Round 2 Discussion

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2150 odd... Won't have enough characters to explain how crap my team was this week, next Friday can't come quicker

Scaled up to 2173

Hoping my ranking doesn't slide too much. 1 player over 100 in fwd line, 5 players Under 65 in the backline and had McDonald on the bench with no emg. Stupidly had Libba C due to all 30 playing this wkend. Hodge was a flop aswell as trading in Birchall for Mitchell woops!
2303 all done!
F&@king rapt with that score! Special thanks to JJK who really screwed me last Sunday but made up for it today! Looking to go up considerably from my ranking of around 10,000 after last week.
1932 and no donuts. Thanks Hurn, Roughie, Michie, Pav. And to think I thought I'd avoided the carnage by only having Mitchell and Laidler out.
Amazing..and I thought mine was good!

Can we see your team? Pendlebury captain?
Argus Tuffed found your team on Tragics. I can see the key plank of your team - you have Sutty :thumbsu:
2112 final

Scotty Pendles saves the day ( sort of , i assume 2100 was par ?? )

The good -

Pendles 364
Sandi 152
Hanley 138

the bad

Dangerfield 73
Cameron 71

The ugly

Georgiou 64
S Shaw 57
Langdon 56
Roughy 49
Langford 44
Whitfield 43
Rohan 37
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