Official Match Thread S19 R04: Gold City Royals vs West Coast Wonders at The Throne

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I want to trash talk you Royals, but instead I feel a strange kinship to you. You're perennial losers and I haven't won a match yet myself.
We really need to hurry up & win this so I can feel some of that Wonders arrogance.

Says the player from the team who is sitting on the bottom of the ladder, winless for the season. o_O
Sure you're a Wonder?
Well I still have my training wheels on - The Wonders reputation is tough to live up to. Your rookies have it easy

Says the player from the team who is sitting on the bottom of the ladder, winless for the season. o_O

If anything the Wonders are perennial winners. Tried losing, didn't like

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Well, I do abuse them - verbally and physically - constantly. So not too easy.
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How many more facts do we need?
I'm not surprised a mediocre team like the Royals would hang their hat on winning 2 of their first 3 games. You fit in well there, Juggs.

A leader in the SFA lol

You were a joke candidate for admin, where even Filthy was considered more suitable after being in the league for a couple of seasons.

The #JuggsForAdmin is a joke hashtag. Sorry for ruining the delusion.

I mean, the Dragons who are renowned for taking in washed up hacks didn't even want you, and the Royals did.

But then again, they are the team that hangs their hat on winning 2 of their first 3 games :rolleyes:
I'll give you two blokes a couple of facts that are sure to bring you down from your high horse.

Both of you are currently leading the Wonders through their worst period in their history, particularly yourself TheFreshBanana. Since becoming captain your club has gone from an immovable premiership force to one who is now vying for their first wooden spoon in the clubs history.

Under your leadership the Wonders have a 5-15 record which even the Royals have managed to better in their first 20 games in the competition, and also throughout any 20 game period in their short and less than impressive past history. You have claims to being the sole reason this club has begun it's downward spiral when you couple in your off-field shortcomings last season. Granted ClarkeM has done a power of work behind the scenes to give you some form of credibility for season 19, signing up some excellent recruits, but before you even begin to start criticising Juggalo Balla or anyone else for that matter, you need to take a look in your own backyard and repair any cracks before you look into that mirror perched above your cauldron, which so far you've managed to overlook, preferring to imitate the 'kettles' large mouth instead.

You're not fit to polish Juggalo Balla's bootlaces, nor anyone else in Royals colors for that matter. You've tried valiantly to be well received and well liked by spending every second of every day on this forum trying to get in the strides of others for some adulation, but the fact you're still yet to be rated highly speaks volumes of your performance.

After Sunday, your winning percentage as captain of 23% will see a major headline appear in the Royals scroll. 'The Queen conferred an honorary knighthood on TheFreshBanana as her Royals finally lose the mantra of leagues worst SFA side.'
You Gold city boys put my user name to shame, you lot aren't event lowly counts.

Seriously goldcity change your name to chumps. I've earnt my good name and do not deserve to have it dragged through the mud by you pre sex change sisters...
You Gold city boys put my user name to shame, you lot aren't event lowly counts.

Seriously goldcity change your name to chumps. I've earnt my good name and do not deserve to have it dragged through the mud by you pre sex change sisters...
We have you well covered with the capital R. We're bigger and a lot better.
We have you well covered with the capital R. We're bigger and a lot better.
I can think of some words starting with R that may have application. Rotund as in Tommy Hawkins, Ratshit as in the Throne, Rancid as in the food establishments at the Throne, Rabid as in the women in Gold City and Wretched as in the lot of all those who live in Gold. City.
I can think of some words starting with R that may have application. Rotund as in Tommy Hawkins, Ratshit as in the Throne, Rancid as in the food establishments at the Throne, Rabid as in the women in Gold City and Wretched as in the lot of all those who live in Gold. City.
I'm totally amazed. Tom Hawkins must be the other Wonders recruit who promised big things and has so far failed to deliver. It's not bomberlegend2007 in disguise is it?

I also understand why you'd call the Throne 'ratshit,' I mean you don't have a good record there, and it's where you kicked your lowest score ever in a game. That effort can be best described a sewage.

Retched is what you really meant to say because you're suffering from symptoms of stage fright, and when you get nervous you have a bad case of word vomit. I guess you're in an unfortunate state. Coincidence is signing for the Wonders?
I'm totally amazed. Tom Hawkins must be the other Wonders recruit who promised big things and has so far failed to deliver. It's not bomberlegend2007 in disguise is it?

I also understand why you'd call the Throne 'ratshit,' I mean you don't have a good record there, and it's where you kicked your lowest score ever in a game. That effort can be best described a sewage.

Retched is what you really meant to say because you're suffering from symptoms of stage fright, and when you get nervous you have a bad case of word vomit. I guess you're in an unfortunate state. Coincidence is signing for the Wonders?
I have to get my Rabies shot before I go to the ground.
Don't bother. You're already infected by having played for the Wonders.
Do they still sell that yellowish slightly bitter liquid that looks like piss and tastes like piss but the gold city denizens call cider at the Throne....

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Do they still sell that yellowish slightly bitter liquid that looks like piss and tastes like piss but the gold city denizens call cider at the Throne....
It's called Dickon's cider. You'll play the Cider again if past performances are any indication.
I'll give you two blokes a couple of facts that are sure to bring you down from your high horse.

Both of you are currently leading the Wonders through their worst period in their history, particularly yourself TheFreshBanana. Since becoming captain your club has gone from an immovable premiership force to one who is now vying for their first wooden spoon in the clubs history.

Under your leadership the Wonders have a 5-15 record which even the Royals have managed to better in their first 20 games in the competition, and also throughout any 20 game period in their short and less than impressive past history. You have claims to being the sole reason this club has begun it's downward spiral when you couple in your off-field shortcomings last season. Granted ClarkeM has done a power of work behind the scenes to give you some form of credibility for season 19, signing up some excellent recruits, but before you even begin to start criticising Juggalo Balla or anyone else for that matter, you need to take a look in your own backyard and repair any cracks before you look into that mirror perched above your cauldron, which so far you've managed to overlook, preferring to imitate the 'kettles' large mouth instead.

You're not fit to polish Juggalo Balla's bootlaces, nor anyone else in Royals colors for that matter. You've tried valiantly to be well received and well liked by spending every second of every day on this forum trying to get in the strides of others for some adulation, but the fact you're still yet to be rated highly speaks volumes of your performance.

After Sunday, your winning percentage as captain of 23% will see a major headline appear in the Royals scroll. 'The Queen conferred an honorary knighthood on TheFreshBanana as her Royals finally lose the mantra of leagues worst SFA side.'

Finals appeared in by Royals: 0
Finals appeared in by Wonders: Heaps many (yes this is a numerical value)

Premierships won by SoG: 0
Premierships won by TFB: 2
Premierships won by CE: 3

Sometimes the best have a down period. Winning all the time gets boring and if we did win more you guys (general SFA public) would just hate us more. We are just sharing the love.

Personally I wouldn't say this is the worst period in Wonders history. That was when Kerr4PM upped and left and Kerrby was in charge. Wasn't that fun for all... Admittedly Kerrby worked his arse off and brought the Wonders back which is exactly like what we (TFB, Clarkey and myself)* have done and we should be seeing the results sooner rather than later. Think of it as a Terry Wallace 5 year plan :p


Finals appeared in by Royals: 0
Finals appeared in by Wonders: Heaps many (yes this is a numerical value)

Premierships won by SoG: 0
Premierships won by TFB: 2
Premierships won by CE: 3

Sometimes the best have a down period. Winning all the time gets boring and if we did win more you guys (general SFA public) would just hate us more. We are just sharing the love.

Personally I wouldn't say this is the worst period in Wonders history. That was when Kerr4PM upped and left and Kerrby was in charge. Wasn't that fun for all... Admittedly Kerrby worked his arse off and brought the Wonders back which is exactly like what we (TFB, Clarkey and myself)* have done and we should be seeing the results sooner rather than later. Think of it as a Terry Wallace 5 year plan :p

Ah so the old referring back to premierships banter for security and relevance. How about 0-3, that's better in the current scheme of things.:cool:
Ah so the old referring back to premierships banter for security and relevance. How about 0-3, that's better in the current scheme of things.:cool:
Is that the Royals success rate at making finals?

Its great having a security net to fall into.
The Royals are undefeated against the Wonders with Marlowe as captain.
The Royals are undefeated against the Wonders with Son of God as captain.

Better still, the Wonders remain winless against the Royals with croweater 41 and TheFreshBanana as captain.
The Royals are undefeated against the Wonders with Son of God as captain.

Better still, the Wonders remain winless against the Royals with croweater 41 and TheFreshBanana as captain.

The Royals are undefeated against the Wonders when Wise Guy Sam isn't captaining either side.
With the swamprats kicking 147 points last week, I have a strong feeling that Juggalo Balla is going to have a day out this week in front of an adoring home crowd.
With the swamprats kicking 147 points last week, I have a strong feeling that Juggalo Balla is going to have a day out this week in front of an adoring home crowd.
We are getting Rod Grinter in for specialist training.Juggalo is going off on a stretcher
3KZ is Football's Mathematical Analysis of The Gold City Royals v West Coast Warriors.


Done the maths on this match and it is clear that The Royals are going to beat the Wonders comfortably.

Royals to prevail by 32 Points.

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Official Match Thread S19 R04: Gold City Royals vs West Coast Wonders at The Throne

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