Roos pull 'sick' video off the Net

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Let me get this straight. Satire that is not politically correct? Oh the humanity. Somebody call the thought police!

To any suggestion there is misogyny here, what's to say they aren't two boy chickens? This is the naughties, after all.

You know, I understand clubs wanting to curb heavy drinking and what-not. But I fail to see the harm done by a little politically incorrect fooling about. There is no story here. Unless the story is wowserism out of control.

Next thing you know, there'll be a story about how someone overheard a player tell a purple vein dick joke, and how that must mean the players harbour secret desires to be violent misogynists or something.

Maybe i'm a bit wierd, I don't know, but I think hanging out with your mates and carry on in ways which aren't always politically correct is actually pretty healthy...

Maybe i'm a bit wierd, I don't know, but I think hanging out with your mates and carry on in ways which aren't always politically correct is actually pretty healthy...

Agree, though recording it and putting it in what is effectively the public domain isn't so bright.
Agree, though recording it and putting it in what is effectively the public domain isn't so bright.

Yeah mate, not bright. If that was the only accusation I'd be peaches.

The implication is some sort of moral degeneration or something. That's what gets my goat. If the story dies down, then fine, some guys had a laugh, some guys got embarrassed... But if this story kicks on, not happy...
Play on, nothing in it.

How does Cleary know what the boys were thinking when they filmed it? Mychickenistic maybe, but I don't think it degrades women. A condom on a fake chicken's head, having sex with a real chicken... hehehe. Kids :)

If I were you, I reckon I'd change my Avatar before commentating on this.

Still, it is a total beat-up.
Even if you don't find it offensive (and clearly some of you don't) it is incredibly astoundingly stupid. Just breathtaking.

And would someone like to explain how the age knew before the club did?? You can't tell me something like this was made and posted and not common knowledge. Something is rotten in that football department.

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Even if you don't find it offensive (and clearly some of you don't) it is incredibly astoundingly stupid. Just breathtaking.

Couldn't agree more.

I'm no prude, but I didn't find it funny. In fact, my heart sank because you could tell it was only a matter of time before it got out. And in this sort of business, the perception is often more important than the reality.

It appeared to me to be a Jackass-style thing, where each scene was trying to be more outrageous than the one before it. And I bet the blokes doing it weren't trying to be offensive, but were just trying to make each other laugh. But surely you could see that it would be taken the wrong way.

And whether the media is engaging in mock outrage or not is irrelevant. The fact is that this is already playing very, very badly in the media, and the effect of all the great stories we've seen in the past few weeks has just been wiped out.
Couldn't agree more.

I'm no prude, but I didn't find it funny. In fact, my heart sank because you could tell it was only a matter of time before it got out. And in this sort of business, the perception is often more important than the reality.

It appeared to me to be a Jackass-style thing, where each scene was trying to be more outrageous than the one before it. And I bet the blokes doing it weren't trying to be offensive, but were just trying to make each other laugh. But surely you could see that it would be taken the wrong way.

And whether the media is engaging in mock outrage or not is irrelevant. The fact is that this is already playing very, very badly in the media, and the effect of all the great stories we've seen in the past few weeks has just been wiped out.

That just about sums it up.

Still a beat-up, but that's the Age's footy reporting for you - give 'em enough rope...
I honestly thought SLF had written a fake article and had to click the link to make sure it was legit. The first paragraph is truly a disgrace.
A further example of the bad press a few idiots within our club have garnered for us (nice f***ing work lads!). We employ these goons - let's make heads roll!

Disturbing presence of footy's dark side remains

Peter Hanlon | April 8, 2009

TO BORROW the language of the rapper Ludacris, whose ditty Move Bitch provides the backing track to The Adventures Of Little Boris, what the f--- were they thinking?

Presumably that it was just a bit of harmless fun, which at least tells the AFL its new personal conduct policy will get a good workout. The day after the policy's first enactment — against Crow Nathan Bock for allegedly assaulting his girlfriend — Little Boris is a reminder the league didn't need.

The Adventures Of Little Boris is an explicit video that has been produced within North Melbourne Football Club, which features a rubber chicken — Little Boris — that is used by the playing group as a booby prize for a weekly underachiever. The video is as thorough as it is disturbing. Every step in the guide to treating "your bitch" is covered.

Pick up chick (or in this case, rubber chicken), buy her a drink (wine for the little lady), have your way with her in the toilets, repeat in other adventurous locations (locker room, office desk), have a fight, slap her about, throw her against a brick wall. From there, it crosses into a realm followers of Friday night crime might know as "the sicko" — run her over, then have sex with the corpse.

The reaction to the video posted on YouTube for all the world to see until it was taken down last night is bound to be mixed. Outrage and condemnation on one hand, shoulder-shrugging dismissiveness on the other.

A soft marker might get halfway through the four-minute reel and write it off as undergraduate humour gone wrong. (There's even a shot of Little Boris in front of a big Mazda sign, as if the Spike Lee wannabes remembered the modern sporting mantra of being sure to get a plug in for the sponsor.) But the latter scenes are indefensible.

Phil Cleary, long-time anti-violence campaigner and football identity, joined the dots those involved either didn't see, or chose to ignore. Yes, it could be just some boys messing around, it could be just a gag about a chook. But add the backing music, the lyrics it trumpets and the escalating violence, and the picture isn't pretty.

"It's clear they're thinking, 'Woman as bitch, woman as someone you trample on'," Cleary said. "At the end they actually kill the chicken.

"If they say it's just a joke, it's full of imagery about women being bitches, women are people you hurt. You can't conclude anything but that women are nothing more than objects — objects that you do harm to."

It should not take Cleary to bemoan another setback in a society that is slowly growing to accept that violence against women is endemic.

Nobody stopped to ponder the consequences, which is precisely what the AFL is trying to achieve through ongoing education of its 16 playing groups, praying they will know right from wrong in all manner of scenarios that don't involve a football. The major focus is the treatment of women, the theme, knowing when to say: "That's not on."

If the filmmakers were too caught up in their work to notice, surely someone at the club who saw it (it was on YouTube for heaven's sake) might have stuck their hand up and said: "Er, I don't want to be a prude, but isn't this a bit, you know, wrong?"

Cleary said the sub-culture would only be tackled "if really good men speak out". Yet standing up against what you believe is wrong can be a risky business, as Nathan Jones' father was reminded outside the MCG on Saturday.

It won't be lost on anyone that Little Boris inhabits the football club that produced Wayne Carey, nor that he's surfaced just as the fallen legend is trying to rebuild his life and image, admitting fault, declaring contrition and lending his voice to the anti-violence campaign.

In football, as in society, culture is hard to change.
The article is fair enough. The video sounds grossly offensive. Call me a woman - well, I am one - but I don't want my kids looking up to anyone who thinks this is funny. The fact some posters here are amused doesn't surprise me, but my kids are never going to be getting your autographs. Identify the idiot and come down hard for their unacceptable actions and rank stupidity in dragging the club into their moronic joke and putting this out publicly.

Good words Euge but the club should have been onto it sooner and must follow up now.
I am a little shocked by the video as I was certain all the players at NMFC were `top blokes'. What am I supposed to tell my kids when I show them this video???
The video concept obviously started as a bit of a prank given the role of the rubber chicken in the club. But clearly some purile minds didn't know where that fine line is between boyish humour and sick, degrading attempt at humour. The fact that they thought they could put this on facebook and youtube and not draw attention to themselves and the club shows an amazing lack of judgement.
The Age is not the guilty party here.
the club doesnt need this........regardless of whether its just a sick joke or not this sort of rubbish shouldnt happen.....filmed inside the club...showing the sponsors name........
Identify the idiot and come down hard for their unacceptable actions and rank stupidity in dragging the club into their moronic joke and putting this out publicly.

Here is the problem - is this really the actions of an individual or a tasteless bonding idea getting out of hand?

Please save us from yet another fake scripted apology & scapegoating.

The reporting is the useful guff that seeks to paint North Melbourne as a club with a culture that hates women - utter nonsense.
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