I think you will notice the messaging has changed. No longer is it Ken is coaching at top of his game etc. His position is up for review. Its a fair shift. Management or Directors are never going to publicly hang their coach out and say he is s**t and we are going to sack him. There would be many factors at play and club if they are going to part ways, they will likely be doing it as methodically as possible so as not to incur any unnecessary additional cost. I think sacking him now would be great for all of us, but it probably doesn't achieve a great deal in the long run. Maybe we get a spike and best case slip in to finals, but this season is dead. Lets part ways, undertake a rigorous and detailed search with people like Darren Cahill involved and find us a new coach who can lead us in a new and better direction.
I was trying to find the game-day revenue stuff, we obvioulsy we take a hit below 30K attendance, this is bad news for the club when 27k rock up, unlike the Crows who just have a naturally bigger pool of supporters we need success to drive attendances, if not then supporters can drive change in one way or another (this is already happening).
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In March 2015, it was reported that the new agreement now turned over 70 cents in the dollar from Adelaide oval to the AFL clubs.Tthe new deal centres on: incentives the Power and Crows will receive if they draw more than 30,000 to the Oval; and the two clubs having access to more stadium assets to sell for corporate revenue and more reserved seats to sell at premium rates.
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