Round 6 Trades

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Have gone Gibbs/Pittard>Birchall/Hartlett. Still have a zero with Heppell, Goodes and Docherty not playing. :/ Was hoping to wait on Birchall until he started dropping in price but ah well, stuff it.

Really wanted Watson this week but his BE is still 117 I think so can gamble on getting him next week or after. Hopefully he takes it easy against GWS.
Surely it can't be that hard of a decision...

It's an interesting argument this one. How much $$$$ is worth losing some points over ?

For example, if I trade Wright to Mayes this week, it puts 170K (roughly - not looking exact figures) in the bank this week. They are probably going to score similar numbers, maybe a 5 - 10 ppg difference in the long run. Mayes will also probably go up another 50K, which can be used for future trades.
However, I'll have a zero in the defence this week.

If I do that next week, I'll only end up with 120K in the bank, and miss the extra 50K price rise.

That's a 100K increase from a single week. If I use that for an upgrade, that in theory should get me 20 ppg. Over the course of the season, that's a lot of points...

The issue is, are you generating cash and points faster than your opponents and people ranked above you.

Thoughts/comments ??
Changed my mind again for the 100th thinking PIttard>Hartlett and Hoff>Scotland...which would leave me with a full squad plus emgs on every line (that is assuming Scotland and Evans make the final bench cuts today).

Feel better with the coverage as I have a bad feeling about some potential late withdrawals this week (looking at u Goddard and Heath)

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I need some advice

I have started off pretty well (499 overall) and don't know what to do with trades for this week. I have fyfe, goodes, pittard and gibbs. Earlier in the week i traded gibbs to scotland and fyfe to swallow. However, now with the omission of heppell i will have a zero in defence. Should I reverse the fyfe trade and stick him on the bench and play viney and downgrade pittard to vlastuin? or wear the zero knowing that the trades I have made should be upgrades in the long term?

my team as it stands

Heppell, Goddard, Hartlett, Stevenson, Terlich, Scotland (Goodes, Pittard)
Abblett, Pendles, Watson, Swallow, Murphy, Wines, O'Meara, Evans (Viney, Kommer)
Cox, Luenberger (Rowe, Blicavs)
Cloke, Kennedy, Franklin, Martin, SJ, Mayes (Dwyer, Neade)

Option 1 is Swallow (112 avg) and 0
If Heppell comes back next week you have Swallow and Heppell (101 avg)
Option 2 is Viney (51 avg) and Vlastuin (51 avg)
If Heppell comes back next week you'll have Viney and Heppell

I'd probably take the 0 and bank on Swallow matching the 2 rookies and use the extra week to assess Vlastuin, Heppell and Pittard
I had two trades locked and loaded before teams were announced yesterday, however the backline carnage has forced a complete rethink.

My team is currently as follows:

B: Goddard, Gibbs, Heppell, Goodes, Stevenson, Pittard (Heath, Terlich)
C: Swan, Ablett, Pendlebury, J Selwood, Cotchin, Wines, O'Meara, Viney (Evans, Crouch)
R: Cox, Leuenberger (Blicavs, Daw)
F: Franklin, Rockliff, Westhoff, Kennedy, Mayes, Neade (Dwyer, Rowe)

$386,500 spare.

With the prospect of facing 2 donuts in the backline it is quite clearly that area of the field that I need to address with my trades this week.

My initial thoughts were to trade both Heppell and Gibbs, whilst bringing Heath and Terlich onto the field for Goodes and Pittard but I'm not sure that is the right way to go about it.

I'm fairly set on trading Gibbs this week. He is out this week with a hamstring injury and there is the possibility that he will miss another week on top of that. Coupled with a reasonably high B/E thanks largely to being substituted at half time, he looks like he will shed some value when he does return whenever that may be. The player I am looking to trade to is Grimes who I consider a premium who is now at a nice price and looks set to start the upward climb in terms of his price.

The second trade is the one really doing my head in at the moment, I will be trading one of Heppell, Goodes or Pittard as I just can't afford to cop a 0 and it is unnecessary to do so with so many trades. Heppell I'm not sure is injured as much as he is being rested for this week with Essendon playing GWS. Would not surprise me in the slightest should he be back next week so I'm slightly reluctant to trade him. If he is out for another week next week I can always trade him then but I think I'll leave him in for now. Goodes is out for 2 due to suspension but will be straight back in and with a negative B/E has plenty of cash still to make and of course good job security. Pittard also has a fair bit of money yet to make but his scoring is not as strong as Goodes' and he is injured (2nd week out now in a row) and his status is somewhat uncertain. As such I'm currently leaning towards trading Pittard out. As for who to bring in, I can afford any defender but I am leaning towards Jasper's team mate in Hartlett who has been scoring exceptionally and is at a very nice price at the moment. Hanley is the other one to be seriously considered but I think Hartlett is the better option at the moment.

So the two trades would be:

1) Gibbs - Grimes
2) Pittard - Hartlett

That would leave me with $145,100 spare and a team that looks as follows:

B: Goddard, Hartlett, Grimes, Stevenson, Heath, Terlich (Heppell, Goodes)
C: Swan, Ablett, Pendlebury, J Selwood, Cotchin, Wines, O'Meara, Viney (Evans, Crouch)
R: Cox, Leuenberger (Blicavs, Daw)
F: Franklin, Rockliff, Westhoff, Kennedy, Mayes, Neade (Dwyer, Rowe)
Would love to hear some thoughts on whether that is the right way to approach this week or if you can suggest a better alternative.
I have $800k to bring in two defenders for Gibbs and Pittard.... any ideas?
I'm a believer that copping a zero to do a better long-term trade will be worth it. I think people have moved a bit too far away from the principles of previous years. We may have two trades a week, but doing trades that will improve the team in the long-term will facilitate better trade choices in upcoming rounds.

Now that I've said that I'm guessing my trades will come back to bit me and demonstrate I was wrong :p

Pittard -> Birchall
Hoff -> Johnson

Copping one zero in my backline.
You probably win then. :cool:

This time last week my plan had 5 premium defenders plus Goodes at D6 at the end of this weekend (pre-round 7). I've now currently got one premium defender.... How things change....

I'm just defaulting in the Div 2 league this week....

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I'm a believer that copping a zero to do a better long-term trade will be worth it. I think people have moved a bit too far away from the principles of previous years. We may have two trades a week, but doing trades that will improve the team in the long-term will facilitate better trade choices in upcoming rounds.

Now that I've said that I'm guessing my trades will come back to bit me and demonstrate I was wrong :p

Pittard -> Birchall
Hoff -> Johnson

Copping one zero in my backline.

I understand what you are saying in terms of thinking about improving your team in the long term as well as the short term but if you are copping a zero is a trade like the Hoff -> SJ really the best option?

Seems to me that with the abundance of trades there will be plenty more opportunities in the future to make a trade like that - even if the timing is not perfect when you make it - while in the short term IMO it is VERY unlikely to make you as many points as a trade to avoid a 0 and it may even cost you points.

I wouldn't advocate trading to speculative picks just to avoid zeros but if you can find an adequate replacement who you are happy to have in your team for a little while I don't see as much merit in opting to not trade when it is guaranteed to make you points this week. That is the luxury we have this year, we can make trades that will give us instant gratification without compromising our future trading plans too much!

That said, it all comes down to the individual circumstances, there is no 'rule' as to what you should and shouldn't do with your trades. If Gibbs and Goodes both score 130+ in their first games back from injury and suspension respectively then maybe copping a zero now (& making other trades to improve your team) in order to keep them in your team will prove to be the best available option.
Great Post Ball Hog

I don't disagree. My options for defensive replacements were limited to guys I didn't consider to be value or r13 byes which us like to avoid.

I changed my mind a million times but in the end decided not to bring in Burgoyne or someone as want to try and bring in guys who will be in my ideal final team.

It's a funny game, especially this year.
Whilst I may not be translating into a plan all that iwell, my loose point of view is that trades are still very valuable, and they aren't necessarily abundant. They are finite, and although they have increased they have increased for everyone. I'm going to be sticking to a more traditional strategy (than my perception of what others are doing). My hoff to SJ trade doesn't fit with this, but I'm not planning to bring anyone else in who isn't in my long-term plans (or a cash-cow) unless I really have to (maybe a cheap mid-pricer if no good rookies are available). I'm sure I'm just over-thinking it and it won't work but that's dreamteam.
Guys, what is the better of the 2 below trades I'm considering to make this week;

Trade A
Pittard > Dixon
Gibbs > Hartlett


Trade B
Pittard > Vlastuin
Gibbs > Birchall
Best part about all of this - is those people who said DT this year was going to be easy even for people who dont do any research or planning.

Having 2 trades per week doesnt mean that the great dt'ers cant separate themselves from the pack.
Guys, what is the better of the 2 below trades I'm considering to make this week;

Trade A
Pittard > Dixon
Gibbs > Hartlett


Trade B
Pittard > Vlastuin
Gibbs > Birchall

Dixon and Hartlett still have some question marks over them. Hartlett for being injury prone, as for Dixon I think he's at a good though not great price, but can see him being a roller coaster ride.

Therefore trade B for me, Birchall quality pick, and Vlas has great cash potential (normally wait for the third game but bringing him in early is a worth the risk this week).
Last minute decision.

This one is set.
Westhoff > Scotland. I really think Westhoff won't score well, cos he's been asked to spread himself really thin- go back and help def, then somehow still be a forward target across HF. Missing his inevitable price drop, because I have to cop a DEF KrispyKreme no matter what. The downside of this is I must play Viney, but with my donut I'm pretty sure I'm going to lose my league game this week regardless of this (to my gf no less.. kill me :confused:o_O)

Need help with this one, please!
Gibbs > Hartlett, Malceski, Burgoyne? Can't afford Birchall. And already have Hepp/Goddard so don't want Hibberd. Malceski is a consideration against the Lions this week, where surely he'll be able to essentially be across the centre circle most of the game rebounding.

That bandaid on Heppell is a worry! But I can't find anywhere that says he actually has a groin injury.
Hartlett is a must. Absolute gun. Had one bad game because he got a knee into the back early and they rested him for most of second half.
Dixon and Hartlett still have some question marks over them. Hartlett for being injury prone, as for Dixon I think he's at a good though not great price, but can see him being a roller coaster ride.

Therefore trade B for me, Birchall quality pick, and Vlas has great cash potential (normally wait for the third game but bringing him in early is a worth the risk this week).

Cheers Scott, thats the way I was leaning. I'm not convinced on Dixon and yes Hartlett has a history of injury.

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Round 6 Trades

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