Rumour Robbie Williams AFL grand final entertainment

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Even I found the Grand Final Halftime show last year boring and flat when Perth hosted it. Didn’t mind Jimmy Barnes in 2018 plus John Farnham in 2009 singing “You’re the Voice” with Barnsey and Seymour.

Lionel Richie at the 11th hour 2010 2.0 was the best.
Every year they promise Mike Brady and every year, they let us down


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John Butler Trio would be sick. By far the best live act I've seen.
John Butler Trio would be sick. By far the best live act I've seen.
I’m in.

To be honest, I’ve never given that much of a shit who they put out there on GF day. None of the people at the stadium came to hear the entertainment, and none of the people who switch on their TV are doing so to listen to an ageing Sting or Tom Jones top up their super.

One of the things I like about Australian Football is it’s unique dagginess. Face it, the spectacle before each game is players running through a home made plastic banner designed by care in the community displaying an awkward pump up phrase or an even more awkward gag.

Keep it real. Go Australian dag and be done with it. I want a good few songs with a group like the John Butler Trio, then wheel in Paul Kelly to do that number which refers to the MCG, then follow up with Dumb Things to get the remaining sober people clapping for a bit. Vika and Lynda do the anthem. The Up There Cazaly bloke gets a go for historical purposes, then we can all stop stuffing around with the meat on the Weber and settle down to focus on the match.
None of the people at the stadium came to hear the entertainment, and none of the people who switch on their TV are doing so to listen to an ageing Sting or Tom Jones top up their super.
I hate to say it, but for plenty of people who watch (live or in-person), GF day is about the full spectacle, as it were. Preliminary Final day is for us footy nuts.

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Why do people suggest artists that haven’t been relevant since before most AFL players were even born?

Everyone thinks music peaked when they were 18-21, but the AFL should focus on using music to expand the viewership rather than cater to the rusted on die hard fans.
Why do people suggest artists that haven’t been relevant since before most AFL players were even born?

Everyone thinks music peaked when they were 18-21, but the AFL should focus on using music to expand the viewership rather than cater to the rusted on die hard fans.

Oh dear.
Cue Imagine Dragons or Birds of Tokyo.
Why do people suggest artists that haven’t been relevant since before most AFL players were even born?

Everyone thinks music peaked when they were 18-21, but the AFL should focus on using music to expand the viewership rather than cater to the rusted on die hard fans.

Okay but is Robbie Williams music that would expand the viewership?
Okay but is Robbie Williams music that would expand the viewership?

In 2022 to a mostly Australian audience—- possibly. More so than many of the alternatives that have been suggested.

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