Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

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That’s pretty much the end of the matter now. From the McGuire school of gaffes, with the disclaimer that it could easily have been interpreted a number of ways.

Dear Scott,

Yeah, I was a bit confused, but that was clearly my bad. Thanks so much for clarifying my misunderstanding. Now if you just sign that contract and hand it over we’ll be all sweet 👍

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Do you think the club should set a leadership example, especially given where we’ve been with the salary cap, and let him go?
Not let him go but set an example by only paying him 550-600 to start fixing up cap. I mean done in a more conciliatory way but letting players know we won't be gouged any more.
People make mistakes, that’s fine.
However it is important to set the record straight.

IMO his biggest mistake - a real boneheaded rookie error on his part - is that he was doing his own self marketing.

Players have managers to do that stuff for them. That insulates the player from the whole tawdry business of negotiating in the players interests.

Also leaves the door open for the player themselves to send out a “Just to clarify …” tweet that’s actually plausible if they need to.
I'll go so far as to say that my opinion of Pendlebury has lowered somewhat because of his contract comments.

For a captain to invite offers from competing clubs --especially at such a desperate time-- is exceedingly poor form.
He didn't make a mistake. He meant what he said. It wasn't a matter of one wrong word. He stated clearly and concisely that he was open to offers while still playing.He has lost my respect. I thought he was a loyal Collingwood man who we could forever hold up as one of the true greats both on and off the field but his decision to shop around has damaged his reputation even if he remains at the club.
What the hell was he thinking?
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Very pleasing he went on record and made his intentions clear
As captain of the club...this was crucial.

People make mistakes, that’s fine.
However it is important to set the record straight.

There's also the mistake of others judging the character of a man based on the tail end of an interview at the tail end of a poor season.
loyal and extremely well paid.

as great a player as he has been he hasn't been a great captain. his comments on the weekend mean whatever happens his days are over as captain.
As to pay he's earned it, as for captaincy I'm on record has having reservations on that since the moment it was reported.

His service stands second to none

6 AA's
5 Copeland
1 Norm smith medal
300+ games with the same club

He played the entire 2017 season with a back injury that would end the careers of some.

This entire thread has been turned into a witch hunt that stinks to high heaven of a lynch mob.

I've always hated hyenas.
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Not let him go but set an example by only paying him 550-600 to start fixing up cap. I mean done in a more conciliatory way but letting players know we won't be gouged any more.

Wouldn’t have thought Pendlebury would be worth anywhere near even that? He won’t be captain and it’s a good idea for the captain to step out of the leadership group altogether. What’s his onfield role going to be in 2022? Perhaps similar to Mayne’s role?

There’s a lot of sentimentality around Pendlebury, for sure, but without his leadership position he would surely be behind a bunch of players in the salary pecking order?

Seriously? So why didn't he say exactly that when first asked? How did his brain and tongue fail to coordinate and make it clear that he was going nowhere? It is damage control.
The fact that I asked why he couldn't seek out a coaching role after he finishes playing makes it clear that he meant what he said at the time. I wonder who got in his ear?
As to pay he's earned it, as for captaincy I'm on record has having reservations on that since the moment it was reported.

His service stands second to none

6 AA's
5 Copeland
2 Norm smith medal
300+ games with the same club

He played the entire 2017 season with a back injury that would end the careers of some.

This entire thread has been turned into a witch hunt that stinks to high heaven of a lynch mob.

I've always hated hyenas.
Crap. He spoke the words which caused this angry reaction. Don't place the blame on supporters.
Before I read his comments I rated Pendles as one of our all time greats. He's tarnished that for good. He'll always be a brilliant footballer but my opinion of his character has dropped a few rungs.
He knew exactly what he was saying.
Seriously? So why didn't he say exactly that when first asked? How did his brain and tongue fail to coordinate and make it clear that he was going nowhere? It is damage control.
The fact that I asked why he couldn't seek out a coaching role after he finishes playing makes it clear that he meant what he said at the time. I wonder who got in his ear?
He said, and I quote "I really do want to be a one club player ... if they want to offer me future coaching gigs for a couple of years time I'll have a look at it."

It's pretty open to interpretation. People like yourself are interpreting it as him saying he'd look at multi-year deals now. It can easily be interpreted as him meaning he'll look at coaching offers a couple of years from now.

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I'd still like to try him there for a 4 week block. If we have Howe and Moore back at half back next year....Pendles could top that line off pretty well. And its about time he learned about defence (if he's gonna be a coach!)...

Happy to agree to disagree. He’s had sufficient opportunity in defence. What we’ll get is unlikely to change now that’s he’s a year older. I also pretty comfortable that he’d already know enough about defence for his coaching career.
He said, and I quote "I really do want to be a one club player ... if they want to offer me future coaching gigs for a couple of years time I'll have a look at it."

It's pretty open to interpretation. People like yourself are interpreting it as him saying he'd look at multi-year deals now. It can easily be interpreted as him meaning he'll look at coaching offers a couple of years from now.


Bloke never said he wanted to play elsewhere. Was a beat up of the highest magnitude.
He said, and I quote "I really do want to be a one club player ... if they want to offer me future coaching gigs for a couple of years time I'll have a look at it."

It's pretty open to interpretation. People like yourself are interpreting it as him saying he'd look at multi-year deals now. It can easily be interpreted as him meaning he'll look at coaching offers a couple of years from now.
Nick Reiwoldt is a straight shooter and he was gobsmacked by the comments.
Why mention the fact you would like to be a one club player if it wasn't because the next comment implied he may not be a one club player?
If he meant a coaching gig after retirement why would he feel the need to say he would like to be a one club player? It would be redundant.
Nick Reiwoldt is a straight shooter and he was gobsmacked by the comments.
Why mention the fact you would like to be a one club player if it wasn't because the next comment implied he may not be a one club player?
If he meant a coaching gig after retirement why would he feel the need to say he would like to be a one club player? It would be redundant.
I do not care what Nick Riewoldt thinks.

Maybe because his follow-up to "I want to be a one-club player" had nothing to do with playing, from his perspective?

Not redundant at all. He was asked about his contract negotiations. He said he wants to remain at Collingwood for his playing days. You're very desperate to bite on what the media are trying to drum up - have you listened to the audio?
Would depend on his salary and the likely secret herbs and spices secret free agent recipe the AFL wheels out, so for us it would likely be a 2nd or 3rd round pick at best, at worst a 4th round pick

The $$’s, duration of contract, and age of player all play a part. I reckon we’d get about the same for Pendles as we got for Nathan Brown.
David King mentioned that surely Pendles would make sure the Gold Coast came up with a deal so Collingwood not short changed.

No worries, easy then. They’ll obviously just pay him enough for long enough to ensure a 1st round compo….
Incredible, people loved the Graham Wright appointment and all that he brings, as soon as he brings a philosophy of his across (over 30's 1 Year Deals + not being played on market worth) some supporters go crazy.

It's critically important that since we have removed the decision makers that handed out horrible deals (Guy, Walsh, Buckley and ticked off by Eddie) that we make most of the clean slate.

Players can't come to us and say well you handed out this deal last year or the year before as we will say well we are under different management now.

Set the standard early like GW is doing and no better way to start then the skipper.
Buckle up Maynard, Moore and De Goey. If you want your deal at the pies it'll be on our terms.
Not one player or person is ever bigger than this club.

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Player Watch Scott Pendlebury

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