Certified Legendary Thread #scandal - MASSIVE LEAK: ALL-SFA TEAM NAMED

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Yes, I said nobody has said this.


What is an implied statement?

An implied statement is a statement that can be inferred from a statement. For example, if I were to say that “only someone who is either extremely lazy or extremely stupid would ask this question rather than searching it on google.” the implied statement would be that you are either extremely lazy or extremely stupid.
Oh really?

Bull. Shit.

What it speaks of is my appreciation of irony


P.S you missed a spot, it's right under your high horse


Careful now, there's an actual rule regarding abuse, you precious little snowflake you.

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What is an implied statement?

An implied statement is a statement that can be inferred from a statement. For example, if I were to say that “only someone who is either extremely lazy or extremely stupid would ask this question rather than searching it on google.” the implied statement would be that you are either extremely lazy or extremely stupid.

Everyone knows this is because of JWS perma-banning himself.
Everyone knows this is because of JWS perma-banning himself.

Is it?

Interesting that you know the intentions of each of the individual players on the LVB list, I assume you have some proof that this is a coordinated effort?
Is it?

Interesting that you know the intentions of each of the individual players on the LVB list, I assume you have some proof that this is a coordinated effort?

Yes, everyone independently decided to not post at all for an entire week against the club that didn't trade JWS for independent reasons. I'm just going by Occam's razor here.
your turn

4. Nadi Shodhana or “alternate nostril breathing”

Give this one a try before you hyperventilate, wouldn't want you to pass out at your keyboard and miss all this 'excitement'.
Yes, everyone independently decided to not post at all for an entire week against the club that didn't trade JWS for independent reasons. I'm just going by Occam's razor here.

I cannot speak for the motivations of the other individuals on the LVB list who I have absolutely no legal, moral, or any other perceived power to make them post in a match thread.

Apparently this league's committee seems to think they do have this authority.

Interesting times, when will the tanks starting rolling across SFA Square?
What is an implied statement?

An implied statement is a statement that can be inferred from a statement. For example, if I were to say that “only someone who is either extremely lazy or extremely stupid would ask this question rather than searching it on google.” the implied statement would be that you are either extremely lazy or extremely stupid.

That's great.

"Nobody" has said this.

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I cannot speak for the motivations of the other individuals on the LVB list who I have absolutely no legal, moral, or any other perceived power to make them post in a match thread.

Apparently this league's committee seems to think they do have this authority.

Interesting times, when will the tanks starting rolling across SFA Square?
I'm just a lonely Chinese man going for a walk in Tiananmen Square In The Sky
Yes, everyone independently decided to not post at all for an entire week against the club that didn't trade JWS for independent reasons. I'm just going by Occam's razor here.

This is despite people already revealing in the committee that they'd heard a scheduled boycott was happening as early as Monday but sure, the collective hive mind of inactivity that mustered a 30 page thread the week prior all shut down.

I don't know what's sadder, silently protesting because some ****wit nuked their own account or not having the balls to admit you're protesting. I mean, what's the ****ing point if you're just gonna deny it once you look like you might be getting into a little trouble.
It's a very small mound you're choosing to stand on, but you do you mate, you do you.

It's not that small a mound, I was making a joke that flew swiftly over your head, clearly. And now what should have been me laughing more at Tones has turned into me shaking my head at you. I sincerely didn't think you'd drink all that kool aid.
This is despite people already revealing in the committee that they'd heard a scheduled boycott was happening as early as Monday but sure, the collective hive mind of inactivity that mustered a 30 page thread the week prior all shut down.

I don't know what's sadder, silently protesting because some ****wit nuked their own account or not having the balls to admit you're protesting. I mean, what's the ****ing point if you're just gonna deny it once you look like you might be getting into a little trouble.

I have some pearls here you can clutch if it helps?
4. Nadi Shodhana or “alternate nostril breathing”

Give this one a try before you hyperventilate, wouldn't want you to pass out at your keyboard and miss all this 'excitement'.

I did not know that.

Well thank you for this dance Mr. Wad.

But now it's just all getting rather silly and while I'm sure you could keep posting this crap all day, I'd prefer to find someone else to engage with

Last word <--- all yours
In your handbag?

I can imagine it's filled with a lot of jewellery.

Its a manbag thank you very much.

I use it to carry sandwiches.

What you carry in your own manbag is your own business.

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Certified Legendary Thread #scandal - MASSIVE LEAK: ALL-SFA TEAM NAMED

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