Game Day Round 23, 2023 - West Coast vs Western Bulldogs

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Good job, boys. Superstar effort. You had absolutely no reason to turn up today and yet you knuckled under and secured a rare win against a side who should have buried you.

F*ck the haters and f*ck pick 1. You build a winning culture by winning, not by tanking for 18 year olds in the draft.

Exactly the sort of non pragmatic thinking that has the club in the shit position it’s in.
Also, worth nothing the Girls are playing the last qtr right now and it's worth watching.

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The pile-on from the media and some supporters left the players with no choice but to come out & fly the flag for Simmo.

Great to hear Cripps say in his on-field interview Simmo is the man he wants to see coaching us going forward.
Of course he says that, because he plays even if he does nothing
Norf now get pick 1 and pick 2 (Mackay compo ) GC academy Walter then pick 4 will be us probably getting McKercher who will leave when Tasmania team starts
More likely >>>>>Pre draft pick Sanders NGA, Pick#1 Reid, Pick#2 Curtin McKay compensation, Pick#3 Watson PP...:D
'Supporters' melting over a win against a finals bound team away. Pathetic. **** off and support loser clubs like Freo, North or Saint Kilda. Absolutely pathetic. This much melting over some 18 year old kid. Grow the **** up and be proper supporters or **** right off.

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Is that more shocking than the 2009 win at the same ground vs the same team? I think it probably is

Was having flash backs of that game while I was watching this , think that game if we didn’t win we would of got the record for most away losses in a row
Genuinely not sure how I feel about the result.

Obviously a win is a win.
Will most likely result in is not getting the spoon, goes a little way to installing a winning mentality and culture around the club.

But is that all worth missing out on not just a number 1 pick, but a number 1 that is attached to is what is touted as a once in a generation player.

Does the Bombers effort and now this save Simmos job? Can we go hard for a send off for Shuey and Hurn and next?
'Supporters' melting over a win against a finals bound team away. Pathetic. * off and support loser clubs like Freo, North or Saint Kilda. Absolutely pathetic. This much melting over some 18 year old kid. Grow the * up and be proper supporters or * right off.
Gonna have to rematch today's game on draft night...
'Supporters' melting over a win against a finals bound team away. Pathetic. * off and support loser clubs like Freo, North or Saint Kilda. Absolutely pathetic. This much melting over some 18 year old kid. Grow the * up and be proper supporters or * right off.

Couldn’t of said it better myself this win is so important for the growth of the young guys way more important then any draft picks
Norf now get pick 1 and pick 2 (Mackay compo ) GC academy Walter then pick 4 will be us probably getting McKercher who will leave when Tasmania team starts
Essendon have already said they have offered McKay $600k contract. That is not enough to trigger band 1 compo so stop going on about this. They will get end of round one, that’s it.
Then draft Curtin cause they need KP players. Win, win 👍
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