Rome vs the Barbarians - Victoria vs South Australia

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Now, with me sitting in Melbourne, and you sprawled somewhere in West Horsham, do I really need to spell out what that means, causality-wise, in the context of this thread?


Down, Biff, down! Heel. Honestly, Biff, you're like a pit bull with a baby in its mouth when it comes to those South Australians. Just because you hate West Horsham down to the last blade of grass doesn't mean you have to monster everyone in teal. I know you're bitter because someone else thought of poisoning their water supply before you did (and they're genetically immune to the stuff anyway), but you'll get your own back some day. It's OK. Just stay calm, breathe deeply and let your eyeballs roll back into place.

There! Now isn't that better?
WEST Horsham?

You Victorians seem to think that every city, town, village and dump in your "state" has to have suburbs. Reality check for you: they don't.

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Wd54 and SP - thanks for your generous comments.

Now Nutcase888, as the more perceptive dyer-tribe above well knows, the Romans did not always prevail over the barbarian tribes - hence Quinctilius Varus and the XVII, XVIII and XIX legiones in the Teutoburg Forest.

A big 0-3 result. They never actually used those numbers again.

Nor will a VFL Foundation Club - MFC, GFC, CollFC, CFC, Swans, EFC and Sainters - or our federated allies to the West (Eagles and Freo) always triumph over barbarian hordes in the middle of the continent.

Irrespective of transient results that can come and go, the Order of Things still remains, and there is nothing that you or I or Wayne Weidemann can do to alter that.


Gee...? Just a little push and you are already calling for help? (claiming the Eagles and Freo as allies).
Besides, " always triumph over barbarian hordes in the middle of the continent)? Yea.. Just like they did last week-end?:cool::rolleyes:
the Romans did not always prevail over the barbarian tribes


Good point Biff. And theres the small matter of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire at the hands of ... um ... the Barbarians.

So basically you are saying that the Victorian domination of AFL is in serious decline and that Victoria will soon be overrun by South Australians. Am I right?

You and your mates better start developing a taste for West End.
Everyone I know drinks Coopers. West End is our equivalent to VB or Fosters, or Camel P**s. Same dif. really.

Yeah I quite like Coopers, just that previous poster talked West End up???

I even rate crap like VB over West End...

I ____ing hate VB btw.
I won a carton of Carlton Draught last year in a BWS tipping comp, and I've still got it. Can't give the stuff away. How do you drink that? It makes our tap water taste like Penfolds.
I won a carton of Carlton Draught last year in a BWS tipping comp, and I've still got it. Can't give the stuff away. How do you drink that? It makes our tap water taste like Penfolds.

Draught on tap is good.

Then again, I like the Tassie beers myself. Give me a Boags anyday of the week.
I thought Nero only burned CD's & DVD's:p

Comrades, the hour is dark. Let us hope that history repeats itself - so here is some reading for you from Wikipedia.

The Battle of Naissus took place in 268 or 269 AD between the armies of the a Gothic coalition and forces of the Roman Empire, led by Emperor Gallienus or Claudius II, near the Roman town of Naissus (Niš in present-day Serbia), in the province of Upper Moesia. The events around the invasion and the battle are an important part of the history of the Crisis of the Third Century.

The result was a great Roman victory which, combined with the effective pursuit of the invaders in the aftermath of the battle and the energetic efforts of the Emperor Aurelian, largely removed the threat from Germanic tribes in the Balkan frontier for the following decades.

The battle of Naissus came about as a result of two massive invasions of "Scythian" tribes (as our sources anachronistically call them) into Roman territory between 267 and 269. The first wave came under Emperor Gallienus' reign (267) and started when the Heruli, raiding on 500 ships,[10] ravaged the southern Black Sea coast and unsuccessfully attacked Byzantium and Cyzicus. They were defeated by the Roman navy but managed to escape into Aegean Sea where they ravaged the islands of Lemnos and Scyros and sacked cities of the southern Greece (province of Achaea) including Athens, Corinth, Argos and Sparta. Then an Athenian militia, led by the historian Dexippus, pushed the invaders to the north where they were intercepted by the Roman army under the Emperor Gallienus.[11] He won an important victory near the Nessos (Nestos) river, on the boundary between Macedonia and Thrace, with the aid of the Dalmatian cavalry. Reported barbarian casualties were 3,000 men.[1] Heruli leader Naulobatus came in terms with the Romans.[10]

In the meantime, the second and larger sea-borne invasion had started. An enormous coalition of 'Scythians', actually consisted of Goths (Greuthungi and Tervingi), Gepids and Peucini, led again by Heruli, assembled at the mouth of river Tyras (Dniester).[15] The Augustan History and Zosimus claim a total number of 2,000–6,000 ships and 325,000 men.[16] This is probably a gross exaggeration but remains indicative of the scale of the invasion. After failing to storm some towns on the coasts of West Black Sea and the Danube (Tommi, Marcianopolis), the invaders attacked Byzantium and Chrysopolis. Part of their fleet was wrecked either because of the Gothic inexperience in sailing through the violent currents of Propontis[17] or because it was defeated by the Roman navy. Then they entered Aegean Sea and a detachment ravaged the Aegean islands as far as Crete and Rhodes. While their main force was close to take the cities of Salonika and Cassandreia using siege machinery, it retreated to Balkan interior at the news that Emperor was advancing. On their way, they plundered Doberus (Paionia ?) and Pelagonia

The Goths were engaged near Naissus by a Roman army advancing from the north. The battle most likely took place in 269. The battle was fierce. Large numbers of both sides were killed but, at the critical point, the Romans, by a pretended flight, tricked the Goths into an ambuscade. Allegedly, 50,000 Goths were killed.[1] It seems that Aurelian was in charge of all Roman cavalry during Claudius reign, making it possible that he participated in the battle.

A large number of Goths managed to escape towards Macedonia, initially defending themselves behind their laager. Soon, many of them and their pack animals, distressed as they were by the harassment of the Roman cavalry and the lack of provisions, died of hunger. The Roman army methodically pursued and surrounded the survivors at Mount Haemus where an epidemic affected the entrapped Goths.[18] After an inconclusive but bloody battle, they escaped but were pursued again until they surrendered. Prisoners were admitted to the army or given land to cultivate and become coloni. The members of the pirate fleet, after the failed attacks on Crete and Rhodes, retreated and many of them suffered a similar end

So now you know.


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Good point Biff. And theres the small matter of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire at the hands of ... um ... the Barbarians.

So basically you are saying that the Victorian domination of AFL is in serious decline and that Victoria will soon be overrun by South Australians. Am I right?

You and your mates better start developing a taste for West End.

Awww ____ no , here i am in deep in frontier territory and you tell me we are about to be attacked by teuton raiders and their shit beer , bloody Romans what have they ever done for us?
posted by Biffinator
He has any number of good lines and his taste in women and wine is exemplary.

Echoing Lucretius, he states to Morpheus, Trinity and Neo: "there is no escaping the nature of the Universe."

Now, with me sitting in Melbourne, and you sprawled somewhere in West Horsham, do I really need to spell out what that means, causality-wise, in the context of this thread?


Biff stop trying to act intelligent. FWIW i love Melbourne and am coming over this weekend. but i live in Adelaide and that is my choice. If i wanted to live in Melbourne i would.

As for the last line in your thread, well I barrack for Carlton and u barrack for Melbourne. So in the context of this thread u are the casualty my friend.
Biff stop trying to act intelligent. FWIW i love Melbourne and am coming over this weekend. but i live in Adelaide and that is my choice. If i wanted to live in Melbourne i would.

As for the last line in your thread, well I barrack for Carlton and u barrack for Melbourne. So in the context of this thread u are the casualty my friend.

Whoops, Nutcase888 - looks like you have slipped a clutch in a mental sense.

As far as I know, 'causality' & 'casualty' are two different words.

If you feel more at home in West Horsham, then, I encourage you, in the very least, to purchase a 'mobile home' with a higher energy rating.

We all need to do the right thing by the environment.

Biff have u even been to Adelaide? its really not that bad. if you can get over the fact that a) the crows media are the biggest bunch of biased whinging sooks on the planet b) the public transport system is f***ed beyong belief and c) that AAMI stadium is just a hole with zero atmosphere, then u will find that its actually a half decent place to live.
Biff have u even been to Adelaide? its really not that bad. if you can get over the fact that a) the crows media are the biggest bunch of biased whinging sooks on the planet b) the public transport system is f***ed beyong belief and c) that AAMI stadium is just a hole with zero atmosphere, then u will find that its actually a half decent place to live.
I think you are forgetting a number of points there.
Biff have u even been to Adelaide? its really not that bad.

Nutter, there is no point wasting your time trying to convert Biff. A blinkered arrogant Melbournian like him will never acknowledge the virtues of Adelaide. You love it here, I love here - it's actually a better place without him.

Go home Biff! Go and play with your anatomically incorrect dolls and sip on a latte while you read your back issues of Bacon Buster. Your kind make me SICK!!

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Rome vs the Barbarians - Victoria vs South Australia

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