Current Trial Russell Hill & Carol Clay - Wonnangatta *Pilot Greg Lynn Pleads Not Guilty to Murder

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This case is sub judice as under consideration by the courts. Sub judice contempt can occur if information is published that may be prejudicial to the court proceedings.

Please do not state as fact that which is opinion. Also, use 'IMO' and 'allegedly' a lot.

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On the Greg Lynn committal proceedings Crown Prosecutor Mr Dickie said 'It is clear hopefully from the document, and if it's not clear from the document it's clear hopefully from the charges put before the court, that it is alleged of course that the accused acted with murderous intent when he allegedly killed the two victims.'
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What ever the verdict, the misadventures of Greg Lynn are not over.

They did not start in March 2020.

They will not end in June 2024.

What ever the verdict appeals will drag on for years.

Lynn will face many more months, over many years in court.

I’m not just referring to the wash up from these proceedings.

The only good news is for those of us who have followed this thread compulsively and enjoyed the banter and argy bargy will have many more years of insightful posts and lively engagement.

The bad news, which is the most tragic aspect of all of this, is that for the families connected to Lynn, and I’m not just talking about this specific case, there will be little closure and I fear any sense of real and humane justice.

That is the one thing I am holding onto with regard to my trust in the jurors. They will be feeling the same set of emotions, even if they have been directed to not put weight onto to them. They invariably will.

But in the end, knowing what I know, I am confident that Lynn will not just walk away.

Karma will catch up with him, and my sense is it already has, even if the legal system may be slower to do so, it will eventually will as well.

I've checked out of this thread for a fair while, can someone fill me via DM?
I have to admit, I’m not big law talking guy and often a little dim but I cannot understand the judge taking manslaughter off the table.

He is instructing that if they cannot convict GL of murder, then there is no possible way he can be guilty of manslaughter.

If, and I mean IF, we take GL at his word, he left his gun and ammunition unlocked in his car and then wrestled over said gun, which accidentally discharged and killed CC. Again, for transparency purposes, IANAL but that seems like manslaughter to me, if it happened in this manner.

Prosecution can’t hedge its bets. They brought the murder charges can’t then say ok if we can’t prove that then we’ll believe GLs story and take manslaughter.

That’s like having two bites of the cherry in the same trial. I can see why the judge did what he did. And by the sounds of it the prosecution was ok with it.

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He has already pleaded guilty to that,so sentence for destruction of evidence & removal of bodies will come when the judge is sentencing.
When was he charged with them? I've seen nothing suggesting this

Admitting guilt is not the same as pleading guilty
I'm beginning to feel sick thinking about him walking away from this with a pitiful "destruction of evidence" charge. Didn't Croucher say in his opening address that the jury had to consider manslaughter if they couldn't find BRD? I really don't understand what has occurred that has changed that.
What ever the verdict, the misadventures of Greg Lynn are not over.

They did not start in March 2020...

I’m not just referring to the wash up from these proceedings.

If anything this is just a prelude.
You keep alluding to this but I've been here since 21 and I've not seen anything to base it on. Are you referring to this case or the rumours regarding his previous wife & girlfriend etc?
Oh dear god, he’s going to get off isn’t he?
I have a sinking feeling in my gut thinking about it. The Prosecution f&*ked up majorly in their process IMO - if he is convicted, it'll be a miracle (one I would gratefully see occur, but I'm not holding my breath). Why Porceddu didn't put it to GL that despite his evidence that he did what he did post RH/CC deaths to make himself disappear, returning to do what he did to the bodies could only have been to cover up their murders, I'll never know. Once he knew the police had him linked to their deaths, his return could only have been to ensure one thing - and that was to destroy any possibility of determining cause of death so that his fanciful story could be constructed.
Why did they not test the scenario re the guy rope? It all seems very slap dash now that the evidence is out there for all to be seen.
Their initial questioning and the omission of some lines of enquiry had me concerned, now I am just crestfallen thinking they blew their chance.
*Edited for spelling errors in case MrsBlueSky comes after me LOL
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It seems Lynn's house is on the line too with the outcome of this trial.

I'd think it was on the line with or without murder convictions given what he did to the bodies through both a civil suit and potentially victims of crime.

The victims families may have a firmer, substantial claim however, with murder convictions through victims of crime compensation. I think it's about $100K each, maybe more now.

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I'd think it was on the line with or without murder convictions given what he did to the bodies through both a civil suit and potentially victims of crime.

The victims families may have a firmer, substantial claim however, with murder convictions through victims of crime compensation. I think it's about $100K each, maybe more now.

Tried to be sneaky too and put the house in his wife’s name only.

This is from a while ago. I know it’s the daily mail but they do refer to “other substantial assets”.

Must have resolved the funding issue for DD to continue to represent him. Other than his super wonder what those were.
It seems Lynn's house is on the line too with the outcome of this trial.

Actions and consequences? That is the reality for all of us in life. Lynn’s actions unfortunately have had, and will continue to have shocking consequences for Carol and Russell’s families. No sympathy whatsoever for Lynn.
Terrafirma, I’m trying to work this out. Has it been restrained as a type of compensation for the victims families if GL is found guilty?
Yes that's right read on

If Lynn is found guilty, it could be sold with the proceeds being given to family members of Ms Clay and Mr Hill, the Herald Sun reported.

If he is acquitted, the restraining order on the house would be lifted and return to the control of Lynn's wife Melanie, who was made its sole proprietor in January 2022, after her husband's arrest.

An ex-Jetstar pilot accused of murdering secret lover campers Russell Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73, is running out of cash to fund his defence.​

Lynn, 56, has been in custody since November 2021 - 20 months after he allegedly murdered the couple in the Wonnangatta Valley, in Victoria's High Country.

In June, Victoria's Supreme Court heard Lynn had been privately funding his barrister Dermot Dann KC, who is recognised as one of the best defence lawyers in Australia.

Mr Dann revealed Lynn would not likely be able to afford to pay his legal team by the time he goes on trial in February.

It is understood Lynn had hoped to obtain funds off the back of his Caroline Springs property to pay for his defence.

'Every avenue was and is still being pursued in respect to an alternative course to fund the matter privately, it's just that we are dealing with various entities that are presenting somewhat of a roadblock,' Mr Dann said.

The court heard Lynn's prospects of being granted Victorian Legal Aid funding were under a cloud while he continued to hold substantial assets.

Mr Dann said an order made in the Supreme Court last December declared Lynn was still linked financially to the family home, which had potential to stop any application for government assistance.
Tried to be sneaky too and put the house in his wife’s name only.

This is from a while ago. I know it’s the daily mail but they do refer to “other substantial assets”.

Must have resolved the funding issue for DD to continue to represent him. Other than his super wonder what those were.

Even if one of the deaths was an accident, he would not only have lost his career but left himself exposed to civil lawsuits in the circumtances anyway.

If he's quick in forward thinking, that may have factored in to his decisions on the night.
Yes that's right read on

If Lynn is found guilty, it could be sold with the proceeds being given to family members of Ms Clay and Mr Hill, the Herald Sun reported.

If he is acquitted, the restraining order on the house would be lifted and return to the control of Lynn's wife Melanie, who was made its sole proprietor in January 2022, after her husband's arrest.

An ex-Jetstar pilot accused of murdering secret lover campers Russell Hill, 74, and Carol Clay, 73, is running out of cash to fund his defence.​

Lynn, 56, has been in custody since November 2021 - 20 months after he allegedly murdered the couple in the Wonnangatta Valley, in Victoria's High Country.

In June, Victoria's Supreme Court heard Lynn had been privately funding his barrister Dermot Dann KC, who is recognised as one of the best defence lawyers in Australia.

Mr Dann revealed Lynn would not likely be able to afford to pay his legal team by the time he goes on trial in February.

It is understood Lynn had hoped to obtain funds off the back of his Caroline Springs property to pay for his defence.

'Every avenue was and is still being pursued in respect to an alternative course to fund the matter privately, it's just that we are dealing with various entities that are presenting somewhat of a roadblock,' Mr Dann said.

The court heard Lynn's prospects of being granted Victorian Legal Aid funding were under a cloud while he continued to hold substantial assets.

Mr Dann said an order made in the Supreme Court last December declared Lynn was still linked financially to the family home, which had potential to stop any application for government assistance.

Ive heard GL has a large stock of Jetstar gloves. Could raise a bit flogging them on scumtree!
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