ??? "Only those who have given it a crack have a greater understanding of the game"
Here's what I think you should have said pal - "Only those who have given CRACK a crack have a greater understanding of SOME umpires umpiring the game" !!! :eek:

Oh &.........This isn't having a crack at you mate. Just highlighting the difficulties of UNDERSTANDING the gig ! :confused:

I can't argue with that mate.. I did see two games where the umpires did cop a fair bit of stick over the duration and noooo I didn't say that umpires and umpiring was above scrutiny.. you did.. it gets old when people have a crack at umpires.. many to this very day blame the fate of their team on two or three decisions that the umpire did or didn't pay in their favour.. that is a GENERAL comment.. and an opinion, which we are all brilliantly entitled to..my opinion is that our umpiring stocks are fantastic and its getting too old to slam them.. and the reality is, the umpiring stocks are depleted so much that many people who stopped umpiring (me included) this year had to be called back to help out and many senior guys were called in to help numbers in the junior finals.. yes, I wasn't at the game.. I was at two where the men in charge did get a bit of a whack.. and I can see why numbers are dropping off at an alarming rate..
You say that people are entitled to have a crack at umpires because clubs do pay for their services.. fair call.. but you'd rather have no umpires at all? Would YOU umpire senior football .. let alone do it for free? Would you enjoy getting belted verbally by the crowd.. I'm talking you personally.. because after all.. if the numbers of umpires continue to drop as they do, the RDFL will look to clubs to get people into the association.. that's a possibility..
You had a crack at players? Sensational.. I work at a newspaper and I don't get the chance to read everything that you said but I bet it was awesome.. that's no excuse for not reading it.. I'll happily admit that..
As someone who calls the game, it gets hard to not give players a whack sometimes because it just isnt fair for the promotion of the league.. so I'll admire you when you do give them a whack.. I can't, nor won't.. that's my opinion and choice as it is yours.
Back to the game mention.. blindsided.. yes, its actually an excuse.. as for someone who hasn't umpired a game of football in this day and age.. maybe you have.. I don't know.. I have and very often a player crosses the view of an umpire for that split second that an obstruction takes place.. it happens.. I'm saying this in general.. not necessarily the game that I didnt have the pleasure of seeing.. as many big guys don't go to ground as often as the mids in a contest.. when a free kick is missed due to blind sidedness.. its often the ruckman that gets in the way..
Those two 50 metre penalties.. the first one.. fair call.. you're right on that one.. I've done that a few times myself and realised that it was a stupid call straight after.. its a final.. yadda yadda should be more professional about it.. I know I know.. a single mistake.. I get it.. as for the other one.. the Riddell play talked him into it? Sure............... okay..
As for the report.. the umpire was obviously in a different position as to where you were.. only he can justify the report.. so take that up with him..
If you haven't umpired a game of football.. how could you expect to understand the rules of the game for why a decision is paid and isn't paid and the direct interpretations of these decisions.. I call footy games with footy fans like your good self and they get fired up.. like you do and given our vantage point.. it does help to understand why decisions are paid or not paid having done it yourself.. attend a coaching clinic on a Wednesday night with Mike O'Keeffe and you'll understand the exact rules more.. and that applies to anyone..
Good opinions though mate.. its a good insight.. love your work :) Hopefully your lads put on a good show on Sunday..
I can't argue with that mate.. I did see two games where the umpires did cop a fair bit of stick over the duration and noooo I didn't say that umpires and umpiring was above scrutiny.. you did.. it gets old when people have a crack at umpires.. many to this very day blame the fate of their team on two or three decisions that the umpire did or didn't pay in their favour.. that is a GENERAL comment.. and an opinion, which we are all brilliantly entitled to..my opinion is that our umpiring stocks are fantastic and its getting too old to slam them.. and the reality is, the umpiring stocks are depleted so much that many people who stopped umpiring (me included) this year had to be called back to help out and many senior guys were called in to help numbers in the junior finals.. yes, I wasn't at the game.. I was at two where the men in charge did get a bit of a whack.. and I can see why numbers are dropping off at an alarming rate..
You say that people are entitled to have a crack at umpires because clubs do pay for their services.. fair call.. but you'd rather have no umpires at all? Would YOU umpire senior football .. let alone do it for free? Would you enjoy getting belted verbally by the crowd.. I'm talking you personally.. because after all.. if the numbers of umpires continue to drop as they do, the RDFL will look to clubs to get people into the association.. that's a possibility..
You had a crack at players? Sensational.. I work at a newspaper and I don't get the chance to read everything that you said but I bet it was awesome.. that's no excuse for not reading it.. I'll happily admit that..
As someone who calls the game, it gets hard to not give players a whack sometimes because it just isnt fair for the promotion of the league.. so I'll admire you when you do give them a whack.. I can't, nor won't.. that's my opinion and choice as it is yours.
Back to the game mention.. blindsided.. yes, its actually an excuse.. as for someone who hasn't umpired a game of football in this day and age.. maybe you have.. I don't know.. I have and very often a player crosses the view of an umpire for that split second that an obstruction takes place.. it happens.. I'm saying this in general.. not necessarily the game that I didnt have the pleasure of seeing.. as many big guys don't go to ground as often as the mids in a contest.. when a free kick is missed due to blind sidedness.. its often the ruckman that gets in the way..
Those two 50 metre penalties.. the first one.. fair call.. you're right on that one.. I've done that a few times myself and realised that it was a stupid call straight after.. its a final.. yadda yadda should be more professional about it.. I know I know.. a single mistake.. I get it.. as for the other one.. the Riddell play talked him into it? Sure............... okay..
As for the report.. the umpire was obviously in a different position as to where you were.. only he can justify the report.. so take that up with him..
If you haven't umpired a game of football.. how could you expect to understand the rules of the game for why a decision is paid and isn't paid and the direct interpretations of these decisions.. I call footy games with footy fans like your good self and they get fired up.. like you do and given our vantage point.. it does help to understand why decisions are paid or not paid having done it yourself.. attend a coaching clinic on a Wednesday night with Mike O'Keeffe and you'll understand the exact rules more.. and that applies to anyone..
Good opinions though mate.. its a good insight.. love your work :) Hopefully your lads put on a good show on Sunday..

Very well said mate... Umpires make mistakes all the time as do players but it's the umpires (much like coaches) that cop all the abuse and the blame... At the end of the day it's local footy and we are lucky in this day and age that anyone wants to umpire at all with the very often thankless job they have and constant abuse and negativity directed at them... If a or your team is genuinely good enough, you'll win the game 90% of the time... Get on with it!
Can someone explain the logic to me, or lack there of, of Riddell playing a home final this week?
Why wouldn't Riddell be playing at Kyneton?
I agree with you mate, but I suppose the league set the standard by giving Romsey a home final last week. Seems the league has allocated certin finals at certin grounds and if a team has a home ground advantage then so be it.
Very well said mate... Umpires make mistakes all the time as do players but it's the umpires (much like coaches) that cop all the abuse and the blame... At the end of the day it's local footy and we are lucky in this day and age that anyone wants to umpire at all with the very often thankless job they have and constant abuse and negativity directed at them... If a or your team is genuinely good enough, you'll win the game 90% of the time... Get on with it!
Thanks mate.. much appreciated :) :) :) As you say, its local footy and we are lucky to have people umpire .. and that spreads across to all areas.. lucky to have hard working volunteers at clubs behind the scenes, dedicated coaches, players etc.. we're a very awesome league.. :thumbsu:
On another note. Of the four remaining teams after the weekend, who do you see as likely grand finalists. I think it's hard to go past Sunbury v Romsey. Having said that though any if any of the four teams play at their absolute best on a given day anything could happen. Who do you favour to get up in this weekends semi finals. I think they will both be very close games. Went for a look at the Kyneton ground today, and it looks in great condition, not sure how the Riddell ground is looking ! Any injuries of note after the weekends matches ?

What a weekend of football it promises to be.. it really doesn't get any better than this .. the history between Diggers and Riddell on muddy playing decks stretches back to Woodend's last final where the Burra's got up in similar conditions.. they still have several players from that team playing in similar conditions at Riddell on Sunday.. this will be as good as it gets for a genuine hard slog.. both teams do fair well in these conditions.. on the other hand, we have Romsey and Sunbury in perfect conditions at Kyneton where they both perform well in these conditions.. after seeing both in action, Romsey do switch the ball really well and they move the ball from one end of the ground to the other in lightening quick pace.. Sunbury have the ability to give that little bit extra as they did when the burra's kept coming at them on Saturday.. we could see a case of de ja vu in the final two weeks of the finals like we did last year.. Romsey v Riddell in the Prelim, with the Sunbury Kangaroos awaiting.. we could also see Diggers Rest steal the show and take all the glory..
Have Seen the state that Riddell Rec Reserve is in. Surely they are not going to play a final on that this week?? Holes all over it and you sink to your ankles in mud just walking on it. Playing 3 games on it will not be safe and would make for a terrible spectacle given it is a final..

Yes I have. Its not great. Its getting better day by day. If you have played the game you would surely know Safety is NOT an issue on a bog. Yes it does make for a terrible spectacle. Hopefully Riddell's ground will come up. If it does not, I believe the Club has other contingencies in place........... quite nearby. So dont despair, that Final will take place & I am sure it will be a pretty good contest. Where ever it is !!! ;)
I can't argue with that mate.. I did see two games where the umpires did cop a fair bit of stick over the duration and noooo I didn't say that umpires and umpiring was above scrutiny.. you did.. it gets old when people have a crack at umpires.. many to this very day blame the fate of their team on two or three decisions that the umpire did or didn't pay in their favour.. that is a GENERAL comment.. and an opinion, which we are all brilliantly entitled to..my opinion is that our umpiring stocks are fantastic and its getting too old to slam them.. and the reality is, the umpiring stocks are depleted so much that many people who stopped umpiring (me included) this year had to be called back to help out and many senior guys were called in to help numbers in the junior finals.. yes, I wasn't at the game.. I was at two where the men in charge did get a bit of a whack.. and I can see why numbers are dropping off at an alarming rate..
You say that people are entitled to have a crack at umpires because clubs do pay for their services.. fair call.. but you'd rather have no umpires at all? Would YOU umpire senior football .. let alone do it for free? Would you enjoy getting belted verbally by the crowd.. I'm talking you personally.. because after all.. if the numbers of umpires continue to drop as they do, the RDFL will look to clubs to get people into the association.. that's a possibility..
You had a crack at players? Sensational.. I work at a newspaper and I don't get the chance to read everything that you said but I bet it was awesome.. that's no excuse for not reading it.. I'll happily admit that..
As someone who calls the game, it gets hard to not give players a whack sometimes because it just isnt fair for the promotion of the league.. so I'll admire you when you do give them a whack.. I can't, nor won't.. that's my opinion and choice as it is yours.
Back to the game mention.. blindsided.. yes, its actually an excuse.. as for someone who hasn't umpired a game of football in this day and age.. maybe you have.. I don't know.. I have and very often a player crosses the view of an umpire for that split second that an obstruction takes place.. it happens.. I'm saying this in general.. not necessarily the game that I didnt have the pleasure of seeing.. as many big guys don't go to ground as often as the mids in a contest.. when a free kick is missed due to blind sidedness.. its often the ruckman that gets in the way..
Those two 50 metre penalties.. the first one.. fair call.. you're right on that one.. I've done that a few times myself and realised that it was a stupid call straight after.. its a final.. yadda yadda should be more professional about it.. I know I know.. a single mistake.. I get it.. as for the other one.. the Riddell play talked him into it? Sure............... okay..
As for the report.. the umpire was obviously in a different position as to where you were.. only he can justify the report.. so take that up with him..
If you haven't umpired a game of football.. how could you expect to understand the rules of the game for why a decision is paid and isn't paid and the direct interpretations of these decisions.. I call footy games with footy fans like your good self and they get fired up.. like you do and given our vantage point.. it does help to understand why decisions are paid or not paid having done it yourself.. attend a coaching clinic on a Wednesday night with Mike O'Keeffe and you'll understand the exact rules more.. and that applies to anyone..
Good opinions though mate.. its a good insight.. love your work :) Hopefully your lads put on a good show on Sunday..

We musta been looking at a different game on Saturday. o_O I thought the Umpires did a very good job, & moreover I thought the crowd was very respectful of that fact. I certainly did NOT hear any of this abuse you speak of directed their way.

I most definitly did NOT say the Umpires were above scrutiny. See these squiggly things - ????? - They mean I was merely posing the question !.................. & that right there is called an exclamation point pal. ! ! !... I use those when I get a little frustrated when people dont understand what I post....... or choose not too.........Understand that is. o_O

I would agree that some people do blame Umpires way too much for all sorts of reasons. I would not agree that this happens all too often in our League. And if you go back through posts on here over the years its almost ALWAYS about the same Umpire.
I have made comments on here many times about Umpires both possitive & negative. Funny thing is you can ONLY make negative comments when your side wins, otherwise you just come off as looking like sour grapes or a poor loser. I dont agree with that !
You should be able to make a comment anytime without being labelled an Umpire basher.

And did you ever think that it may be for every other reason OTHER than abuse, that Umpire numbers are dropping. I remember being told not that long ago that Umpire numbers were great..........That was why we could send a heap of em over to the BalFL.
Things go up things go down, I'm sure Umpire numbers are no different to everything else in life pal !!!

I'm sorry pal my eyes glazed over at all your other questions about Umpires & Umpiring, where you work, what you do, who you know. I'm assuming because of the absurdity of your premise that they were all in fact rhetorical ????
Anyway if they were'nt, I apologise, just in case for not giving them the due attention they deserved. :confused:

Oh & the Umpire (obviously) paid that second 50m penalty on Sunday as a pay back for the first shocker,......Believe me I get it ! ....But you know what they say about two wrongs pal, dont you ??? :cool:

As for "My Lads" putting on a good show Sunday, I think we will be pushing the proverbial up hill. Yeah sure they'll give it all they have, but with the injuries we copped on the week-end along with the fact a large number of the boys pulled up very foot sore, I'll be just hoping we can be competitive. Diggers are a very good side, & I'm expecting them to bounce back very well. But you never know, funnier things have happened. :thumbsu:
Geez with all the umpiring "get it right ", i just hope I get the scores right on saturday, all the best to the two sides, have fun running around on the lavish greeny pastures. Oh that is if ur cars dont get bogged on the calder on the way up!

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We musta been looking at a different game on Saturday. o_O I thought the Umpires did a very good job, & moreover I thought the crowd was very respectful of that fact. I certainly did NOT hear any of this abuse you speak of directed their way.

I most definitly did NOT say the Umpires were above scrutiny. See these squiggly things - ????? - They mean I was merely posing the question !.................. & that right there is called an exclamation point pal. ! ! !... I use those when I get a little frustrated when people dont understand what I post....... or choose not too.........Understand that is. o_O

I would agree that some people do blame Umpires way too much for all sorts of reasons. I would not agree that this happens all too often in our League. And if you go back through posts on here over the years its almost ALWAYS about the same Umpire.
I have made comments on here many times about Umpires both possitive & negative. Funny thing is you can ONLY make negative comments when your side wins, otherwise you just come off as looking like sour grapes or a poor loser. I dont agree with that !
You should be able to make a comment anytime without being labelled an Umpire basher.

And did you ever think that it may be for every other reason OTHER than abuse, that Umpire numbers are dropping. I remember being told not that long ago that Umpire numbers were great..........That was why we could send a heap of em over to the BalFL.
Things go up things go down, I'm sure Umpire numbers are no different to everything else in life pal !!!

I'm sorry pal my eyes glazed over at all your other questions about Umpires & Umpiring, where you work, what you do, who you know. I'm assuming because of the absurdity of your premise that they were all in fact rhetorical ????
Anyway if they were'nt, I apologise, just in case for not giving them the due attention they deserved. :confused:

Oh & the Umpire (obviously) paid that second 50m penalty on Sunday as a pay back for the first shocker,......Believe me I get it ! ....But you know what they say about two wrongs pal, dont you ??? :cool:

As for "My Lads" putting on a good show Sunday, I think we will be pushing the proverbial up hill. Yeah sure they'll give it all they have, but with the injuries we copped on the week-end along with the fact a large number of the boys pulled up very foot sore, I'll be just hoping we can be competitive. Diggers are a very good side, & I'm expecting them to bounce back very well. But you never know, funnier things have happened. :thumbsu:

- Fair call.. I heard a bit of stick.. that's the way it goes.. move on..
- Squiggly things.. exclamation points.. sorry mate.. I don't spend any time on forums other than this one and I'm hardly ever on this .. sorry mate..
- You're right.. we're very good to our umpires.. would you ever give it a crack though?
- Numbers have fluctuated for various reasons.. I recommend you give it a crack.. its good fun and the best place to watch football.. there are many 50+ years old umpires giving it a crack out there..
- You're right.. two wrongs don't make a right..
- Your lads has the greatest depth almost of any club in the competition.. injuries or no injuries.. the lads will be favoured highly to give it a good push..
The problem with Boardman is that having couch grass it is perfect in the summer but once it gets muddy and wet the grass rots and when it dries out it is like concrete and when the grass cover goes it is like a crusty hard sand baked river bed. It needed a heap of water during the week and it looks like it did not happen. Also having the pitch 400ml above ground level is just dangerous. Riddell will welcome the mud this week or if the ground does not come up then at least Clarke ovel is in good condition.

Good to see Chooka's report was thrown out.
- Fair call.. I heard a bit of stick.. that's the way it goes.. move on..
- Squiggly things.. exclamation points.. sorry mate.. I don't spend any time on forums other than this one and I'm hardly ever on this .. sorry mate..
- You're right.. we're very good to our umpires.. would you ever give it a crack though?
- Numbers have fluctuated for various reasons.. I recommend you give it a crack.. its good fun and the best place to watch football.. there are many 50+ years old umpires giving it a crack out there..
- You're right.. two wrongs don't make a right..
- Your lads has the greatest depth almost of any club in the competition.. injuries or no injuries.. the lads will be favoured highly to give it a good push..

117 posts..... Not bad for a bloke thats hardly ever on this !

Of course I'd give it a crack, its not rocket science. I've Umpired other sports. And I used to run the boundary & goal umpire in the reserves after playing in the thirds. Gratis I might add too ! Thats how it used to happen in the RDFL.
And I'm NOT adverse to giving back to any sport I derived quite a deal of enjoyment out of. Shit I do that NOW !
Do I want to Umpire ?......... No, Not really ! And not because I'm scared of copping a bit of abuse from over the sidelines.
And honestly I cant even remember the last time at an RDFL fixture I actually heard someone scream out abuse at an Umpire.
It just does'nt happen any more. Christ they are even stamping it out at AFL level now with this name, highlight & shame policy they seem to be employing. And thats a good thing too !

But despite all this, whenever you question or make a negative comment about Umpires or Umpiring out roll the bleeding hearts proclaiming that its a thankless task done by poor defenceless, misunderstood little buggers that are constantly abused & vilified.
I dont get it, & frankly, I aint buying it !
Yes Umpires, are like players & they do make mistakes. Only difference here it seems is that a player that wont learn from his mistakes gets dropped, or worse, not picked !
Bad Umpires just seem to go on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on making the same mistakes, & we just gotta pay up, smile & cop it !
The problem with Boardman is that having couch grass it is perfect in the summer but once it gets muddy and wet the grass rots and when it dries out it is like concrete and when the grass cover goes it is like a crusty hard sand baked river bed. It needed a heap of water during the week and it looks like it did not happen. Also having the pitch 400ml above ground level is just dangerous. Riddell will welcome the mud this week or if the ground does not come up then at least Clarke ovel is in good condition.

Good to see Chooka's report was thrown out.

Well there you go, thank God Justice prevailed. Chooka is a "Ball" player. And that incident was 2 players with their eyes firmly fixed on, GOING FOR THE BALL ! The report & subsequent send off was flat out WRONG ! And now has duly been proven so !
No wonder that Umpire was trying to talk the Club & player into taking the 1 week set penalty after the game !!! :eek:

When are these guys gunna realise, that these type of massive mistakes can alter the correct outcome of a game.
And in Finals its mega magnified, because whole seasons are on the line !
Please Mr Umpires just take a breath before going down this path and sending players off. This course of action should be a last resort surely, & NOT as we saw on Sunday, a thoughtless reflex response by a very very poor Umpire ! :cool:
The send off rule was designed to remove a player from the ground who was out of control or in other words a danger to others, I think players today are sent off for the wrong reasons such as talking to umpires,I can remember a player being reported & sent off for saying to the umpire; RELAX! which is just down right ediotic! Let's say that player who got sent off had have cost the team the game & then proven innocent at the Tribunal, sorry I made a mistake!
Absolutely mate, my point exactly. I think from memory the scenario you speak of Sly has actually taken place in a Grand Final in another league. :eek:
God forbid it should ever happen in the RDFL.
I think when the rule was first bought in, critics said that is was putting way too much power in the hands of the Umpire.
Making them Judge, Jury & Executioner seems to be too much of a responsibility for them. And this trigger appears to be being pulled for the most frivolous of indiscretions as well as the heinous alike.
Perhaps its time the rule makers should re-visit this rule, & its implementation.
Absolutely mate, my point exactly. I think from memory the scenario you speak of Sly has actually taken place in a Grand Final in another league. :eek:
God forbid it should ever happen in the RDFL.
I think when the rule was first bought in, critics said that is was putting way too much power in the hands of the Umpire.
Making them Judge, Jury & Executioner seems to be too much of a responsibility for them. And this trigger appears to be being pulled for the most frivolous of indiscretions as well as the heinous alike.
Perhaps its time the rule makers should re-visit this rule, & its implementation.

I'm pretty sure the rule was slightly altered a couple of years back.
The interpretation was misinterpreted by too many umpires. The rule did state that a player can only be sent from the field after a report. (Seniors)
The problem that was constantly happening, umpires would send players off to calm down then later having to report.
This is an argument that has gone on for years amongst the clubs and league as to the best approach. I think it is not too bad, i have seen in other comps at the first bounce a player put on a block, deemed to be reckless, sent from the field, reported (red card) not to return for the day, replace after 20 min.
I have always been of the opinion that when a player is sent from the field they should be replaced. 20 minutes with 17 men can change the outcome of the game, and as you have said, it comes down to the umpire, what he thinks he saw.

How would you change the rule and how it is implemented?
Absolutely mate, my point exactly. I think from memory the scenario you speak of Sly has actually taken place in a Grand Final in another league. :eek:
God forbid it should ever happen in the RDFL.
I think when the rule was first bought in, critics said that is was putting way too much power in the hands of the Umpire.
Making them Judge, Jury & Executioner seems to be too much of a responsibility for them. And this trigger appears to be being pulled for the most frivolous of indiscretions as well as the heinous alike.
Perhaps its time the rule makers should re-visit this rule, & its implementation.

A send off in a final must be a serious report - king hit, kicking etc. Riddell were lucky to win going down 1 man and having to defend with Macedon kicking with a 4 goal wind. Umpires can make incorrect decisions with paying or not paying free kicks but incorrectly sending a player off has much bigger ramifications.
Thought It may be timely for someone from the Umpiring group to make comment on the last few days of discussion.

The fact is the Umpires Senior Coach is on record stating that in his opinion teams should not play with 17 after a card is given for the simple reason that the player could then go to the tribunal, be found not guilty, yet the team has played with one less. However the umpires are not in control of making the rules and at the moment in remains that teams will play with one less when a card is given.

To clear a few things up and keeping it simple:
Yellow Card: Player may return to the field after 15mins. He cannot be replaced during the 15mins. Yellow cards are used for 'cooling off - non reportable offences' like a late bump, low level abuse of an umpire etc. It can also be used for low level reportable offences that generally attract 1 week.

Red Card: Player may not return to the field AT ALL. He cannot be replaced during the 15mins. Reds cards are given for serious reportable offences that attract 2 weeks or more and must go to the tribunal.

Don't have the stats in front of me, however I don't think we would have had more than 10 Red Cards in seniors for the whole year! They are only given out for the most serious reportable offences.

If we made the simple change that the player could be replaced, I think the system would be very good.
117 posts..... Not bad for a bloke thats hardly ever on this !

Of course I'd give it a crack, its not rocket science. I've Umpired other sports. And I used to run the boundary & goal umpire in the reserves after playing in the thirds. Gratis I might add too ! Thats how it used to happen in the RDFL.
And I'm NOT adverse to giving back to any sport I derived quite a deal of enjoyment out of. Shit I do that NOW !
Do I want to Umpire ?......... No, Not really ! And not because I'm scared of copping a bit of abuse from over the sidelines.
And honestly I cant even remember the last time at an RDFL fixture I actually heard someone scream out abuse at an Umpire.
It just does'nt happen any more. Christ they are even stamping it out at AFL level now with this name, highlight & shame policy they seem to be employing. And thats a good thing too !

But despite all this, whenever you question or make a negative comment about Umpires or Umpiring out roll the bleeding hearts proclaiming that its a thankless task done by poor defenceless, misunderstood little buggers that are constantly abused & vilified.
I dont get it, & frankly, I aint buying it !
Yes Umpires, are like players & they do make mistakes. Only difference here it seems is that a player that wont learn from his mistakes gets dropped, or worse, not picked !
Bad Umpires just seem to go on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on & on making the same mistakes, & we just gotta pay up, smile & cop it !
- 117 posts.. in lets see, six years.. 12 months in a year.. 1.5 posts a month.. that's excessive use..
- Good on you for having a crack at the goals and the boundary back in the day before it became essential for the Association to fill all those positions .. nice work.. good to see you're out there enjoying the game and have been for a long time in various roles..
- Fair call on not giving it a go .. there is no abuse that comes from the sidelines but that's something I won't debate..
- This is the point that made me think twice about responding to this message.. you say that umpires don't get punished and the bad umpires continue to go on and on and on.. I disagree with this statement.. fair enough, you can drop an umpire.. so another umpire has to come and take their place.. more often that's an umpire who has to double up.. so naturally, you are going to get very tired by the second game and not make the best decisions all the time and may umpire to the level of the one you've just dropped for supposively doing a bad performance.. yes, numbers are like that and on a weekly basis, umpires were doubling up because of lack of numbers and if you continue to drop umpires due to poor form, then more umpires will double up..
The reality is .. and its a fact... the amount of extra work that Mike and the coaching staff have done outside their work hours by going to conferences, hosting extra information sessions and ensuring that our field umpires have the best available information and coaching resources that could possibly be accessed.. it is remarkable.. I should just stop replying to these messages.. its not worth going into on a public forum but I'm deeply passionate, respectful and full of admiration for the guys that run the association, especially at coaching level.. I won't accept any negativity on the Association because the guys that run it are the best the Association has had with more resources available to them.. the standard is the best it has been on the field.. and there is none of this 'and the bad umpires keep going on and on and on and on..' especially if you're making reference to a particular umpire, who is a bloody good guy.. we've seen all the leading umpires on more than two occasions and this said umpire has done a great job.. thats a fact.. I'll air this through the radio.. the newspaper.. the record.. webTV if I have to.. because the team is doing a damn good job ..
- 117 posts.. in lets see, six years.. 12 months in a year.. 1.5 posts a month.. that's excessive use..
- Good on you for having a crack at the goals and the boundary back in the day before it became essential for the Association to fill all those positions .. nice work.. good to see you're out there enjoying the game and have been for a long time in various roles..
- Fair call on not giving it a go .. there is no abuse that comes from the sidelines but that's something I won't debate..
- This is the point that made me think twice about responding to this message.. you say that umpires don't get punished and the bad umpires continue to go on and on and on.. I disagree with this statement.. fair enough, you can drop an umpire.. so another umpire has to come and take their place.. more often that's an umpire who has to double up.. so naturally, you are going to get very tired by the second game and not make the best decisions all the time and may umpire to the level of the one you've just dropped for supposively doing a bad performance.. yes, numbers are like that and on a weekly basis, umpires were doubling up because of lack of numbers and if you continue to drop umpires due to poor form, then more umpires will double up..
The reality is .. and its a fact... the amount of extra work that Mike and the coaching staff have done outside their work hours by going to conferences, hosting extra information sessions and ensuring that our field umpires have the best available information and coaching resources that could possibly be accessed.. it is remarkable.. I should just stop replying to these messages.. its not worth going into on a public forum but I'm deeply passionate, respectful and full of admiration for the guys that run the association, especially at coaching level.. I won't accept any negativity on the Association because the guys that run it are the best the Association has had with more resources available to them.. the standard is the best it has been on the field.. and there is none of this 'and the bad umpires keep going on and on and on and on..' especially if you're making reference to a particular umpire, who is a bloody good guy.. we've seen all the leading umpires on more than two occasions and this said umpire has done a great job.. thats a fact.. I'll air this through the radio.. the newspaper.. the record.. webTV if I have to.. because the team is doing a damn good job ..
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