Admin Notice S37 Rules & Tribunal Thread

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Basic Conduct and Etiquette - Bigfooty (breaches subject to disciplinary measures from site moderators/admin/owners)

1A) No attacks on the basis of a poster's Race, Ethnicity and Nationality, Cultural or Religious Background

1B) No attacks on the basis of a poster's Sexual Orientation, Age, Gender, personal circumstances etc.

1C) No Abuse

Using serious abuse (very coarse, threatening or demeaning language) towards a person or persons will not be condoned on this site.

1D) No Profanity and Smut

Our community is held to BigFooty Rule 5 (see below). Sweet F.A moderators may hand out warnings and/or day off bans for breaching this rule.

more info can be found here.

Post that contain videos, images or text that contain profanity, not safe for work material or avoid the swear filter are some of which apply to this rule. If you are unsure, please seek the advice of a Moderator or if you're in doubt, take another route. Innuendo is fine, just do not overdo it.

1E) Abide By Bigfooty Site Terms of Service at all times

Terms and rules


Basic Conduct and Etiquette - SFA

2A) Abuse

This is a game, attack the persona all you want but don't attack the person behind the persona. This is the most essential rule in the SFA. The line is the same here as anywhere on BigFooty so don't cross it. All posting on the Sweet FA board may be subject to in-game disciplinary measures by the board moderators depending on severity of the offense and history of the poster. Any penalties will be served on top of any Bigfooty site measures/discplinary actions if any of SEC [1] is breached. The line between person and persona should never be breached, and if in doubt the post can be cleared by a moderator.

Abuse towards simmers and baseless accusations of rigging/cheating/manipulation will be treated as personal abuse beyond the persona and subject to disciplinary measures. Concerns in regards to the simming process are to be expressed respectfully through the proper channels either via the Committee Representative, Private Message or designated resource thread.

2B) Main Sweet F.A Board Threads

The administrator and moderators reserve the right to delete, merge with an appropriate thread, or move to a sub-forum any threads created that are devoid of quality, effort, relevance or significance at their discretion. If a player is unsure what threads are appropriate on the main Sweet F.A board they should check with the administrator and/or moderators.


3A) The Sweet F.A. is comprised of 13 teams, namely:

Baghdad Bombers (BOM)
Coney Island Warriors (CIW)
Dragons FFC (DRA)
Fighting Furies FFC (FUR)
East Side Hawks (ESH)
Gold City Royals (GCR)
Gumbies FFC (GUM)
Las Vegas Bears (LVB)
Mount Buller Demons (MBD)
Roys FFC (ROY)
Sin City Swamprats (SCS)
West Coast Wonders (WON)
Ophidian Old Boys (OOB)

These are the names and abbreviations as used in all official records

3B) League Administration

The Sweet F.A is operated in Season 37 by the Administrator: Elton Johns Wig, the General Manager of Qooty Operations: ClarkeM, the simulation team consisting of Footyguy13, Dingster, serial_thrilla & Cadsky, and a committee of 13 consisting of a single representative of each team as listed in 3A.

The role of the Administrator is to set the framework of the season in regards to dates, fixtures, rules and composition of the league; To oversee the activities necessary for the regular functioning of the league; To run initiatives that promote the growth of the league and enhance player experience; And to liaise and consult with the Clubs via the Committee in regards to enforcement of the Rules.

The role of the General Manager of Qooty Operations is to provide support in the carrying out of activities necessary for the regular functioning of the league; To advise the Administrator on the implementation of initiatives to promote growth of the league and enhance player experience; And to perform the role of Acting Administrator in the event of an extended absence from the Administrator. The General Manager of Qooty Operations is appointed by the Administrator at the beginning of each season.

The role of the simulation team is to fairly and without favour or prejudice, simulate the games each week in consultation with the Administrator.

The role of the Committee is to bring forth matters of concern to the league, to co-ordinate and consult with the Administrator on all matters of importance to the league and to fully represent their individual clubs in the decision-making process.

3C) Administrator Decisions
The Administrator reserves the right to add to and amend the rules as the season progresses in response to new issues that arise and circumstances not addressed adequately by the existing set of rules.

A new rule may involve penalties which can be applied retrospectively if a majority of committee members vote to apply penalties to the offending player, captain or team. If any player or captain is unaware of the specifics of any rule or believes there is a situation not covered by the rules, it is their responsibility to seek approval from the administrator or find themselves subject to SEC [7].

3D) Administrator Conduct - Abuse of Power & Incompetence
If a player feels the administrator is blatantly abusing their power or failing to fulfil the duties then they may contact all SFA captains stating their case:
  • If the half of Committee (Currently: 7/13) believe the Administrator is corrupt or incompetent they obtain the right to open an application process for any potential challengers to the Administrator position. A Committee vote will take place within two weeks on whether the Administrator retains the position or the challenger is preferred.
  • If the significant majority of Committee (Currently: 10/13) is of the belief that the Administrator is corrupt or incompetent they can forcibly remove the Administrator of their position and open an application process for a new Administrator immediately. A spokesperson within the Committee will be appointed by the representatives as a caretaker Administrator during this process. The ousted Administrator cannot apply.
3E) Administrator Conduct - Veto Of An Executive Decision

The Veto is a right of the Committee to block/reverse a decision that the Administrator has exercised unilaterally in relation to the amendment or application of the league rules. Where a Committee Representative believes that the Administrator has made such a decision that would have a negative effect on the league or is contrary to the spirit of the rules' intended purpose they may propose a Veto.

If the proposal is seconded by another two Committee Representatives, then a vote involving the entire Committee is to take place. A majority vote (Currently: 7/13) will allow the Committee to block or reverse an Administrator's decision.

3F) Administrator Selection

The Administrator is selected through a Committee election held every third season. Candidates for the Administrator role will send a written application through the incumbent Administrator via Private Message.

Candidates are subject to vetting from the league Administrator and Site Moderators on the basis of their record of past behaviour.

The Candidates who are accepted will be publicly announced by the incumbent Administrator.

Where there are more than two Candidates in the election the method of voting will be Preferential/Ranked Choice/Instant Runoff.

The Candidate who wins a clear majority of Committee votes will become the Administrator for the subsequent season.

The incumbent Administrator has the right to extend their tenure for an additional cycle with the agreement of a majority of the Committee in which case an election will not be required until the next cycle.

If the Administrator steps down prior to an election, the General Manager of Qooty Operations will become the Administrator until the next election is held.

3G) Amendments To The Framework
No changes to 3C, 3D, 3E or 3F are considered effective until a majority of the Committee Representatives have agreed to the changes. An Administrator may not unilaterally amend the aforementioned rules without the consultation of the Committee.


4A) Initial Squad Submission

A valid player list or 'squad' must be submitted by a representative of each team prior to the deadline set by the administration in the nominated squad submission thread.

A valid squad submission post contains:

  • a list of minimum 22 players and maximum 30 players, all of whom have active Bigfooty Accounts that are not aliases, and have been signed or retained through legitimate means - either rolled over from the previous season or signed correctly via 4D in the off-season.
  • an identifying characteristic of the team other than the poster.
If a player changes their BigFooty username during the season, both the team sheets and squad submission thread must continue to use the original username at squad submission deadline for the remainder of the season. The simulation output will continue to list their original name.

4B) Squad Changes

Any changes to the previous season's final squad must be listed in the current season's initial squad submission denoting the additions as "INs" and subtractions as "OUTs".

If a change is required to a team list for any addition or subtraction it must be noted in a post in the current season's squad submission thread.

The change must include alteration to both the player list, and the list of any additions ("Ins") and subtractions ("Outs")

The initial squad submission must be altered (preferred) or re-posted (if original poster unavailable) to reflect these changes.

Once initiated, squad changes are only considered complete once both of these above actions have been carried out concurrently.

Any players involved in squad changes are unable to be named in a team sheet for the new team until a valid change has been completed.

Any players that have closed or permanently banned accounts are not considered to be active and therefore those players must be removed from the submitted squad and the squad minimum criteria must still be met.

A player may only have one account as a listed player in the Sweet FA. No aliases allowed. A minimum 8 game suspension applies for a breach. Alias accounts may be used in a joking manner in media and match threads only, any alias accounts posting in a sign up thread will be considered a breach.

Failure to adhere to these Rules will be punished under Sec[6] of these Rules, as determined by the Administrator

4C) Trade & Transfers

A Trade or Transfer are two methods of in-season player movement that may occur in the Transfer Period specified by the Administrator.

Trades must be player/s for player/s, and the player/s must have been listed in a squad prior to the trade period. Both clubs and player/s must agree to the trade for it to take place. Trades must then be approved by the admin, and changes to the Squads must be noted in the Squad Submission thread. It is at this stage that the trade becomes official.

Transfers may take place where a player can be moved from one club to another with the agreement of both clubs and the player involved. A Transfer must then be approved by the admin, and changes to the Squads must be noted in the Squad Submission thread. It is at this stage that the transfer becomes official.

Once a player has moved clubs within the season through Trade or Transfer, they may not move clubs again until the following season through any means.

4D) Free Agency


Free agency occurs between seasons from the earlier of; the elimination of your team from finals or the conclusion of the grand final to squad submission date. Free agents may only be signed with permission. Player movement between clubs is unrestricted with permission of the player.

Any player signed during the offseason is required to make a post on the main Sweet FA forum confirming their participation with their new club before officially being added to the squad.

Any player movement not specified in the rules is not considered legal. In the event of uncertainty, the club must contact the administrator for consideration with the committee.


After the squad submission deadline, listed players are contracted to their club. However, any players that were delisted by the club's voluntary action during the season (that were on the original squad) can be signed as a delisted free agent by any other club (including the original club).

The player must enter the team sign up thread and the same process applies as if they were a new or returning player to the Sweet FA.

Once a player has moved clubs within the season through In-Season Free Agency, they may not move clubs again until the following season through any means.

New/Returning Players

The official process for signing players during the season under the new/returning category is that a player who posts an intention to join the league, by posting in the signup thread during a season, will be required to complete the Application form as below:

The official process for signing players during the season under In-Season Free Agency or new/returning is a player who posts an intention to join the league by posting in the signup thread during a season will be required to complete the Application form as below:


Name (your BigFooty username):
Preferred Position 1:
Preferred Position 2:
Preferred Position 3:
Preferred Team (if you have one):
State (optional):
How did you hear about the Sweet F.A?:

Teams may then bid publicly or privately for their services, and the applicant should engage with the bidding teams. If a player nominated a club in the sign up form, then the nominated club is free to sign them after 24 hrs, provided no adjustments to the nominated club have been made in this time period. Any disputes between teams regarding who the player has joined after the 24 hour period must be clarified by the player themselves before they can be added to a squad list. The 24 hour period rule can be waived, only if the team does not have enough eligible players to fill the team and less than 24 hours remains until the teamsheet deadline.


5A) Submission Rules

The deadline for team sheet submission is the Thursday 11:59 PM Western Australia Time before a match unless stated otherwise by the Administrator

Team sheets must be displayed in a logical format that is comprehensible by the game simmers. Each positional line {e.g. B, HB, C, HF, F, FOLL, INT} must be defined clearly and in case of positional changes the specific positions must be communicated in the listed changes. The only acceptable format is:

B: BP / FB / BP
C: W / C / W
F: FP / FF / FP


All positional changes from the previous round MUST be noted correctly in the Team Sheet Submission, including swapping from LHS positions to RHS positions.

The only acceptable format (eg) is:


Teams must contain 20 eligible players, and be submitted in a single post in the Official Team Sheet Submission Thread each round.

The team submission post must carry a uniquely team identifying characteristic, (eg team logo) and the correct round number.

Maliciously hindering the simmers from doing their jobs, by any deliberate acts to alter the team sheet such that simmers have additional difficulty in using them, will not be tolerated.

Failure to submit a team sheet in the correct format (20 eligible players, positional changes, correct spelling of every name within the whole team sheet and in the team sheet submission thread), or AT ALL will result in penalties under Sec [6] of the Rules

5B) Eligibility

Players that receive BigFooty site bans (red cards) should not be named in team sheets where possible. Players who receive 'Day Off' bans or Infractions which accumulate points, will only be considered ineligible for one match should it be a direct result of breaching rule SEC[1] or 2A on the SFA Board and should not be named in team sheets where possible. All other day off bans will be not render players ineligible. "Gifted" bans, whether permanent or not will also not render players ineligible for selection.

If a player becomes ineligible after the team sheet submission deadline they will be allowed to play the match they are named in and will be considered ineligible for any subsequent matches after that for the duration equal to that of their ban.

More than one ban given for breaches of SEC[1] or 2A of Sweet FA rules in one season will result in the offending player ruled ineligible for individual awards of that season.

Should a club claim to have been unaware of a banned player, the Administrator reserves the right to waive a penalty.

An eligible player must have an active BigFooty account, and be listed on the club's Official Squad by the submission deadline, or prior to the team sheet deadline if the player was recruited in-season. Closed or permanently banned accounts are not consider to be active and therefore those players must be removed from the submitted squad and the squad minimum criteria must still be met.

Finals Eligibility

In order to be eligible to play in finals games for a given team. A player must be on their official list at least 4 rounds prior to the end of the regular season. For example, in a 13-round season, in order for a player to be eligible to play in finals games for Team A, they must be named on Team A's official squad before the conclusion of Round 9.

5C) Team Validity

In the event that two or more team sheets are posted, the simmers will use the most recent team sheet submitted before the deadline by the clubs captain or co-captain. Should a club have both co-captains post a team sheet, the latest team sheet will be used. If neither captain or co-captain have submitted a team sheet, the simmers will use the latest team sheet submitted by any player listed by the club.

In the event of no team being posted by the deadline the simmers must use the previous weeks team sheet except for round one matches where the team must provide a new team sheet urgently.


The Administrator shall apply the following penalties for breaches of the Rules under Sections 4 and 5 as above.

6A) Major Offence

The following list of offences will result in a 4 point plus a 2-game suspension for the captain (if there are multiple captains at a club, the captain of the offending club will be randomly selected for suspension) in league standings:
  • Failing to submit a valid initial squad in the squad submission thread by deadline as per 4A
  • Failing to satisfy the minimum initial squad list requirement (22 eligible players) as per 4A
  • Failing to satisfy the minimum team list requirement in season (20 eligible players) as per 4A
  • Failure to submit a complete team sheet in the submission thread by the deadline as per 5A
  • Editing the team sheet after team sheet deadline as per 5A
  • Deliberately hindering the simulation team through disregard of 5A, 5B and/or 5C.
  • Deliberately naming a player that is deemed ineligible as per 5B
6B) Minor Offence

The following list of offences will result in a Strike under a 'Three-Strike Policy'. Which is outlined below:

1. Official Warning
2. 1-game suspension to the captain, if there are multiple captains at a club, the captain of the offending club will be randomly selected for suspension.
3. 2 point deduction, plus a 2-game suspension for the captain (if there are multiple captains at a club, the captain of the offending club will be randomly selected for suspension)
  • Failing to satisfy the maximum squad list requirement in season (30 eligible players) as per 4A
  • Incorrect squad changes as per 4B
  • Incorrect player signing as per 4C and 4D
  • Naming an ineligible player on a team sheet as per 5B
  • Incorrect spelling of player names in a team sheet as per 5A
  • Incorrect team sheet formatting as per 5A
  • Any post in the squad submission thread notifying a squad change that did not occur as per 4A & 4B
6C) Penalty Impact in Finals

During the Sweet F.A. Finals Series the Major Offence penalty will result in a 4-goal penalty in the team’s next game within the Finals Series.

If any Minor Offence results in a THIRD Official Warning during the finals series. A 2-goal penalty will be applied to the team's next game within the Finals Series.

6D) Appeals

If players or teams wish to dispute raised penalties, they may submit appeals by post in this thread, by private message, or by committee representative to the league administration which describes mitigating evidence.

The league administration will outline the evidence to the committee who will vote on the outcome.

Committee representatives of teams directly affected by the penalty will be excluded from voting.

In the event of a tie, the league administration will provide the deciding vote.

Should a club claim to have been unaware of a banned player, the administrator reserves the right to waive a penalty without presenting to the committee.

6E) Notification

If players or teams wish to dispute raised penalties, they may submit appeals by post in this thread, by private message, or by committee representative to the league administration which describes mitigating evidence within 24 hours of being notified of the penalty by the administration.

The administration will make subsequent posts confirming either or all of:
  • the acceptance of a penalty
  • that an appeal has been made per 6D, and the origin of the appeal
  • the result of any appeal, and the applied penalty
The statute of limitations for raising a penalty is 1 week from the team sheet submission deadline. This means that if a team cannot be 'retrospectively' penalised for a violation that occurred more than 1 week prior, for which they were not given a notification.


If a player's or teams actions are having a profoundly negative effect on the experience and functioning of the league, or against the spirit of the Sweet F.A and attempting to and/or succeeding in undermining the integrity of the competition, then the committee and the admin will convene in the tribunal to decide on a suitable punishment. Penalties will range from an official warning to match suspension/s, depending on the severity of the offence as adjudicated by the Administrator and the Committee.

Any Committee member may formally lay a charge against another SFA player or team whom they believe is in Disrepute, by presenting their case to the admin in committee. This must include the player/team they wish to charge with BTGID and the reasoning for the charge. The admin will make a decision on whether or not the offending action was harmful enough to harm the integrity of the competition. If the admin believes it is worthy for a BTGID charge, they will put it to a committee vote. A majority of 7/13 is required for the offending party to be charged with disrepute.


The Sweet FA Tribunal is defined as the appointed Committee representatives from each of the 13 clubs, chaired by the Administrator. The Administrator does not vote in tribunal decisions.

The tribunal has two main functions:
  • If a captain or player is handed down a penalty relating to 6D by the Administrator, a captain has the right to appeal the decision to the tribunal.
  • All charges under SEC 7 will be voted on by the entire tribunal, and an indisputable majority vote of 7 is required to uphold any charges. The punishments will then be discussed and voted upon separately.

9A) New Clubs

Anybody wishing to enter a new side into the Sweet F.A. must apply to be admitted into the Sweet F.A. Anyone interested in applying must contact the administrator who will set out a criteria that usual includes various club details around identity/concept, required no. of players at initial and final stages, deadlines and list composition. Upon a final bid being presented, the Administrator will present the bid to Committee for voting, whereupon a majority vote of 7 will be required to accept or reject the bid/s. Should a majority verdict not be reached, the Administrator will cast the final and deciding vote.

The following is regarded as the minimum criteria for admission.
  • No club will be admitted once a season has commenced.
  • New teams must make a formal submission to the Administrator at least one month prior to the league commencing for a new season.
  • Applications can be made during a season but the new club will not be admitted until the following season.
  • Team composition must be at minimum 40% new or unlisted players
  • The recruitment of players for the incoming team must not have a material damaging effect on any existing club
  • The new club must demonstrate sustainability and intent to become a fully-functioning member of the league
Bid Continuation Clause

If an official expansion bid launched the previous season and was unsuccessful in gaining admission into the league for the current season. The leader of the bid may invoke the Bid Continuation Clause prior to the commencement of the current season to bid for admission for the following season. When this clause is invoked, the "new and unlisted players" recruited for purposes of involvement in expansion in its initial bid will still be treated as "new and unlisted players" regardless of whether they partake in the current season for another club.


Anybody that wishes to change the brand, location or home venue of a club shall contact the administrator stating the rationale for the change. The change will be official upon the Administrator's approval.


All matches simulated and posted by the league's simmer/s (or other authorised persons) will be deemed final unless a situation arises where a resim is deemed necessary as described in the table below. A captain and/or committee rep may request a resim and this must be requested via a Private Message to the league Administrator within 24 hours of the match being posted. All other situations will be assessed by the Administrator and the Committee.

Resim Policy


  • glitch occurs in the simming application where a quarter ends earlier than normal
  • two players of the same name are entered into the sim
  • incorrect entry of home/away team
  • players are not named in the correct on field positions according to the official team sheet
No Resim:
  • incorrect spelling of a player name
  • glitch occurs in the simming application where there is a timeskip within a quarter
  • a non-existent player is named in the sim

In case of a drawn finals game including the grand final. A Replay with the same selected teams will be played on the next day (subsequent Monday) in the same match thread.

In the remote event that the Replay match results in a draw, the simmer will rerun the simulation until a decisive result is reached. Subsequent draws in the process of running the Replay may be posted in the match thread for purposes of theatre but only the game with the deciding result will be considered 'official' where the statistics in that game will be recorded in the league's player records.


Clubs must nominate a representative to engage in discussions within the Committee Room. The representative must vote on matters where directed by the Administrator. Even in cases where the club does not hold a position on an issue, the representative should still vote 'present'.

The nominated representative must also make nominations and participate in discussions relating to official league awards within the timeframe specified by the Administrator.

Where a nominated representative is expected to be absent temporarily, they must notify their absence within the Absences Thread and inform the Administrator of the duration of the absence so that a substitute representative can readily take their place.

Missing a vote, failing to submit nominations for league awards and/or sufficiently engage in discussions relating to league awards or other issues, or disappearing without notifying of an absence could attract an informal warning on first instance, formal warning on second instance, request of the club to change their representative on third instance.

The Administrator reserves the right to remove Committee Room access for a representative should they repeatedly fail to engage in the Committee Room after warnings are issued.
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  • Thread starter
  • Moderator
  • #2

Pre-season changes
  • changes to what constitutes a resim
  • reintroduction of requirement to list changes when submitting teamsheets
  • in season squad change procedure tightened

In Season Changes
  • changes to 4D that require all free agents to post before joining their new team
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Rules thread in January? Is this so we get a couple of pages in before OOB's stuff something up?
They have already posted a team sheet, so I'm sure the rule breaches will come through very shortly.
They have already posted a team sheet, so I'm sure the rule breaches will come through very shortly.
We'll be right for a while, the Dragons haven't realised it's even 2024 yet.

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OOB have officially been given a green light for S37, no need to worry about us any more Baz ;)
As in free reign to screw up your teamsheet as often as you like? I'm not worried about you. I'm worried about @serial_thrila.

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Admin Notice S37 Rules & Tribunal Thread

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