Hall of Famer
time will tell, but many things have been against us, and I would love to see our trump card in JC hit form again.In a weird way I almost feel like we need to wipe the last 3-4 months of football from our minds.
The ONLY reason that this game, or any game for the rest of the year would hold any fears is if we're 2023 Geelong, not 2022 Geelong.
But what if we aren't? What if this has all been planned and the bravado coming out of the club is legitimate? What if we're heating up when it matters most and we're now our '22 selves?
With a mature list, we know that over the last few years it's never been about playing the whole season. It's been about being the best team in the last two months of the year. That's what wins you premierships, and it's been forced even more this year through injury.
Is that not exactly what we're doing? Maybe a shift of mindset is required from us as supporters, we're looking at the '22 Cats right now, and it's time to bring the swagger and belief back.