Sandilands Vs. Cox + their place in history

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I dont think I've seen a player who is more important to the success of their team than Sandilands and I would take him every day of the week. That is no slight on Cox who is a great player but I think you can make a pretty strong case that Sandilands has been the most valuable player in the comp the last couple of seasons.

Also I think people are underestimating Sandilands work around the great, its very good for a guy his height.
They could both go down as 2 of the best ruckman ever. But if I had to choose 1 I would choose Sandi just due to the impact on Freo he has when he plays and doesn't play. Though having a 4th ruckman playing at Essendon would be a bit strange :p

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Jim Stynes, Corey McKernan and Luke Darcy are the only ruckman in AFL history (post 1990) to win the AFL MVP award.

All three were better pure footballers than Cox or Sandilands. I don't think any ruckman playing since 1990 has been better than Sandilands from a pure hit out and clearance perspective. Cox and Sandilands will both go down in history as the dominant ruckmen of the past decade.

I personally rate Simon Madden, Peter Moore and Gary Dempsey, well ahead of Cox or Sandilands.
Cox became our first ruck as long ago as 2004 and was very good from then on. Sandilands has come into it in the past 3-4 years. If it's a what would you rather have over their career you'd take Cox.
It's very tough to separate them. Cox started playing a couple of years before Sandi, both are very versatile. With a fully fit and functional midfield, I'd probably go Sandilands for his ability to win the taps.

In regards to best of all time, neither would be top 5 in my opinion, possibly top 10. Despite the multiple AA's, it's not exactly a rucking golden age.

Polly Farmer
Gary Dempsey
Simon Madden
John Nicholls
Peter Moore
Both players are the best ever ruckmen in the history of their respective clubs. Sandilands easily and Cox due to longevity (as Gardiner's best in a short period was probably more influential).

Cox has been the Eagles main man since Gardiner went down around 03/04. That is a long time ago. FWIW, Naitanui will be/has been more influential.
Going from another thread, sandilands was mentioned as the best ruckman of all time. Which Is imo a poor call.

So for arguments sake, out of cox and sandi, who is the better player?
Bias may have an impact on my argument seeing as I would take cox. His career has been amazing for a lot longer period and this year he has been great.

Also, where do they stand in all time lists?

Hilarious notion. He's not even the best ruckman now.

Cox, easily. And historically I wouldn't put Sandilands in the top 10 ruckmen I've seen. He wins a lot of hitouts, as he should; he's taller than anyone else. He's no Dempsey or Madden though, not even close.
cox is good. but people like Sandi because of his massive size, so he is more interesting to watch....
if i needed a pure ruckman to win the taps to advantage then sandilands.

however cox does alot more around ground. more posessions and more goals. so overall probably cox but gee, sandilands is so dominant in the ruck. very tough call.

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I would stay with Cox, just cos of my bias

At least your honest about it. Not sure why so many WC fans are so sensitive about this subject. Cox is a champ, has been a great clubman for WC (and is bloody good bloke too just quietly). Does it really matter how people compare him to Sandi. They are hardly a like for like comparison....yes they play the same position but they are very different in the way they go about it.
Bitter obsessed freo drivel...:eek:

Have a look at the thread you're posting in and who started it. Oh the ironing......:rolleyes:

Seriouslly this BS notion that Freo fans are obsessed with WC
But WC fans don’t give a shit about Freo is so old. Just have a look in the Bay after a Freo loss…….who starts the vast majority of the crappy troll threads? Or check how many WC posters there are on this site with either usernames that make a reference to Freo or something about Freo in their signature block. Or even the threads about Freo on the main board…..who starts the majority of them? How about how often there is WC posters on our board making comment in many, many threads…..

This ‘obsession’ that WC posters constantly refer to goes both ways…….
ditto !
Cox every day of the week.

Reads the play better, blocks holes, covers more ground, kicks better, takes marks, kicks goals and is a genuine effective tap ruckman.....he is a far better player than Sandi in so many aspects of our game.

Sandilands is a monster that cant be moved and only wins taps and clearances based on this. He has Cox covered in this area and this area alone.

For mine he doesnt do enough defensively or offensively. He still cant take marks and certainly doesnt kick enough goals for a bloke his size.

Cox is the better footballer, Sandi more effective in ruck contests due to his size.
At no stage in his career has Cox been mentioned as the most influential player in the game.

Sandilands impacts games at a level Cox cant.

Sandilands is the most influential player in the game.
lol look at all the weagle fans in here talking up cox.........

sandi doesnt need to be talked up his domination speaks for itself:thumbsu:
"History" is not a word I'd associate with either Club just yet.

Three Premierships from five Grand Finals, a wooden spoon, a massive drug scandal and a dead champion of the club. Our story is now spread across four decades (80's, 90's, 00's, whatever now is). We also have a genuine father-son selection on the list, that's enough to have a history :thumbsu:

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Sandilands Vs. Cox + their place in history

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