Banter RDT CLXXXVIII - Big Weather

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I know someone who named their kid Albert.
the machine GIF by Bert Kreischer

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If you're a bit weary of political, espionage and crime thrillers; and supernatural, scifi, horror themes > try something new! Cowboys and Indians for a change? The good old wild west is always a refreshing interlude if done well, albeit a well-worn trail. If you liked the gritty reality of The Revenant, you may like this new series on Netflix, 'American Primeval'; some good actors and lots of screaming and whooping and hollering, whizzing arrows, lots of stabbing and shooting with god fearing mormons, crazed savages (the whiteys) and ominously painted Indians..a real gripping hootenanny in both desert and snow country...

If you're a bit weary of political, espionage and crime thrillers; and supernatural, scifi, horror themes > try something new! Cowboys and Indians for a change? The good old wild west is always a refreshing interlude if done well, albeit a well-worn trail. If you liked the gritty reality of The Revenant, you may like this new series on Netflix, 'American Primeval'; some good actors and lots of screaming and whooping and hollering, whizzing arrows, lots of stabbing and shooting with god fearing mormons, crazed savages (the whiteys) and ominously painted Indians..a real gripping hootenanny in both desert and snow country...

I tried watching it and it just seemed to be a bunch of people killing a bunch of other people that I didn't really care about because they hadn't built up any of the characters at all.
If you're a bit weary of political, espionage and crime thrillers; and supernatural, scifi, horror themes > try something new! Cowboys and Indians for a change? The good old wild west is always a refreshing interlude if done well, albeit a well-worn trail. If you liked the gritty reality of The Revenant, you may like this new series on Netflix, 'American Primeval'; some good actors and lots of screaming and whooping and hollering, whizzing arrows, lots of stabbing and shooting with god fearing mormons, crazed savages (the whiteys) and ominously painted Indians..a real gripping hootenanny in both desert and snow country...

I enjoy Weterns/American frontier stories and have watched 7 out of the 8 episodes so far. This doesn't offer anything new - if anything it goes over the same ground with a female lead who's prim and proper and doesn't understand how savage the West is, and expects people to operate with honour, and is shocked when she gets robbed, beaten and worse. She finds herself with the white male lead, who had resigned himself to the life of a hermit after losing his family of native wife and child to white settlers, but he may just have one last good deed in him yet...

Seriously. It's not a new concept.
I enjoy Westerns/American frontier stories and have watched 7 out of the 8 episodes so far. This doesn't offer anything new - if anything it goes over the same ground with a female lead who's prim and proper and doesn't understand how savage the West is, and expects people to operate with honour, and is shocked when she gets robbed, beaten and worse. She finds herself with the white male lead, who had resigned himself to the life of a hermit after losing his family of native wife and child to white settlers, but he may just have one last good deed in him yet...

Seriously. It's not a new concept.
Didn't say it was a new concept? I indicated Westerns have been done so much its a worn out trail. But very rare to find a new concept or something wholly original amongst most genres these days, with so much streaming fodder available? It at least introduced the historical Mormon massacre by the LDS. I found it a welcome distraction from the other genres, and better than most Westerns I've seen in recent memory, Cut Throat Bill the exception. Same director/writer of Revenant, and some good acting chops by the leads. I don't expect too much from cowboys and indians. Each to their own. Meanwhile it's back to the crime thrillers...
I tried watching it and it just seemed to be a bunch of people killing a bunch of other people that I didn't really care about because they hadn't built up any of the characters at all.
Yep, it immediately throws you into the brutal reality of the frontier, and there is a lot of killing, the main characters are developed as the narrative progresses. I find there's a lot of killing and shooting on many shows these days, especially amercian..
Didn't say it was a new concept? I indicated Westerns have been done so much its a worn out trail. But very rare to find a new concept or something wholly original amongst most genres these days, with so much streaming fodder available? It at least introduced the historical Mormon massacre by the LDS. I found it a welcome distraction from the other genres, and better than most Westerns I've seen in recent memory, Cut Throat Bill the exception. Same director/writer of Revenant, and some good acting chops by the leads. I don't expect too much from cowboys and indians. Each to their own. Meanwhile it's back to the crime thrillers...

Did I say you said it was a new concept?

I was just pointing out it offers nothing new in terms of story.
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